

The Wasteland
标签: park, sandbox
8.401 MB
2016 年 11 月 23 日 下午 2:10
2016 年 12 月 3 日 下午 2:50
2 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

The Wasteland

Roughly 200 years after the bombs fell, a young boy, who was part of a bandit party, grew tired of raiding unfortunate traders. He told his friends this and they laughed at him and called him names. All of a sudden, the group of miscreants came upon a treasure: a practically infinite reserve of metal and trees. The young boy then killed his leader and usurped his position to dictate the end of raiding parties and create the first amusement park in this war-torn, post apocalyptic landscape. He found a perfect location for it too: a large bomb crater with radiation levels too low to do any harm. This boy (now a man) built up what is now known as "The Wasteland," a small post-apocalyptic themed amusement park with three roller coasters. The former bandit is dead now - killed during a supply run - so pretty much anything goes now.

Edit 1:
-Added Forge flatride
-Made Nuclear Winter less likely to snap your neck
-Added more buildings to all three roller coasters: they all go through at least one building now.
-Added more fire to Pyromaniac

The Roller Coasters:

Nuclear Winter:
This steel-topped hybrid coaster goes through many twists and turns at high speeds and could potenitally kill someone. Thats ok; the self-proclaimed engineers who built this thing have no experience building roller coasters.
Excitement: 4.68
Fear: 4.33
Nausea: 1.90

Scrap Metal:
A prototype wing coaster that takes riders up a steep hill and drops them at 90 degrees. It is the tallest roller coaster in the park and also the most exciting.
Excitement: 6.43
Fear: 4.36
Nausea: 1.58

Some believe this hybrid coaster was inspired by a psychopath who went on an arson spree and murdered many people. Others believe the engineers simply liked fire alot. Either way, theres alot of fire. It also does things that a wooden coaster should not be capable of, even if it is a hybrid coaster.
Excitement: 5.99
Fear: 5.27
Nausea: 1.79
2 条留言
Nukeboy200  [作者] 2016 年 11 月 24 日 上午 11:16 
Thanks. I would have made the park bigger but I ran out of ideas. As for the roller coasters, decorating them is not my strongest area but I do see areas that could be improved.
MagnaSpes 2016 年 11 月 24 日 上午 12:40 
a really nicely themed park, the pyromaniac coaster was enjoyable to ride albeit a few minor scenery issues that would have killed me haha... only criticism is the other two coasters were as bland as radroach meat... hopefully you'll make a larger park in future as your creative skills are good and you seem to be able to keep that in check without going overboard... good job :)