Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

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Imperial Navy
By [HND] Macula
This is a guide to the Imperial Navy and will contian videos looking at all the different ships and componts avliable.
Ships Overview
Below is a video containing an overview of all the ships of the Imperial Navy. It looks at the weapons and stats as well as looking at the common traits associated with the Imperial Navy.

Upgrades, Skills, Favours and Crew
The video below will detail all of the upgrades, skills, favours and crew avaliable to the Imperial Navy.
Basic Strategies and Tactics
The below video contains some basic tips for strategies and tactics. Including ship loadout and setting up for a battle.
Amokhunter Feb 24, 2019 @ 3:17am 
Since you seem to pay no attention to YT comments, I'll try it here.
Your sound is imbalanced, compared to the game your voice is rather low on volume. If you find the time to re-record these, turn the game volume WAY down, as pretty as the music might be, people watch this to HEAR YOU!
Additionally: Why do people consult guides? To get more information. Just reading the Skills/Weapons/whatever off the IG description does not make a guide. More structure and some sort of rating which upgrades, skills and so on to pick and which combinations make sense and why they do make sense would be a huge help. And since I'm mostly here for the campaign, maybe include a few hints there as well? Just asking, as the biggest boats you can field in the beginning are Cruisers/Light and escorts.