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Recreating Science things
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Sep 28, 2016 @ 8:30am
Sep 29, 2016 @ 6:44am
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Recreating Science things

You have people with 70+ in science and you don`t understand why this lazybones can`t write some books or use their knowledge for creating something new? I wondered this fact too. And this mod is a result of this curiosity.

Now, after you will make research (You need one book and one damaged book and good scientist or a lot of time), you could build writer desk. For 20 hemp bags and 1.5-2 in-game hours your new star of science fiction could create one book.
Of course - you need learn at least Tech 3 and hemp planting before!

Aaand... Right! After another research your scientists will be able to compile their works and create new theories, so they will be able to create ancient science books.
Yes, you still need 20 books and 10 leather for one ancient book, and don`t forget to pay for light!

On next updates our scientists will learn how to create enginering research (maybe your engineers could do this better? I think so;) ) and, after long-long tries - create even AI cores. But it will be later, and now - enjoy your new books.


У вас есть замечательные ученые с 70+ в этом параметре? И вы до сих пор не понимаете, какого Окрана они не могут взять и написать хотя бы одну, простенькую книжонку? Или, хотя бы, обобщить свои знания и попробовать вывести что-то новое, а могут лишь паразитировать на наследии предков? Да, меня этот факт тоже давно интересовал. Ну и, как результат - появился этот мод.

Теперь, после того, как вы изучите соответствующую технологию, для чего вам потребуется как обычная книга, так и ее испорченная версия, хороший ученый или много времени, а также третий уровень технологий и умение выращивать коноплю, вы получите доступ к постройке стола писателя.
20 мешков конопли, 1,5-2 часа работы - и простенькая книга готова (За содержание этой книги автор мода ответственности не несет)

После проведения еще одного исследования - появляется возможность построить стол писателя получше качеством, за которым ваши ученые смогут создавать из 20 обычных книг и 10 обработанной кожи древние научные книги, обобщая свои исследования и выводя новые теории. Но не забудьте заплатить за свет!

В дальнейшем развитии мода планируется научить этих лентяев проводить инженерные исследования (Хотя, сдается мне, что инженеры смогут это сделать качественней) и, после множества попыток - даже создавать ядра ИИ. Но это все в будущем, а пока - наслаждайтесь вашими новыми книгами.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Aug 20, 2021 @ 4:10am
I can't build "Good writer desk"
ZoraergazU Feb 7, 2019 @ 4:56pm 
now this is pretty immersive
Sir Luis May 25, 2017 @ 12:32pm 
can you make it so you could create the book itself
lobbingerbb Apr 6, 2017 @ 6:18am 
where to find damaged books?
lordainvar Jan 23, 2017 @ 2:47pm 
Is there a special way to write ancient books? I just finished my last research "Creating new theories", but I can't find anywhere the "Good writer desk". I have my writer desk that I can't improve to "Good writer desk", and I can´t find it under any title in building menu.

Thanks for help.
Svarog Jan 10, 2017 @ 11:30am 
когда ядро создавать будем?
Tadwei Oct 5, 2016 @ 5:25pm 
Also. So far both this one and Forge's seem to work well together.
ForgeTec Sep 29, 2016 @ 2:48pm 
no worries I just like to talk to people about it - had 2 others with similar mods and 3 that were flat copies with new names I just like to see if its a similar mod (for instance the smaller machine mod and my city resource mod which was 2 days after smaller machines)

I just like to bring it up so that way I can see if its coincidence - I personally love several similar mods as it allows creativity and improved choices for players
Wadimiru  [author] Sep 29, 2016 @ 2:35pm 
This is only coincidence in numbers) Firstly i have wanted make 15 books and 10 leather. But after counting i saw that ASB`s cost will become near 5.5-6,5k cats - nearly shop price. Because my mod make goal: Just give cities under permanent siege and cities with high-professional staff opportunity to develop their tech (Read description of mod), not giving them a lot of free money, i decided increase quantity of resources for this.
Second - after update with engineering research you will clearly see, that there is only similar idea - remove random in making tech. Because it will be even more difficult for players than creating ABS. They will need into new producing chain with new items. And AI core.... AI core will be really pain. Now in test version there is 30 operations that you wiil need complete for creating AI core. So my mod is for people who want role-play with all his difficulties
ForgeTec Sep 29, 2016 @ 12:55pm 
this is basically my research mod.... I mean even the 20 to 1 ratio for ancient books is there