222 vurderinger
Farming Resources for Lazy People
Av Warren
Resources form the backbone for your base because they deal with everything from upgrading the Mother Base and FOBs, weapons development and even sortie prep. Even if you carefully manage resources you’re going to come up short at least once (if not all the time).

I made this guide because the guides on this site right now rely on the old method of restarting the mission once you extracted the containers after reaching a checkpoint, but since the latest patch the yield for extracting containers this way gets nerfed. This affect goes away after five missions to prevent this method from working. This guide will give you a workaround for this, and along the way allow you to get some practice as an expert infiltrator.
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Obligatory Disclaimer
This guide assumes the following:
  1. You have evolved into a sentient, society-based bipedal creature with opposable thumbs capable of rudimentary tasks such as reading
  2. You have already played through the campaign and are no longer bothered by spoilers (I WILL NOT SPOILER TAG POTENTIAL SPOILERS - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)
  3. You have developed wormhole fulton packs
If none of the above is true, please don't read any further - this isn't the guide you're looking for.
Protip: Carrying the bare minimum
When you're grinding missions that do not require you to play through the whole campaign (i.e. Hellbound), you don't need to carry an awful lot into battle since all you'll be doing is running around one room and quitting. So if this is the case, have a loadout tab that sees you only carry the absolute minimum that you need to do the job and you'll avoid any unnecessary expense.

Also worth mentioning - the vehicles DO NOT cost anything to deploy.
Mission 1: [#9 - RESOURCEBOUND]
This is a very straightforward loop. Just deploy into the field with the bare minimum and you'll be in a big room with two unaware guards. Snipe them with silenced weapons so they don't raise any alarms and immediately run to the far side of the room up the scaffolding. on the top floor, you will see three containers. You need wormhole fultons for this since they're indoors.

Next, get down from the scaffold and run across to the other scaffold and scan the intel file - skip the cutscene. This will trigger a checkpoint and force the game to accept the extracted containers. Now abort the mission and accept the next one. It's worth noting there are a few processed materials boxes at the foot of each scaffold - if you want them. You might as well take them because why not?
This is the easiest of extraction jobs you can possibly do provided you have developed the CGM launcher - you can even do this on EXTREME variant since you're doing it so quickly. Here's the thing, you can extract the target before it even sets out because when you start the mission - it's sitting RIGHT THERE at Nova Braga Airport! On sortie prep, equip the battle suit, said CGM launcher, rapid fire grenade launcher and carry D-Horse into battle with their battle dress. Also pack a silenced submachinegun to eliminate CFA / ZRS goons to prevent them from stumbling upon your hijinks too quickly.

First - IMMEDIATELY set a custom waypoint here:

You're looking for a box and a gap in the fence to climb through, which is right here:

Dispatch any guards that get suspicious with the submachine gun, and then turn the corner to get near the truck. Don't worry if guards spot you, just get near that truck. This will trigger the fight with the skulls. Use the CGM and grenade launcher to neutralize them without a problem. When you dispatch them, something amazing happens!

All the guards from before were possessed by the skulls as puppets, and are now all on the floor stunned... everywhere. WELL SLAP MY BUNS AND CALL ME JOESPH! YOU HAVE THE RUN OF THE ENTIRE OUTPOST!!!!!! Meaning if you're already aware of where the containers are, you can extract them very quickly without risking enemy retaliation. And that took, what? four-five minutes from sortie to completion? Just don't get caught up in the excitement and forget to extract the truck you're supposed to extract first.

You can expect quite a hefty payout for completing this in extreme mode as well. It's seriously easy with the right gear.
Mission 3: [#18 - METAL RUNS DEEP]
This is one of the missions where you don't need to carry more than the bare minimum into battle. Just deploy with a scoped rifle of your choice d-dog and a jeep and you're good to go.

As soon as possible, you need to make a marker for guard post #4, your target is the common metal containers there. Simply snipe the guards, actually you know what - screw it... just rush in and overwhelm them if you want. Once they're dead, extract the containers and don't hang around because the helicopter or the armor will soon see the bodies. Move far enough away from the guard post to trigger a checkpoint and abort the mission.

Mission 4: [#5 - OVER THE BUDGET]
I'm calling this one over the budget because unless you're playing this one on total stealth, you're not going to balance the cost of container extraction. On the plus side however, you do get TONS of resources for relatively little effort on your part. I'm playing on the total stealth variant because I'm a badass.

First thing you're gonna want to do is deploy to the west of the barracks. This will help you ambush a patrol and the truck driver. Now, sortie prep. You're gonna want to either pick Quiet or D-Dog. Quiet if you want to capture the facility quickly, or D-Dog speed isn't on your agenda. I usually equip D-Dog, a silenced assault rifle and tranq sniper rifle, and ENN mines (you'll see why later). If you're going total stealth you're probably gonna end up encountering riot suit goons so it's best to back sleep grenades for this. Always deploy at 1800 hours - it makes your life so much easier...

As soon as you hit ground, run down the road until you get near the junction, plant your ENN mine and hit the bushes to your left. Neutralize the two grunts on patrol. Then the jeep that carrys your optional objective driver will just happen to run over your mine. Extract him and the jeep because hey - why not?

Next place you're gonna want to go is this crack in the cliff face, climb up it but be careful - there are sometimes claymore mines up here.

Now you have some elevation, pick off the targets on the ground level without alerting them, be especially wary of anyone in riot gear - you're best sneaking up and stunning them. Once that area is secure, you now have two options. You can either extract all of the containers on the ground level then go into the little guard hut and read the intel file to trigger the checkpoint and abort mission, or you can go the extra distance and secure the good doctor and rest of the containers, extracting yourself as you do.

Mission 5: [#27 - ROUTE CAUSE]
This is called ROUTE cause because this mission is all about SPEED! If you manage to rescue the enemy quickly enough and neutralize the enemy quickly enough, you'll be free to take your time extracting the many containers at the Guard Post.

Deploy with a silenced sniper rifle, assault rifle, D-Dog and a jeep. Ride the jeep along the road until you get to the track that overlooks the guard post until you get almost all the way to the right of the camp. Snipe everyone in your way before they can raise alarm and race your way to the blue cargo truck before the intel agent can get in and drive off. If this happens, you need to be quicker - start again.

Once he's recovered, there should be a couple of jeeps nearby the containers, so just drop him in and finish securing the guard post. Once you're ready, extract the containers, then ride off into the sunset. Congrats, you've now done ALL the optional objectives as well. Go you!
i know what you're thinking - "DRUSS! THERE AIN'T NO DANG RESOURCE CONTAINERS HERE!"

No, but there are walker gears. Aside from the five missions I have laid out here, there ain't any other missions you can do quickly that net you decent extractions. So consider this mission a break from extracting resource containers and a buffer to set you up for the next cycle of container extractions. Remember - You can't extract a container from a mission site unless you do five missions later, right? So this is setting you up for that. Plus if you do it my way - it's quick.

I'm using the same loadout as before, but consider using a sniper rifle - you got some good elevation here and you can neutralize the enemy forces quickly and quietly, allowing an easy extraction for four walkers.

On the left of the outpost you will see a large ridge seperating the village from the rest of the hill, run up this to get behind the enemy forces and use your rifle to pick off the seven or so guards. You might need to sleep some riot-gear goons. With any luck you'll be able to quickly dispatch them without them raising the alarm and that group will be the only one you have to worry about. Then all you have to do is extract the walker gears and run off larfin.
The point I most want to bring up is that grinding DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BORING. In actual fact, this method ensures you are still being taxed as well. It's not about how to cheat the system, it's about thinking outside the box. Lateral thinking has always been a staple of the Metal Gear franchise, and MGSV:TPP is no exception. Well I suppose it IS technically cheating, but still...
Anything else I missed? Pls comment.
If you think I've missed anything, do let me know in the comments and I'll update this guide. :)

- Druss
22 kommentarer
MedicBot 27. okt. 2021 kl. 19.00 
Or just use a cheat engine like a normal person
Iron_man 16. okt. 2021 kl. 23.12 
is it possible to just use a cloak to get past all guards?
Neph 30. sep. 2020 kl. 19.49 
Great guide!
Xtream_LameX 25. aug. 2020 kl. 13.20 
I fukin love these names lol
sedsiyum 25. apr. 2020 kl. 4.33 
Great guide! Thanks dude!
Pyrobyte 16. aug. 2019 kl. 14.40 
All work! Except Mission 1: [#9.... is actually "#12 Replay, Hellbound" !!
rockthebeats 7. nov. 2017 kl. 0.27 
Druss, you rock! Thanks for taking the time to share this awesome guide. This is the only guide I've found that addresses the post updates which took away the easy mode resource farming. This will come in handy while expanding my facilities! CHEERS! BTW, love the disclaimer! :steamhappy:
WILDFIRE595 1. nov. 2017 kl. 9.55 
true i have killed a lot thats why im trying to use tranques more tho
Warren  [skaper] 31. okt. 2017 kl. 17.02 
you must have been doing something...
WILDFIRE595 31. okt. 2017 kl. 14.08 
i did not make a nuke+ i have been using tranques alot