

Bastion Ending Evacuation with Zulf
"Ending #27
PC / Steam
Developer: Supergiant Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Release: 2011

I have my wife to thank for showing me this amazing game. I probably wouldn't have played it so soon and left it in a long list of "...To Play" games that already fills my Steam library. Steam makes it too easy to buy games and for a good price to boot....but this isn't about Steam...
Bastion is an amazing game, I haven't fallen in love with such a game in a very long time. Granted, I love video games and dozens of great titles have come out since I started playing them, but this game has elevated itself into my personal spotlight of top ten greatest. I'll probably have to kick out one of my stragglers like Suikoden or such, but Bastion definitively deserves a solid spot on my top ten. That's serious stuff since I never change that list. The stone tablets in my game room will have to be chiseled again out of the finest marble and a new ascent up Mt. Sinai shall be undertaken.
This should be the poster child for action role playing, Amazing graphics, colorful settings, wonderful music, tight gameplay; the list of accolades this game deserves is amazing.
The story is told through narration by gravely voiced character named Rucks. It's never overbearing and it will never get old. The narrative sets the pace of the story and gives insights to each area, a candid look into the thoughts and emotions of the hero, and slowly weaves an ever subtle climax. By the end, you are hanging on to every word the man has to say. The whole experience is punctuated by gripping music and a wonderful cast of characters.
To really understand this ending you have to play the game. Without giving away the plot intricacies, Bastion reveals the culmination of war between two cultures, those who live in the sky and those who live underground. The tale is Aesopian in flavor and will leave one to question the follies of man and the lengths he will take to destroy his brother.
If I rated my games on this list Bastion would easily get a 10/10 as it is one of the best games of 2011. Everyone should pick it up and play it. I'm glad my wife insisted I play this classic."
Ezekiel May 29, 2023 @ 8:28am 
I finished the game 3 times. (Currently playing it a fourth time.)
Never have I ever left Zulf behind.
I tried once really hard but the song came in hard and I couldn't bring myself to do this.
eldonte May 14, 2015 @ 11:45am 
Thank you for this vid! I just about NOW finished the game and this is the ending I took. Simply tears, tears everywhere when I saw the artwork when Setting Sail, Coming Home started to play. Oh this is the way story telling games should be done.
Edomaden  [author] Oct 1, 2013 @ 6:24pm 
I checked on youtube and the two other choices they give me for a screenshot are even more telling. This was the least "spoily" of the options?
Uutama Sep 30, 2013 @ 4:53pm 
People may not want to see the small portion of video that is framed on as a picture. I personally don't have a problem with it; it was a mere recommendation.
Edomaden  [author] Sep 30, 2013 @ 3:35pm 
Because it says "Ending" already? Should that not be sufficient? Don't you think the word, "ending", meaning it's the ending of the game, mayhaps contain spoilers?
Uutama Sep 30, 2013 @ 3:01pm 
Why isn't this marked as a spoiler?