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Character Pool VIPs
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212.724 KB
Nov 23, 2016 @ 2:20pm
Nov 26, 2016 @ 6:12pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Character Pool VIPs


Allows scientists, engineers, and dark VIPs to be created from the character pool, and to specify a VIP as either a scientist or an engineer. Fixes a bug introduced by the SLG patch that prevents humans from spawning as anything other than a soldier.

Note: Since XGCharacterGenerator only affects TSoldier and not XComGameState_Unit, some cosmetics (attitude, backstory) may be missing. Bios for HQ personnel are accounted for.

This mod only affects units as they are being created, so it can be safely disabled whenever. It will not affect existing VIPs mid-campaign. This includes ones awarded from scanning existing points of interest.

Update 11/26/2016
By request, it now allows specifying a VIP as an engineer or scientist. By default, the rules are:
- if the character is allowed to appear as a soldier, they can be anything
- if they have the Specialist class, they can only appear as an Engineer
- if they have the Psi Operative class, they can only appear as a Scientist
- if none of the above, they can appear as anything
All of this can be tweaked at XComCharPoolVIPs.ini

Multiple classes, including Rookie, may be linked to the same VIP type.

- Does not do anything to soldier generation. Only affects the three character templates listed here.
- Replaces CharacterGeneratorClass for Scientist, Engineer, and HostileVIPCivilian. Any mod that overrides XGCharacterGenerator will be superceded for the purpose of generating these character types.
- Overwrites HQ personnel backstories via UIResistanceReport. Configurable Birthdates does the same thing but this is fine, since they both check the character pool first.

Known Issues:
- It's possible to get multiple copies of the same VIP when the game creates several of them at once (example: supply drops)
xCrimsonLancer Oct 1, 2023 @ 2:31am 
I have FilterSoldiers=True
Engineers as soldiers, VIP and specialist
Scientists as soldiers, VIP and Psi operative
But Enginners still show up as scientists and vice versa. Something else i need to do/ config here?
Zaku II (Alias WatcherZigzagoon) May 12, 2022 @ 3:19pm 
yeah, this thing isn't working as intended :SadOtus:
Zaku II (Alias WatcherZigzagoon) Apr 22, 2022 @ 10:03am 
okay, so a character I flagged as an scientist is appearing as an engineer. I think this mod is partially defective
Zaku II (Alias WatcherZigzagoon) Apr 21, 2022 @ 5:54pm 
it appears that Characters I have set as engineers are appearing as Scientists. is this because I need to balance my pool out so that I have characters set as Scientists or what?
Prscyse Apr 1, 2020 @ 9:23pm 
@Jeriko06 You need to go to steamapps\workshop\content\268500\805080902/Config. However, I wasn't able to find the line CanConvertToVIPTemplateNames="Soldier" in order to comment it out.

All I see is:

Jeriko06 Jul 26, 2019 @ 8:54pm 
@thegrimsqueaker72 I only see folders of the name XComGame. I cannot find any .ini files with that name.
Jeriko06 Jul 26, 2019 @ 7:52pm 
This mod doesn't appear to be working for me - characters that I want to be scientists are engineers and vise versa. To be clear, if you want a character to be a scientist, you must set them to VIP and display them as Psi-op right? And if you want a character to be an engineer, you must set them to VIP and display them as specialists?

I understand this mod hasn't been updated for over 2 years, but does it still work for anyone?
Kaldin May 25, 2018 @ 3:58pm 
@Tom Hur: Yes to the second question, and for the first one: Read the fucking description.
Tom Hur May 25, 2018 @ 3:18pm 
So this mod fixes the bug that doesn't let Character Pool people be VIPs? Does it still let character pool be soliders?
thegrimsqueaker72  [author] Sep 21, 2017 @ 7:42am 
Don't have anyone in the pool flagged as "can appear as VIP"