Dying Light

Dying Light

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The Bozak Horde DLC Full Tutorial
By Blade Master

I saw there isn't any guide about Bozak Horde in English language, so I decided to create my own, step by step.

Bozak Horde a is very fun but challenging DLC, especially for new players. However a lot of people are having trouble and are avoiding it, which is sad but understandable, and that's exactly why I made this guide to help this people.

When I tried Bozak Horde first time I literally got destroyed, over and over again, and that honestly got me very frustrated, doing so made me actually lose interest on it and stop trying after a while without any clue, and shortly after that I stopped playing Dying Light. Then after a long time I got back into Dying Light with a better mindset, while trying it many times I finally realized that Bozak Horde isn't so bad, actually indeed it's the best DLC (After The Following) I've ever played so far, and all that I needed was some levels, memory and most importantly patience.

I'm going to try remember everything I know so far and write it all down. There's also a video below. Please pardon me for bad English.
Since you cannot carry your equipment in Bozak Horde, all what it comes down to, are your skills and memory. I greatly recommend having at least Power maxed out and being 10-20+ Legend.

What I personally find the best to use in Bozak Horde is, Unarmed skill from the Legend skill tree. Since pretty much all the melee weapons you'll be finding inside are going to be very weak, you can easily one or two hit all the virals with your fists if you have at least 5-10 points in Unarmed, assuming you're playing the Bozak Horde without NG+(New Game +).

If you're on NG+, consider earning higher Legend ranks, as zombies will take slightly longer to die. You can find out more information about NG+ here - http://dyinglight.wikia.com/wiki/New_Game_%2B
I'm also author of this wikia page, if there's something missing, feel free to contact me about it.

The other skill I find very useful in Bozak Horde is Firearms from the Legend skill tree. You'll find shotgun at the end of first trial in third zone which is the last area, it's located in the reward box which is inside the container you're standing on right after finishing the parkour challenge. Save some of the shotgun's ammo until last trial as it'll greatly help you with breaking the demolisher's helmet. In the third zone you'll find pistol which is useful at taking out bolters.

Bows skill from Legend skill tree, however this one won't be really useful until you have finished Bozak Horde at least once to obtain the Bozak bow. After you gain ability to obtain Bozak bow inside Bozak Horde, you'll be able to kill goons and demolishers pretty much instantly with one arrow in head, however it gets harder to kill demolisher when you're on NG+ because of its increased hp.

Tackle from the Agility skill tree, this will be extremely useful in Trial 12, especially with low Legend rank when you don't have enough points to add in Unarmed.

Having Power maxed out lets you attack indefinitely since it gives you infinite stamina, fighting is crucial in certain trials such as elevator(Trial 12)

However, what's even more important is patience and memory. I understand it's hard to not get frustrated when things to wrong, but it's important to know what to do in every next trial and where you need to go.

The reason I'm mentioning that memory is very important is because in Bozak Horde nothing is randomized, for example there's always going to be the third box which doesn't have the device to disarm in trial 5, and so on. Everything is same and as long as you remember it, it's going to be a piece of cake.
Legend / How to level it up quickly
For more info regarding leveling up Legend skill-tree, please see my another guide about Fastest Way to Level up Legend (Legit).

Having Legend skills is very useful in Bozak Horde, you want to be at least 10-20+ Legend rank before playing the Bozak Horde, especially if you're playing it for the first time, otherwise it's going to be nearly impossible. Especially without having Power/Agility maxed out.

Here's the best three legit ways to level up your Legend skill-tree.

Stuffed Turtle is the smallest Quarantine Zone in harran, making it very easy to obtain the packages which give you 120,000 Legend exp per one package, once delivered to quartermaster.

Stuffed Turtle is located in the Slums, screenshot of exact location below.

Beginning with the most challenging, slow, fair, interesting and less boring way.

1. This is what I recommend. So what you wanna do is, switch your difficulty into Nightmare mode, then finish Stuffed Turtle quarantine zone as many times as you want/can on 100%, kill all zombies, loot as much as you can and make sure it's night in-game(This way you get even more exp). Once you have enough relief packages, deliver them to the Quartermaster, each package will earn you 120,000 Legend skill-tree experience. You can still level up your Legend skill-tree extremely fast this way. First several levels are one level per package or two, awesome right?

2. Now if you want even easier and even faster way. You must finish Stuffed Turtle on normal difficulty and grab all the packages, ignore everything else, this will earn you less exp when you kill zombies or collect all packages and exit zone, however you'll be killing zombies much easier and quicker than in Nightmare mode, therefore collecting all packages will be overall faster than in Nightmare mode. Resulting in more packages in less time. After you've got enough packages, switch to Nightmare mode and deliver your packages to Quartermaster, it'll still earn you 120,000 Legend skill-tree experience per package, even though you obtained them in normal instead of Nightmare mode. Cheap right?

3. And if you want even, even more faster, possibly the most fastest way here it comes, though I don't recommend this as it might get boring very quickly, do Stuffed Turtle on normal difficulty, but grab only three packages per run, since the other two takes some amount of time because you have to lock pick the door then clear zombies. So take only 3 packages, exit the zone, get in, take 3 packages and repeat, simple as that. You can also exit/rejoin the game to win some time after you obtain the third package, but this depends on how fast is your computer in loading, make sure your quest tracking is set to Stuffed Turtle before exiting the game.

In order to quickly shut off the electricity very easily, stand at the location shown in the screenshot below, aim right there and use grappling hook. If you do it right you won't take any damage and you'll appear right where you're supposed to stand and pull the lever.

These are the fastest legit methods I know so far. Well first one is more closer to being legal compared to third one, though it's totally up to you how you're going to do it.

Video below.

Video Tutorials
For those who don't like reading much, here's the video.

Note, I'm using a character which is on NG+, this significantly increases health of Goon and Demolisher. If you are not on NG+, it'll be much easier for you.

I'll be using only 15 Legend skill-tree points in this video, 5 points into Unarmed, 5 into Firearms and 5 into Health Regeneration, Legend skill-tree is shown at the beginning of the video. You only need Legend skill-tree rank 16 character to access this build.

If you have the bow already, you can watch the video below. Note, I'm more experienced in the video above, therefore you might learn more from watching it instead of the one at below.

NG+, Solo, No Bow, No Legend
Here's a video about how to legitimately finish all the trials without bow and Legend skills, while being solo with NG+ save.

I recommend having Power/Agility maxed out, it's not really a big deal, but at least you'll avoid having to stay extra careful for your stamina.

Some tips and warnings. It can get messy at trial 7 because of the goons not dying from the gas canister, leaving both of them alive after the explosion. Here's what I did in the previous match when this happened, I cornered both of the goons at their spawn point and used hit & dodge tactics while slashing them with the sickle weapon which is very good at hitting the multiple targets in your area, I managed to kill both of them at having around 15-20 seconds left. You can find sickle in the reward chest which is infront of me in the video at 01:39 - 01:42 minute.

At the last trial, it can be very difficult to kill demolisher if you're unlucky, sometimes when you run for the doors which add time limit, the cocky demolisher cheats and regains his helmet, making it extremely difficult to take the helmet out again, let alone killing him
Trial 1
In this simple trial, you're just gonna run to the van while avoiding zomies and open the back doors, smash that button. There won't be any zombies near it van so you don't have to worry about that
Trial 2
In this trial, you'll be attacked by three, sometimes 4 virals, nothing special.
Trial 3
In the trial 3, you'll be attacked by even more virals, possibly 10 or 15, I haven't really counted, what you wanna do is get somewhere high, for example on the pipes, and dispatch virals one by one.

Once you kill few virals, you'll hear a bomb activate which will give you 50 seconds time limit, you'll need to quickly ignore virals while running to the device to disarm or the bomb will explode. There's going to be a wrecked car near which you can use to grab the pipeline, watch the video for exactly what to do.

Note: After this trial is over, you'll be attacked by huge amount of virals, but don't get confused. You're supposed to ignore them and run for the next objective as soon as possible. These virals won't be able to catch and reach you when you're doing trial 4.
Trial 4
In this trial, you'll have to kill 4 bolters, pretty much that's it.

However, keep in mind that bolters will drop medkits which is very crucial for survival, pretty much all the bolters from now on will drop medkits after you kill them, so be sure to pick it up.

Note: In trials like this one, which has white time limit instead of red one, you won't die if it runs out.
Trial 5
In the trial 5, you'll need to disarm three devices or the bomb will explode. There's total of 4 boxes, one box only has a melee weapon inside, and the other three has the devices.

First two really close to each other boxes which will be right infront of you when you enter the area this two has devices inside, after you've disarmed these, ignore the next third box, it has a melee weapon inside, the last fourth box will have the device.

Trial 6
Another simple trial, you'll just have to do some parkour.

Note: When it comes to the parkour trials, such as run to the checkpoints you must remember one thing. Don't rush, you always have enough amount of time limit in order to make it in time, often people think they need to rush or they won't make it, resulting in frustration which is cause of errors, falls to death or not making the jump. So play relaxed, there's no need to rush.
Trial 7
Another simple yet difficult trial, you'll have to kill two goons, shortly after a time limit will appear if you don't kill both of them quickly.

The easiest way to kill them is bow, however if you're doing bozak first time you won't have one. So you'll be going to use different tactic, there'll be a a canister near the door, use that. If that didn't kill them, you're going to use either your melee or fists(Assuming you have considerable support from Unarmed skill in legend skilltree).

I recommend fists, with a little investment in legend's Unarmed, you can take them out really quickly, by stepping in giving that goon a few good punches, then using dodge backwards following with left/right dodge, repeat.

There's another tactic of attacking goon at close range without getting hit, all you have to do is run around him using dodge while hitting him, though this is a little bit risky and isn't recommend against two goons at the same time.

You can also try to corner both of them inside the room they're supposed to come out, and slice them with your melee weapon(Sickle recommended). Because of the ceiling, it's difficulty for goons to perform their smash attack as long as they're inside or near the room's door.
Trial 8
After you've triumphed over two goons, you'll have to be quick in this next trial and kill all the bolters before they explode.
Trial 9
In this trial, you'll have to find and disarm two devices before the bomb explodes, exact locations are shown in the video.
Trial 10
This is another parkour challenge, however it's a little bit more difficult than the last one.
Trial 11
In this trial you'll have to toss 3(4 in Co-op) canisters into the hole, by being careful. There's going to be a demolisher(Two in Co-op) shooting you rocks, but ignore it.

If you happen to drop the canister off the platforms, ignore it, bring another canister. If there's none left, what you wanna do is toss that canister below near the red platform, then quickly grab it, look above and quickly throw it back into the red platform. But this is a bit risky and requires some timing.

Watch the video in order to do this without fail.
Trial 12
Here comes the trial I had most trouble with in the beginning, and probably you'll have too if you're doing it first time, but no worries.

Elevator. In this trial you'll be stuck in a small elevator area which is going up, all you have to do is to kill all the virals that will be climbing down as waves. Now you'll have a small time before they actually climb down from the wall and start assaulting you, use this little time to push them into the wall which will kill them almost immediately, Tackle is the most effective.

Watch your minimap, when you see a red icon, quickly run to it and use your Tackle(Agility) skill against virals.

It gets very difficult if you let them swarm you, so you must get rid of them quickly before they manage this.

Remember, the key in this trial is being quick while combining your skills that are very important, such as Tackle which is the most important skill in this trial after the infinite combat stamina. Also always keep running, never stop. The trick is to use the Tackle skill on virals which are still climbing down. Even before they're able to step down the foot on elevator, it'll still knock them from the climbing state and even might kill them, you're winning a bit of time this way.

Trial 13
This is another parkour trial, nothing special.
Trial 14
In this trial you'll have to take out around dozen bolters, another simple yet better-to-be-quick trial.
Trial 15
In this trial, you'll be attacked by a toad(Spitting zombie) and a few virals.

After you kill one or two of them, a bomb will activate which is inside a container that has a locked door. The lockpick level is easy, so don't worry about it, however you want to take out the nearby virals which are close so they don't interrupt you.

The bomb won't activate until you kill one or two zombies, you can use this time to open the rewards.

But here's the catch in this trial, you must take as many firecrackers as you can because they're very crucial for the next trial. There's going to be very few zombies and time limit will not appear until you kill one or two, so use this time to grab all the rewards you want.
Trial 16
This is probably the most difficult trial out there.

Remember those firecrackers you got from reward boxes? this is where you'll only and definitely need these.

In fact firecrackers are the most important part of this trial. You'll have to run to the certain locations and deliver chutes. But that's not all, a new type of zombie will appear wearing hazmat suits and with ability to run, these zombies explode when they get too close to player, either killing you or leaving you with critical health.

If you happen to bump into one of these, make sure you quickly heal up and then just keep running without fighting, assuming you survive. However throw a firecracker before you do that, since you can't run while the healing animation is in the progress, you want to lure away the bombers quickly.

So in other words, what you wanna do first is, never stop running. Second, keep using your firecrackers to lure away bombers. Do objectives as fast as possible and always watch the minimap.


In order to have enough firecrackers, use the previous trial.

In the trial 15, a time limit will not appear on its own, it only appears after you kill a zombie or two, so during this time you should run around and take all the rewards before you start killing zombies.

[Co-op] Please read Additional Notes section below about Trial 16.
Trial 17
Another parkour trial, nothing special. Though make sure you use that zip line to win some time.
Trial 18
In this trial, you'll simply have to disarm two bombs, that are hidden.

One is inside the container which is hanging next to the zip line you used in previous trial, so once you finish the Trial 17, quickly go back to its starting point, use the same zip line to jump on the container, you'll win some time.

When you'll be opening the first crate after you bring down the container, watch the minimap. The second right one is going to be the left objective on your minimap, not the ones behind you or infront.

Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/RmJ5jbk.jpg
Trial 19
Another simple trial, kill all the bolters before they explode. They'll have medkits so be sure to loot them if you need some.

However here's the trick, since you won't die if time limit runs out in this trial, and if you think you have enough medkits, use this time to bring at least 4 or 5 gas canisters into where Demolisher is going to spawn, this way you can instakill it.

Also note that, there's a little bit of chance that canisters will respawn to their original locations, but it happens very rarely, and from my experience you should only kill one or two bolter to make sure gas canisters doesn't respawn, at least it decreases chance.

And another note, if you're on NG+ don't bother with this trick, as Demolisher is most likely to take very small amount of damage even if you give him 5 canisters.

For speed running, you can use this simple easy method to take out bolters. Keep in mind that they won't start running until they spot the player in 360 degree line of sight.

Trial 20
Here comes the most fun trial.

In this trial you'll have to kill around 25 virals, and a demolisher(Two if it's Co-op). Also replenish your time limit by walking through the doors.

First thing you want to do is, avoid demolisher(s) until you kill the virals. If you're running out of the time, you'll have a doors shown as objectives on the map, you have to walk through these in order to gain some more time limit. By the time you finish off all the virals, you'll be gone through one time door, doors have limit, they only spawn around 3-4 times. Plenty of time to kill the demolishers later, unless you're doing it on NG+ save with no legend or bow.

Killing demolisher is probably the easiest part in this trial, either use canisters, or melee throw skill.

You'll also have pistol and shotgun with a lot of ammo ready, killing demolisher is pretty much piece of cake if you use these. You should also save up some shotgun ammo for this trial.

So far the best strategy I found in NG+, is shooting him in the head with bow, 3 arrows should do it.


Also, if you're on NG+, you'll need a bow with good enough support from legend.

In the gif above, it was done on NG+ but with bow 25/25 in legend skilltree. It should also take around 2-3 arrows in head to kill the demolisher without NG+ and legend.

Important advice for killing the demolisher quickly with bow.

If you hide behind one of these concerete pillars, you'll significantly limit the demolisher's movements, as long as you're under cover behind it the demolisher will no longer do his charge/boulder throw attacks, he'll simply follow you while normally walking, use this strategy to take him out easily, just as show in the gif above.

Downside of using this tactic.

Although make sure that if you're in Co-Op game, your teammates shouldn't attract the demolisher while one is killing it with bow and using this tactic, as this is the fastest method of killing him, but if your teammates aggro the demolisher it'll get much harder for archer to headshot the demolisher.
NG+ and how it affects Bozak Horde
When you're playing Bozak Horde with NG+ save, you'll notice that it gets a little bit difficult to kill the demolisher(s) in last trial or the goons at trial 7, mainly because they have more hp, either or we can say that your character's damage is being nerfed due to the NG+, but worry not. It isn't really that hard, but rather it just takes longer to kill, which is of course fun(Maybe not in the beginning..), you'll enjoy it after you get used to it and level up your legend a bit.

I haven't noticed any difficulty increase with other zombies in Bozak Horde after going NG+, probably because I'm using legend skills.
Rewards / Achievements
For first, you'll get the ability to carry Bozak bow inside Bozak Horde, and Bozak bow blueprint in the base game after you finish all the trials.

Bozak Horde DLC comes with 4 achievements.

Get the Bozak. - Complete Bozak's challenge
Electric Whisper - Learn how to craft Electric arrows
Robin Hood Theory - Score 10 headshots on Rais's Men with a bow
Things That Go Ka-Boom - Learn how to craft Exploding arrows
Together Till the End + Bozak Mask(Outfit) - Be the last man standing

Get the Bozak
Complete the Bozak Horde.

Electric Whisper
In order to get the arrows blueprint and this achievement, you'll have to kill 10 virals with the Bozak bow in Bozak Horde. (Blueprint and achievement will appear right after killing 10 virals, you don't need to complete all the trials, you can simply leave Bozak Horde after you see achievement / electric arrow blueprint pop..)

Robin Hood Theory
This one was fairly easy for me, unlocked it even without really trying to in Old Town. All you have to do is always try to headshot Rais's men with your bow, you'll encounter many of them especially in certain missions, so simply don't worry about this one just keep playing. Remember to headshot them with your bow whenever you can.

Things That Go Ka-Boom
In order to get the explosive arrows blueprint and this achievement, you'll have to finish all the trials under 31 minutes, if playing alone. If you're playing Co-op with one friend, you'll have to finish all the trials under 28 minutes, 3 people under 26 minutes and 4 people under 25 minutes. I recommend doing this with two people, or even better if it's alone as long as you've memorized all the trials.

Incendiary Arrows
This one doesn't have achievement, to get it you just need to kill 10 bolters with bow in order to get the blueprint. (Blueprint will appear in your inventory > blueprints right after killing 10 bolters, you don't need to complete all the trials, you can simply leave Bozak Horde after you get it.)

Together Till the End
Or Bozak Mask, this is very a complicated and buggy achievement. Here's how to maximize chances of unlocking this achievement and getting the Bozak Mask.

Also just to note, I've helped around 150+ people to get this achievement and from my own pure experience, this method works around 80% the time.

Requirements in short, you can read long version below.

1. Host can't get the achievement.
2. You don't need more than one friend to get this achievement.
3. Don't lose a life, downing is fine.
4. Don't let any time limit hit 00:00:00.
5. Respec Legend skill-tree before the trial where you must kill each other begins(This is after end of trial 20), supposedly right at the death animation of last demolisher. Don't use Legend skill-points until you get the achievement.
6. Host shoots partner twice in leg, after that partner immediately kills the host and keeps shooting at host's downed body until achievement pops up.
7. Recommended to have the achievement Get the Bozak unlocked before trying to get this achievement.
8. Have a good connection, if partner keeps on random disconnects during the match, high likely that achievement won't unlock.
9. Let the host open the chest at the trial where you must kill each other, and partner pick up the pistol.
10. Have VAC enabled, it still works otherwise though.
11. Stick together as much as possible.

Long version.

1. The host cannot get this achievement, so the person who wants the achievement should not be the host.
2. It can be done with only one friend. It doesn't require 4 people, this is myth.
3. In the entire match, nobody must die, it's fine if somebody gets downed and then gets helped up. If you lose a life then achievement is broken, host needs to restart the match by restarting the entire game. If one of you die at trial 15 or above, don't restart, just keep going because there's still a small possibility that achievement will unlock.
4. You must not let any time limit run out, even if it's white, this might break the achievement.
5. Whoever has legend skilltree unlocked, he must respec it immediately after the last demolisher dies, neither host nor partner should use any legend skill-points until the achievement is unlocked. You can use legend skill-points in every single trial, just don't use it in the trial where you must kill each other. (How to): Go to your legend skilltree, press C and confirm, adding legend points back shouldn't be an issue, simply select a skill and press Space + Enter, this will speed up the process of adding skills.
6. In the last trial, host shoots partner two times in leg, then partner quickly kills the host and keeps shooting at host's body until achievement pops up. Chance of success is roughly 85%, so if it fails first time, don't be discouraged to try again.
7. In order to be able to unlock Together Till the End achievement, you must have Bozak Horde completed at least once. It is still possible to unlock Together Till the End achievement even when playing Bozak first time, however I've noticed this mostly happens if you die(Lose a live) at trial 16-17.
8. Make sure both of you have good stable internet connection and you're close to each other, I've noticed that the achievement fails very often otherwise, even though we did everything perfectly. Even if both of you have strong connection, being too far from each other can still somehow fail the achievement, or give the risk of failure. The sign can be random disconnects such as this http://imgur.com/a/yAO0P that may happen midgame, these signs mean you have very low chance of unlocking the achievement because of connection being weak between partner and host.
9. After the last trial(20) ends, both host and partner move to the chest, host opens it while partner takes the pistol.
10. Make sure that the host has VAC protection enabled and Co-op competitions disabled in Menu > Settings > Online. Make sure you have no idling or any cheating programs running on backgroud, also your game shouldn't have any modified files when playing on VAC secured server.
11. Stick together. Have you noticed that during some trials, zombies will spawn in less numbers or not spawn at all? This is because your partner is too far from you. This can glitch achievement. So you must stick together as much as possible, it's fine to separate during certain trials and you shouldn't, for example during trial 16, where it's much better for players to split up and deliver chutes separely as it's much less riskier, also all trials where you must disarm multiple bombs, in these trials it's fine to split up. However outside this kind of trials, you should try to stick together as example when trials are about to start or end, make sure you're close to each other.

Video about Together Till the End

Note: Always completely restart your game if you're going to retry the Bozak Horde, sometimes it causes bugs if you've already played it.

Bozak Dockets.

At the end of the 20 trial, you'll have a total of 3 dockets earned.

You can open your dockets by visiting any Quartermaster. Recently Bozak Dockets have received 100% chance to drop gold tier melee weapons, this means that as long as you open Bozak Dockets on Nightmare mode with internet connection, you're guaranteed to get gold tier melee weapon per docket.

Note: The weapons you get from dockets are dependent on your Survivor skill-tree rank, 25 rank means best possible weapon.
Additional Notes
1. Always restart your game before you retry or start Bozak Horde. Restarting game before playing Bozak Horde guarantees bug-free trials very often.

I had a lot of perfect runs, however after trying again without restarting game, I experienced horrible bugs, such as bolter running inside a wall or place impossible to catch, or disability of lockpicking the door(Simply no option) resulting inevitable death and breaking the achievement.

2. After trial 14, if you don't have bow or enough legend ranks to kill demolisher with bow, use your pistol as much as you can in order to save shotgun ammo for demolisher.

It's faster to use shotgun at trial 14, however after that try to conserve shotgun ammo against bolters unless it's emergency, there's going to be another bolter trial but you can easily take them out with your pistol, you'll have enough ammo by then.

3. If you're playing Bozak Horde in Co-op mode, teamwork will be very important especially with more than 2 person since having more people means less time limit. Make sure your teammates don't follow you or each other especially at trial 16, everybody must know what to do and where to go. For example, let one person do the checkpoints and another wait at finish when it comes to race trials.

Trial 16 in Co-op. Co-op and trial 16 won't go well unless you play smart, make sure every person runs to different directions instead of same, you have to stay away from players to confuse bombers and reduce bombers followed per player, this will not only prevent all of you getting killed at once, but also speed up the progress.

4. Make sure your Campaign difficulty is set to Nightmare when you're playing Bozak Horde.

Even though Bozak Horde can only be played on Normal mode, there's glitch which increases health and aggressiveness of zombies if your Campaign difficulty is set to Normal mode. Being on Nightmare prevents this glitch. Hard mode is not tested.

Might add more notes...
KODLIX_user1 Feb 1 @ 9:46pm 
if you are trying to get the bow just buy the ranger pack
its far faster
APturboMileNove May 26, 2021 @ 10:49pm 
I need your help
Please Help me get te TOGETHER TILL THE END
-✯『TheJoJoFan』✯- Apr 29, 2021 @ 10:32am 
Trial 7 is cancer.
Fallout 76 addict Apr 1, 2021 @ 8:31am 
⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠁ 👁️ ⠄⢹⣿⡗⠄ 👁️ ⢄⡀⣾⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
Outhis Mar 19, 2021 @ 1:36am 
I need help please im at NG+ demolisher at the end has electrocuted,70 double barrel shots,5 or more fire thingy(red thing that explodes),60 or more pistol hits and 1 minute of meele attacking and his armor barely fell off(im in solo mode) please someone help me
xX_GRAMPZ_Xx Mar 13, 2021 @ 7:11am 
you're a godsend to players, thank you
cowhandz Dec 22, 2020 @ 11:27am 
Jesus lol Im taking notes. thank you sir
✪ Jockekocke ツ Dec 17, 2020 @ 3:26pm 
Done Bozak Horde 6 times now, with partner. Still no achievement
only bird can judge me Dec 15, 2020 @ 9:09am 
i won 5 times now. My friend earned at first time .My other friend earned it as host. They didnt do any rituals you said. I am still trying. Game dont wanna give ME the achievement but everyone else. If any of my friends dont get it i will understand. I will just say ok achievment is bugged just walk away. but i am obsessed now
Lucas Nov 1, 2020 @ 8:07pm 