The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Smithing Rebalance
Category: Gameplay
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246.000 B
Feb 7, 2012 @ 4:42pm
Feb 7, 2012 @ 4:56pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Smithing Rebalance

This mod simply reduce the effectiveness of upgraded armor and weapons by reducing the bonus granted.

A major complaint from various players is that smithing makes the game far too easy due to the ridiculous bonus upgraded armor and weapons benefit from. As a player, I agree and as someone who enjoys smithing, it would make me sad not to use it.

This mod attempts to fix this problem by reducing this bonus.

This is first and foremost a personal mod due to the relative simplicity. I figured that not everyone is able to understand the Creation Kit and might have a wish for something like this, so here it is. There should be no conflicts with other mods unless the mods in question are messing with the 2 functions used in this mod.

By using this mod you should see a clear reduction in the damage and armor bonus granted via Smithing, however it might not be up to everyone tastes and it does require much more testing to hit the right values for a ''just right'' feeling. It will be prone to change in the future as I do more testing.

If you wish to personally adjust the values, here is some very simple steps to follow.

You need the Creation Kit, download if you didn't already.

Go to Gameplay -> Settings
Find the 2 following functions, fSmithingArmorMax and fSmithingWeaponMax.
Modify the value according to your preferences.
The default Value is 10, this mod has reduced this value to 5.

janKM4 Feb 23, 2019 @ 12:07am 
You were right, i just looked at the Dw. Armor selling price with & without your mod ( there were armor defferences ) and there was no price defference :D ( 333g ).
So I think it looks samely with leveling.
janKM4 Feb 21, 2019 @ 12:54pm 
@Saboera -- We will know soon :D I'll tell you in next 4-8 days ( if i remember of corse :) ) ;)
Saboera  [author] Feb 21, 2019 @ 10:32am 
@JankKM4 -- Nothing but the bonus on Armors and Weapons from smithing should be affected. It was kept really simple to affect as little as possible. I haven't played Skyrim in a while but I don't remember either experience or items value being affected by this.
janKM4 Feb 21, 2019 @ 5:29am 
And get less smithing experience for upgrading those items ?
janKM4 Feb 21, 2019 @ 5:25am 
This mod is cool, but doesn't it make, that the items i make are worth less gold ?
Sucks-At-Video-Games Jun 22, 2015 @ 4:28pm 
dang typos
Sucks-At-Video-Games Jun 22, 2015 @ 4:27pm 
Now I am off to find a mod(if there is one) that brings weapon/armor condition and repair into the game. Perhaps it will even let me level the skill by fixing my stuff so I won't have to spend thousands of gold making crap i won't even use just to level it.
Sucks-At-Video-Games Jun 22, 2015 @ 4:26pm 
I personally think the smithing leveling time is fine as it is. Maybe if it was not such a necessity in the game I would be fine with it taking forever, but as long as it is a necessity, it needs to be able to level quickely so I can actually play and have fun with the game without having to set the difficulty to novice. and trust me, it is necessary. I beat most fo the game on legendary, and without smithing I would have been screwed. hopefully in the next TES game bethesda won;t make it so vital.

Now about this mod; I love it:) now i am no longer almost at the armor cap with a light armor set.(before, with ancient shrouded, I had 516/567 armor, now I have 456/567) I personally think the reduction should be a little higher. as far as I'm concerned, the only armor type that should be going over 400(maybe even 300-350 for all you hardcore peeps) is heavy armor. Increasing the reduction just a bit more would be cool in my opinion.

4ltair Feb 19, 2012 @ 12:56pm 
@Sygodoeden Even on master, i had a bow with 540 damage, without any exploits. Combine that with a potion of Fortify Marksman 130% and a sneak attack of 3x and you can one-shot Elder Dragons. In my personal balance mod, i put this two values at 6 and there is another value called fSmithingConditionFactor, which i've set at 0.325.
billc5541 Feb 15, 2012 @ 7:30am 
This mod is well balanced. I feel a little less invincible and have had to incorporate more strategy while playing. The gameplay feels more visceral. Nice job!