

333 betyg
Beholder Game Guide
Av Aim
Achievements, Tasks, Gameplay, and Items
  • Updated 12/26 Updated Achievements

  • Upated 12/2 Updated Achievements, added a section on stealing under Profiling Tenants / Searching Apartments

  • Upated 11/26 Updated Achievements

  • Upated 11/24
    Changed the name from Tasks and Items Guide to Beholder Game Guide
    Updated tasks and achievements

  • Updated 11/23
    Continuing to sort out tasks: combined tasks, Anna / Patrick's tasks is now called The Stein's Tasks, adding pictures

  • Updated 11/22
    Still sorting out tasks: added Ministry / Rebel / Albert Meineke / Bastian Walner Tasks
    Added a profiling tenants section
    Working on Achievements
Profiling Tenants / Searching Apartments
Profiling & Searching
You receive 75 reputation for each item identified in your tenants apartments. In addition you can send profiles to the Ministry for some money. Each item you add to a profile multiplies your monetary reward. A profile with 1 item will net you $125 whereas a profile with 8 items gets you $1700
  1. $125
  2. $275
  3. $450
  4. $650
  5. $875
  6. $1125
  7. $1400
  8. $1700
After a few too many confiscated items (about 3 from the same apartment) the Police will set an ambush. After getting ambushed 3 times (not including bribes), you will be sent to jail. After the first ambush, you can either pay the $500 fine or use 350 Reputation to keep the theft off your record. If you use your Reputation, the police will act like they've never caught you stealing during the next ambush. However, if you pay the $500 fine and get ambushed again you will need to pay a $750 or accept punishment which results in a $300 healthcare bill. After this ambush, if you are caught stealing again you will be sent to jail.

Evicting vs Leaving
If you evict someone through a ministry report he or she will be sent to jail. If he or she lived alone, all their belongings except the one you reported will be left outside the apartment in a box.

If a tenant leaves on their own (usually after completing a storyline) they will take all of their belongings with them.
Hidden Achievement: Bad Time Stories
Set the mobile propganda unit to the wrong station
Hidden Achievement: Citizen Shteyn
Pay Bruno Hempf $60k to save yourself
Hidden Achievement: Parental Control
File a report on your daughter, Martha
Hidden Achievement: No Man's Spy
Call the number from the back of the paper in your mailbox. Answer yes...
Hidden Achievement: Dementia and Courage!
During "Gathering information" you discover that Sarah is an imposter. Confront her and refuse her bribe. Threaten to kick her out and she will offer you a cup of coffee...
Gold Standard
Pay Bruno Hempf $60k to save yourself (Trainee Mode)
Billing Them Softly
Be caught in theft. Go to a tenant's apartments while he or she is away and start taking everything. By the third item or so the police should arrive.
Brave New World / Patria o Muerta
Complete Danton's tasks to strengthen the New Tomorrow Movement undermining the Ministry
Wetback Wall / Borderline Disorder
Don't pay the cost for your emigration
Freedom is Slavery / Ignorance Is Power
Make a $40k donation to Bruno Hempf for the state
War Never Changes / War Is Peace
Make a $40k donation to Bruno Hempf for the military or let Inga live and not escape the country
Iron Curtain
Stay in the country and pass your assessment by not having too many violations
Validol or Validation? / Fired! Out of a Cannon
Stay in the country and fail your assessment
  • Don't report Frank Schimmer (help him escape)
  • Report Antoine Grubitz to Danton
  • Set propaganda truck frequency to 101.9
  • Kill the general
  • Help kill Inga Birkenfield
  • Don't complete ministry tasks with unlimited time, unless it's to call the ministry/advance the story
What Is It Good For? / Make Peace, Not War
Complete Albert's tasks to get the A-bomb blueprints
Their Grass is Greener / Unpaid Holiday
Successfully get across the boarder
Most Important Thing / Social Unit
Complete your family's tasks to ensure their well-being
Anna: Don't inform Danton that Antoine is a government agent
Martha: Pay for her treatment
Patrick: Pay for his education
Beholden To No One / Solitary Man
Achieved by ignoring your family's tasks. If you completely ignore Patrick you will be fined $5k for his actions. Funeral costs for your children are $1k each.
Die Like You Mean It
  • Patrick will kill you if you have Anne arrested.

  • Jones Jones Popanedo kills you if you take advantage of him during "Great offer"

  • Fulfledle Brukich is a university student. He is expecting a mysterious box.
    Take his box and ride out his threat. Tell him the box was empty.

  • Margaret Zauer is a librarian and takes her books very seriously.
    Discuss her work. Tell her you ruined books and joke about it.
I Did Nothing
During "But what if she..." Cover for Clara. She will leave Bastian. The next day he kills himself.
Dirty Hands
Complete Danton's task: "Find a way to kill the general"
Not So Dumb
Spy on Albert and catch him on the phone. Confront him about it.
Not a Big Dealer
File a report Jacob
Family Guy
During "Trust and care" complete your family's tasks
White Papers, Black Mails
Find contraband in your tenants apartments or catch someone doing something illegal and blackmail them
Bahama Mama
Give the Schimmers cruise tickets you receive from Alloisius when his relationship with Clara/Sarah fails
I Choose Violence
Report the Schimmers for contraband
Pimp My Bride
Find a lady for Alloisius during the task: "Lonely Alloisius." The Ranek's have a niece named Sarah or you can find an ad in the mailbox for Clara.
Easy Virtue
Call the girl in the ad during "Lonely Alloisius"
Then move in Bastian and Clara during "The hunt for an engineer" and talk to Clara.
My Heart Will Go On
After completing "A great offer" speak to Klark Schimmers about his escape plans. Suggest he leave on a barge.
The Stein's Tasks
Anna Stein
Your better half, the love of your life- you can report her to the authorities and send her to jail, let her die by ignoring her tasks, or be an ever caring husband willing and able to support her seemingly never ending tasks.
  • Bedtime stories: Anna asked me to bring her a radio.
    Purchase a Radio for $2250.

  • Bills, bills, and more bills (24 hrs): My wife needs money to pay for our municipal services.
    Give $700
    Reward 50 Reputation.

  • Broken TV: My wife asked me to repair the TV.
    Purchase an Electrician's Kit for $50 and repair the TV.
    Reward 50 Reputation.

  • Chocolate candy: I should buy some cady for my wife. She deserves a treat.
    Buy candy for $30 or steal some.
    Reward 50 Reputation.

  • Grocery money (24 hrs): My wife asked for grocery money.
    Give $500
    Reward 50 Reputation.

  • Life-threatening condition: I need $20000 to treat Martha, and I'm running out of time.
    Give Alloisius $20000 to treat Martha or she dies.
    If Alloisius dies, Anna will take Martha to another doctor and the price of her treatment becomes $30000
    Reward 1000 Reputation.

  • Martha is sick (30 hrs): My wife asked me to find aspirin for Martha.
    You need to get Aspirin for your daughter. You can steal the item from one of your tenants, or you can purchase it for $465. Another option is trading a Cardigan ($225 from Nathan) for Aspirin with Rosa Ranek from Apt 3.
    Reward 50 Reputation.

  • Martha's doctor (24 hrs): My wife said the pills didn't work. She wants me to find a doctor.
    Speak to Alloisius about your daughter's condition.
    Reward 150 Reputation.

  • Seasonal fruit (24 hrs): Anna asked me to bring her an apple.
    Purchase an Apple for $480 or steal one.
    Reward 350 Reputation.

  • The last jerk (120 hrs):
    Purchase Liebespirit for $15000 or acquire it through other tasks.

  • Trust and care: I did everything I could for my family. They're happy now. // I haven't been paying much attention to my family lately. I should talk with them.
    Speak with your wife, son, and daughter. The saucepan and books that your wife and son need can be obtained by speaking with both Maria and Klaus Schimmer. Martha's doll is in the wardrobe in your apartment.
    Reward 150.

  • Weird note: Anna found a note saying I need to call 89-35-78
    This is a part of Danton and Antoine Grubic's storyline.

  • Weather at home (24 hrs): Anna asked me to bring a heater home.
    Purchase a Heater for $2250.
    Reward 50 Reputation.

Patrick Stein Tasks
Your son. He's in college and in love. Studies aren't really his focus right now. If you complete his tasks you can see your son off to a bright future in another country. I you don't feel like catering to your son's needs, you can send him to the mines and even report him if you deem it necessary. Sending him to jail will not stop him from attempting to rob a bank later on in the game.
  • Date Night (12 hrs): My son wants some money so he can take a girl on a date ($550).
    Give your son the $550 for his date. You also have the option to give him an extra $20 for flowers.
    Reward 50 Reputation.

  • Faraway lands (24 hrs): Find money so Patrick can take a trip abroad ($20000).
    Reward 1500 Reputation

  • On the brink of expulsion: Patrick needs more money to pay for school.
    Give Patrick $15000, refuse outright, or be let the timer run out and befined $1500 and let him work in the mines. If he works in the mines and you do earn enough money to send him abroad he will get lost (because of his lack of education) and end up in the wrong country.
    Reward 750 Reputation.

  • Trust and care: I did everything I could for my family. They're happy now. // I haven't been paying much attention to my family lately. I should talk with them.
    Speak with your wife, son, and daughter. The saucepan and books that your wife and son need can be obtained by speaking with both Maria and Klaus Schimmer. Martha's doll is in the wardrobe in your apartment.
    Reward 150.

Martha Stein's Tasks
Your daughter. She's sick and her life is in your hands. You'll be given tasks to aid your daughter through Anna. The only direct task you receive for Martha is Trust and care however she is also involved in Missing glasses and you can give her a present after helping the Schimmers in Farewell motherland . You can also try to report her... however doing so will end up in your arrest and ending the game.

  • Trust and care: I did everything I could for my family. They're happy now. // I haven't been paying much attention to my family lately. I should talk with them.
    Speak with your wife, son, and daughter. The saucepan and books that your wife and son need can be obtained by speaking with both Maria and Klaus Schimmer. Martha's doll is in the wardrobe in your apartment.
    Reward 150.
Mark Ranek / Frank Schimmers / Jones Popanedo Tasks
    Frank Schimmers
  • Farewell, motherland!: Help Schimmer escape.
    Talk to Jones Popanedo about taking the Schimmers.
    Tell Shimmer about the deal with the bosun.
    You'll receive $3000 and a teddy bear for Martha.

    Mark Ranek
  • Missing glasses: Mark Ranek asked me to find his glasses. As if it's my fault he lost them!
    Speak to your daughter Martha. Buy candy for $75 and offer it to her, neither shouting nor agreeing do anything.
    Confront Patrick for the glasses. Be honest with Mark Ranek and you will get $500.

  • Papers, please!: Strike a deal with Ranek.
    If you tell Klaus Schimmer about the ministry order and agree to help him you will receive this task.
    Ask Mark Ranek about the papers. Talk about a side issue and he will demand $1000. You can trade, giving $500 and then compliment him.
    If you tell him about Klaus he will demand whiskey ($1050)
    (When the Raneks leave your apartment you will be fined $3000 for having helped Schimmer)

    Jones Popanedo

  • Great offer: Popanedo offered to pay me for selling his goods.
    Sell the canned fish directly to Nathan (not through the speech prompt) for $3000. If you do this you will not be able to complete the quest.
    If you ask Nathan about canned food he will pay you $1500 after a day.
    Jones Popanedo will be angry- you can either use 150 Reputation or pay him $1500 to defuse the situation immediately.
    If you're helping the Schimmer's escape you can offer to make it up to Jones by having them take the barge.
    If you offer to make it up to him it will lead you to your next task: Making up

  • Making up (70 hrs): Find a way to earn money for Popanedo before he leaves.
Alloisius Shpak/ Clara's Tasks
  • Difficult conversation: Tell the doctor about the Raneks' neice.
    Only available if you decided to propose Sarah as Alloisius's girlfriend.

  • Drunk and happy: Clara asked for booze...
    You can give her the whiskey ($1050), wine ($630). You will earn $500

  • Gathering data (48 hrs): Gather data on Sarah.
    If you speak to Rose Ranek from apt 3, you will find out that Sarah is an imposter. Maria Schimmer from apt 1 will tell you Sarah likes flowers. You can call the Ministry and ask for information on the imposter Sarah to find out more about her as well. If you tell Alloisius Sarah is an imposter he will refuse to believe you. Telling him Sarah likes flowers will prompt his next task: Wedding preparations

  • Lonely Alloisius (24 hrs): Alloisius Shpak asked me to find him a girlfriend.
    You can either speak with the Rose Ranek to learn about her niece Sarah or you can check your mailbox for Clara's number.
    Choosing Clara will lead to your next task: Love on the phone
    Choosing Sarah will lead to your next task: Difficult conversation

  • Love on the phone (12 hrs): Alloisius is going on a date, and needs chocolate for his lady friend.
    Buy chocolate for $75 and Alloisius will go on his date.
    He return and ask that she stay with him.
    If you agree he'll pay you $500, if refuse he'll pay you $1000. This will lead you to your next task with Mark Ranek: Missing glasses

    The doctor's new girlfriend keeps bugging him. I need to evict her
    Agree to help Alloisius and spend 1000 Reputation or $5000.
    If you ask Clara to leave she insists on having his brooch.

    Clara asked me to find Alloisius' cache. Then she'll leave

  • Wedding preparations (24 hrs): Alloisius asked me to find a veil for Sarah.
    Speak to Anna about the veil. She will offer to make one.
    After giving the veil to Alloisius everyone will congregate in the kitchen downstairs to celebrate.
    After the festivities Alloisius will return to his apartment, drink coffee, and die.
    His death affects the task: Life-threatening condition if it has not been completed.
New Tomorrow / Danton / Antoine Grubic Tasks
Danton's Tasks

  • Mysery box: (I need to give this box to Izadrozh Bryukich)
    You receive this task from George Danton after you've moved in Fulfedle Brukich.
    Deliver the box to Fulfedle.
    Reward $3000

  • No more propoganda (48 hrs): Danton wants me to reprogram the propagation machine to send out messages encouraging revolution. I need to find out how it works.

    Asking Justas Markovich to leave ahead of his schedule for $500 will fail. When you talk about the car you can either spend 500 Reputation or $5000 to change the settings. You'll need a screwdriver to open the panel which can be found in your apartment or bought for $105 and you'll need to enter a code, the Great Leader's Birthday. The frequency you need to change the car to is 101.9.

    The technician told me everything. But he won't let me take a car before I bring him a bottle of rum.
    Purchase (or steal) a bottle of rum for $810 and give it to Justas so he will leave his post.

    I've made the technician happy. Now I have to deal with the machine.
    Now go to the car and enter in the code for the Great Leader's Birthday (19.12.1984)
    Changing the frequency to 81.6 will get you the *** Bad Time Stories Achievement *** but no monetary reward and a warning from the Ministry.
    Changing the frequency to 101.9 will get you a $3000 reward from the rebels but a -$3000 fine from the Ministry.
    Reward $3000
    Fine -$3000

  • The butcher from Agloe Give evidence that the general is the butcher from Agloe.
    Search the apartment for his medal.

    Find Danton and tell him about the general.
    Call Danton and either agree or refuse to kill the general.

    Find a way to kill the general. *** Dirty Hands Achievement ***
    A man will appear at the lefthand corner of your building. He will give you a bomb.

    • Kill the general using the bomb. Saying some guy will end the game. If you say draftees/some lady... he'll take the bomb. You'll be fined -$2000 by the Ministry.

    • Kill the general luring him outside. You can either convince him using 1000 Reputation or bribe with $1500.

    • Kill the general using poison. You can get poison through Dora's questline. Lie about a gas leak for 1000 Reputation (lying about digestive will fail). You will be compensated +$1500 for your trouble by the Ministry.
      Danton will reward you with $8000 within a day.

Antoine's Tasks

  • Danton's Request: I need to move in Antoine Grubic.
    This leads to your next task Under suspicion

  • Under suspicion: Follow Antoine Grubic
    Spy on Antoine and discover he is making propaganda posters
    Report on him to the ministry and get fined $100 but receive $2000 for your vigilence.

  • Creator's life (24 hrs): Grubic asked me to bring him the tools he needs for work.
    Paint and scissors can be found in your apartment or bought from Nathan for $180 and $9 resepctively.
    If you rat out Antoine to Danton you will receive $1500.
Albert Meineke / Bastian Walner Tasks
  • But what if she...: Bastian Walner thinks his wife is cheating on him. He asked me to follow her.
    If you place a camera above the bed in the Walner's apartment you can get evidence of Clara cheating. If you confront her about it she will offer you $2000 to cover for her.

    • Covering for Clara will lead to Bastian's suicide and the ***Achievement I Did Nothing***.
      He will give you blueprints for safe-keeping which you will need for Homeland will never forgive. Since he commits suicide, you do not need to worry about returning them.

    • Telling the truth will leave Bastian heartbroken and he will give you blueprints which you need for Homeland will never forgive. Bastian will ask you to return them and will give you $3000. Once returned, Bastian will leave and you will not be able to complete Homeland will never forgive. If you want to keep the blueprints you need to bribe him or use reputation points.

    • If you refuse to help Bastian you will not get his bluprints and he will kill Clara.

  • Document theft: Albert Meineke asked me to obtain passports.
    Speaking to Albert and asking to know the true story without using reputation will lead you to this task.
    Steal the passports or get them from evicted tenants.
    Once you give Albert the passports he reveal himself to be an agent for the New Tomorrow and ask that you assist him.
    Agreeing to help him leads to your next task: The hunt for an engineer
  • Homeland will never forgive: I need to wait until Bastian Walner has finished the blueprints. Then I can acquire them.
    Telling the truth or covering for Clara in But what if she... will net you the blueprints you need to give to Albert Meineke.
    In return he will give you a fake passport that you will need to leave the country.
    Reward $5500.

  • The hunt for an engineer: I need to move Bastian Walner into the building. He's an engineer
    Move in Bastian and Clara Walner into an apartment. Doing this leads to the next task: Homeland will never forgive.

  • Homeland will never forgive: I need to wait until Bastian Walner has finished the blueprints. Then I can acquire them.
    Telling the truth or covering for Clara in But what if she... will net you the blueprints you need to give to Albert Meineke.
    In return he will give you a fake passport that you will need to leave the country.
    Reward $5500.
Inga Birkenfeld's Tasks
  • Patriotic production An anonymous person has ordered me to kill Inga Birkenfeld.
    Search the Birkenfeld's apartment and find foreign currency.
    Speak to Gerda and turn her against her mother. You'll need to use 1000 Reputation to persuade her.
    You can warn Inga and she will ask you to help her escape. This will lead to your next task: Saving a life
    Reward $5000

  • Saving a life Inga Birkenfeld asked me to help her leave the country.
    You can chose to help her and give her your clean passports. She will leave immediately.
    You can evict her for 1000 Reputation.
    If you refuse Inga does not hold it against you.
Dora Noel / Leo Gvizdek's Tasks
Dora Noel's Tasks

  • Insomnia: I told Dora Noel I would find her sleeping aid.
    Spend 300 Reputation to find out why Dora can't sleep.
    Sleeping aid can be bought for $402 or stolen. Finishing this task leads to your next task Fear and hate

  • Fear and hate (48 hrs): Dora Noel wants me to find a gun for her!
    You can either purchase a gun ($6000) or you might have one from the mysterious box.
    Give her the gun and her husband will move in...

Leo Gvizdek's Tasks

  • All-in: Leo Gvizdek doesn't know what to do with his lottery winnings and is asking for advice.
    Investing in fruit and berry develpoment will earn you $10000
    Investing in cattle will complete the task Horns & Hoofs you will need to use 500 Reputation
    Invest in foreign currency.
    Invest in savings bank.
    Spend on relatives, Leo will say he wants to invest.

  • Horns & Hoofs: Persuade Leo Gvizdek to invest in money in Horns and Hoofs.
    Convince Leo to invest his winnings in cattle during All-in
    Reward $5500.

  • Spick and span!: Find a tie for Leo Gvizdek.
    Purchase a Green Tie for 195 or steal one. Finishing this task will lead to All-in[/].
    Reward $300.[/list]

Georg Dreiman / Big Money Tasks
  • Big Money
    After you've moved in the Immigration Officer a woman named Jeanne Oehrn, leader of the Women's Work Movement, will stand outside of your building.
    Give her $5000 to the cause and she will tell you about gambling.
    Reward 2500 Reputation
    Speak to Nathan and ask about how to earn big money.
    Bet on the Wise Chief.
    Reward $50000

  • To go or not to go? I have a chance to leave the country. I need to give the money to Dreiman.
    Georg tells you the front cost of emmigration is $145,000
    You can lessen the costs by having tickets and friends abroad.
    Whether or not you have passports does not affect the price of emigration.
    For every person you helped leave the country your costs go down.
    • If you've helped everyone (5 people) and no tickets: the Schimmers, Albert Meineke, Danton, Inga, and Patrick to help you will reduce your emigration costs to $35000.
    • If you've helped 4 and no tickets, your emigration costs will be $45000.
Ministry Tasks
  • Accession: My boss said to call the Ministry to receive instructions.
    Reward $300 and 100 Reputation.

  • Affordable apartments: Lease any apartment.

  • Chaos and anarchy (24 hrs): Remove the anti-government poster from the front of the building immediately
    This task is given to you after your son is unable to emigrate with his girlfriend.
    You have unlimited time to take down the banners. However once you know the culprit, you have 24 hours to report a guilty party.
    Left banner: bottom line
    Right banner: top line - cache of fabric
    (Find out who put up the poster and write a report about guilty party.)
    If you refuse to let the Ministry punish Patrick, you must plant the fabric in a tenant's apartment and send a report to the Ministry.

  • Change is coming (120 hrs): I need to prepare myself for change.
    This task comes after you've filed your completion report with the Ministry for difusing the bomb. And prompts the Rebel task: Patriotic production.
    A man named Bruno Hempf will loiter outside of your building a few hours into this task.
    He will give you a few options to redeem yourself in the eyes of the state.
    You can donate $40000 to the military or the state, or you can spend $60000 to save yourself.
    If you refuse to give any money he will leave you to your fate.

  • Citizen registration: Profile your tenants.
    After successfully completing Patriotic production you will be required to send the ministry 5 profiles

  • Completion report: Call the Ministry.

  • Crime and punishment: Call the Ministry and report the completion of your task.
    Reward $2500 and 350 Reputation.

  • Glory to the war hero (24 hrs): I need to rent an apartment to Gen. Aral Johnson
    The General's name is Airel Johnson in my game.
    You will be fined $500 and $1000 for having the General in your building.
    Once the General is in your building for a day you will get a call from Danton and your next task: The butcher from Agloe.

  • Local opposition: (The anti-government posters that have been appearing on the outside of [the] building are Patrick's work. I need to tell him to stop.)
    Talk to your son about the banners
    You will get a call from the Ministry.
    Agree to turn your son in and he will be taken to Corrections.
    Refuse to turn in your son in and Chaos and anarchy will continue.

  • Ministry inquiry (48 hrs): Help Inga Birkenfeld settle in the house.
    Not completing this task will get you fired and end the game.

  • Ministry order (24 hrs): Find a way to evict Klaus Schimmer from apartment 1.

  • Ministry order (48 hrs): Find the vandal who spoiled the poster and write a report on him.
    Speak to Irving Munch about the vandalised poster and use 500 Reputation to complain about vandals.
    He will confess and you can either report him or cover up.
    Covering up nets you 250 Reputation.
    After you cover up the poster, you can report him.
    Reward 500 Reputation

  • No more jokes (24 hrs): Find the bomb in the apartment building.
    You have 24 hours to find the location of the bomb and then 10:00 minutes to diffuse it once found.
    Examine the leftmost washer to find the bomb. Take it. The bomb will now appear in the washroom with an exclamation mark over it.
    Call the Ministry to report the bomb. This leads to the next task: Tick tick BOOM!

  • Propoganda (24): Hang three banners in the hallways.
    Reward $1000
    Hang five banners in the hallways.
    Reward $500 and 250 Reputation.
    * If you have Irving Munch in your apartment building he will deface the posters *

  • Repairs (24 hrs): I need to repair everything that's broken in the house.
    Purchase Electrician's Kits and Cabinetmaker's Kits for $50 each to repair broken furniture and appliances throughout the building.

  • That which is hidden will be revealed (24 hrs): I must take with the tenants about Klaus Schimmer.
    Reward $1000 and 65 Reputation.

  • Tick tick BOOM! I must deactivate the bomb!
    The Ministry will describe three types of bombs you may be dealing with:
    Type 1: MGB53. Wristwatch timer; six closed circuits; six sticks of dynamite. Cut Red, Green, Black, Blue.
    Type 2: NKVD-41. Alarm clock timer; one closed circuit; nitroglyceride. Cut Blue, Red, Black, Green.
    Type 3: GUGB-43. Digital timer; two closed circuits; pyro powder. Cut Green, Black, Blue, Red.
    Go to your mailbox to retrieve the manual for defusing bombs.
    Examine the bomb to determine its type.
    Cut the wires according to the manual instructions to difuse the bomb. This will lead to your next task: Completion report.
    Reward $5000 and 1000 Reputation.

  • Unexpected turn (36 hrs) The ministry wants me to find out who blew up the mobile propaganda unit!
    Examine the car to find an unfinished bomb that looks very similar to Rowena Pertacke's device.
    You can plant the bomb in one of your tenant's apartments and report him or her.
    If you ignore this task you will be fined $2000.
[WIP] Items
Buy/Sell prices are 3:1
Controband items are worth 10x more than their legal sale price

Anna Stein will ask you to purchase items for the house: a radio and a heater. Both cost $2250.

Paul Williams Book
Foreign Music
Light Bulbs
Blue Tie
Foreign Medicine
Foreign Money

Item List
Book/Great Leader
Book/Love Noevel
Book/Patriotic Kids
Canned Fish
3000 / 1500
Chocolate Bar
Colored Pencils
51 kommentarer
M3GATR0M 4 jun, 2023 @ 22:17 
excelente Guia :steamthumbsup:
nicorico1972 22 sep, 2022 @ 8:01 
Thanks. Very complete
NecroMaster 8 mar, 2019 @ 22:51 
The Antoine Grubic quests actualy have different outcomes depending on how you handle Antoine.

If your immediately report him you get money
If you say he tortured you you get 500 extra dollars and can pick another choice.
If you protect Antoine he’ll immediately leave and come back asking you to hide him.
If your hiding him Danton well come ask you where he is you can pressure him into giving you Martha’s medicine for his whereabouts and if you turn him in you get Martha’s medicine free.
Mage Taotao 15 jun, 2018 @ 17:16 
To believe it or not, I was shot by the sailor. = =
Crifisa 19 maj, 2018 @ 23:00 
Don't know why I can't get the achievement Beholden To No One
I ignored Trust and Care. Matha died because of disease and then Anna died. Patrick died in robbery. Still the achibement is locked after I paid for all the funerals and I'm sure that I'm playing the Elite mode.
What's wrong? Must I ignore the task getting candies for Anna? I take that but never finish it.
eva 29 apr, 2018 @ 8:24 
"Great Leader's Birthday (19.12.1984)" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
CLXXVI 20 apr, 2018 @ 12:42 
Patriotic production ; If you decide to kill Inga, just get a bottle of poison and talk to Inga. give the poison as cough syrup and she will drink it.
CLXXVI 20 apr, 2018 @ 12:39 
and anyone who wants to get the achy "All Family is alive" , here's a tip;

0. help Schimmer and Inga escape the country safely & help Danton and Albert ( let albert get what he wants)

1. you have to pay the school bill (15000$) AND his cost for fleeing out of country (20000$)
you HAVE to pay the school bill (15000$) or he will travel to wrong country!

2. make Martha in perfect condition

3. do not inform Danton that Antoine works for gorvernment to save your wife

4. after helping people in number 0, try to collect money as much as you can. I stacked about 100,000 when I decide to give my money to Georg Dreiman.

I'm not sure if this achy can be unlocked in case of all family members remain in the country;
I got this achy when I chose the ending of fleeing out of country....
CLXXVI 20 apr, 2018 @ 12:26 
@Plantixx Help Albert Meineke get what he wants, and he will give you a clean passport!
Joanne Fairchild 16 apr, 2018 @ 6:48 
Thanks, very helpful!