Arma 3
330 次評價
Xbox Controller Guide Rev.2020
由 nnythm 發表
Map all major infantry and vehicle controls to an Xbox or Playstation gamepad without the need for third-party programs. Disable "CONTROLLERS WITH SCHEME" to customize controls. Some buttons and keys serve multiple functions yet do not conflict much.
Main Bindings
X Button + B Button
Hide Map
GPS (Toggle)
Y Button + A Button
Compass (Toggle)
D-pad Left/Down
Watch (Toggle)
D-pad Right/Down
Left Panel Next
D-pad Left/Up
Right Panel Next
D-pad Right/Up
Night Vision
B Button + X Button
B Button + Y Button
Headlights On/Off
B Button + A Button
D-pad Up
D-pad Down
Use Default Action
D-Pad Right
Close Context Menu
D-pad Left
Get Out
X Button + Y Button

R Bumper
Command Fire
R Bumper
X Button
Next Weapon
Y Button
Switch Gun/Launcher
Y Button + B Button
Switch Gun/Handgun
Y Button + X Button
L Bumper
Optics Mode
L-stick Button
Hold Breath
L-stick Button
Deploy Weapon
D-pad Left
Toggle Raise Weapon
D-pad Right
R-stick Button
Cycle Throw Items
X Button + Y Button
Zeroing Up
D-pad Right
Zeroing Down
D-pad Left
Lase Range
R Bumper
Lock Target
B Button
Reveal Target
B Button
Next Target (Vehicle)
A Button + X Button
L-stick Button

Aim Up
R-stick Up
Aim Down
R-stick Down
Aim Left
R-stick Left
Aim Right
R-stick Right
Look Up
R-stick Up
Look Down
R-stick Down
Look Left
R-stick Left
Look Right
R-stick RIght
Toggle View
Zoom Temporary
L Bumper
Center Look
B Button
Zoom In
D-pad Up
Zoom Out
D-pad Down

Previous Channel
D-pad Left
Next Channel
D-pad Right
Push To Talk
Y Button
Tactical Ping
Y Button + L Bumper
(Note: You can set "B Button" as "Push to Talk" on Steam Voice, Discord or other program.)

Infantry Movement
Move Forward
L-stick Up
Move Back
L-stick Down
Strafe Left
L-stick Left
Strafe Right
L-stick RIght
L-stick Button
Combat Pace Toggle
L-stick Button
Combat Pace 3 Sec.
R Bumper
Adjust Stance Up
A Button
Adjust Stance Down
B Button (Hold to prone)
Crouch/Stand Up
B Button
Swim Up
R Trigger
Swim Down
L Trigger
Evasive Left
L Trigger
Evasive Right
R Trigger
Lean Left
L Trigger
Lean Right
R Trigger
Step Over
A Button
A Button + Y Button
Sit Down
B Button + A Button
Vehicle Bindings
Vehicle Movement
Car Forward
R Trigger
Car Back
L Trigger
Car Left
L-stick Left
Car Right
L-stick Right
Car Fast Forward
A Button
Hand Brake
X Button
Aim Up
R-stick Up
Aim Down
R-stick Down
Aim Left
R-stick Left
Aim RIght
R-stick Right
Turn In
A Button
Turn Out
A Button + Y Button

Helicopter Movement
Cyclic Forward
L-stick Up
Cyclic Backward
L-stick Down
Cyclic Left
L-stick Left
Cyclic Right
L-stick Right
Collective Raise
A Button
Collective Lower
X Button
Left Pedal
L Trigger
Right Pedal
R Trigger
Auto-Hover On
R-stick Button
Auto-Hover Off
R-stick Button
Gear Down
X Button + A Button
Gear Up
X Button + A Button
Rope Interaction
R Bumper

Plane Movement
Nose Down
L-stick Up
Nose Up
L-stick Down
Bank Left
L-stick Left
Bank Right
L-stick Right
Increase Thrust
A Button
Decrease Thrust
X Button
X Button
Left Pedal
L Trigger
Right Pedal
R Trigger
Auto-Vectoring On
R-stick Button
Auto-Vectoring Off
R-stick Button
Gear Down
X Button + A Button
Gear Up
X Button + A Button
Flaps Down
Y Button + X Button
Flaps Up
Y Button + B Button

Submarine Movement
R Trigger
L Trigger
Turn Left
L-stick Left
Turn RIght
L-stick Right
Move Forward
A Button
Move Backward
X Button
Nose Up
L-stick Down
Nose Down
L-stick Up
83 則留言
VISION 2 月 28 日 下午 7:50 
Does this work for arma reforger?
Mo¡stDreams 2023 年 9 月 6 日 上午 7:09 
no download?
NikkoJT 2023 年 4 月 18 日 上午 9:59 
I would recommend putting Car Fast Forward on the trigger and skipping Car Forward. That way you can get the full range of acceleration without needing to press anything else, and free up A for other uses.
ItsSnowMiser 2023 年 1 月 5 日 下午 12:38 
ifoundmytree. step by step

click "options>controls>controller.
on that screen you will click "controller(xbox 360 for window)"
when you click it right below it you will see disable.
now you will see "controller(xbox 360 for window)" in the window above where it was. and now you can adjust any settings you want
ifoundmytree 2022 年 12 月 19 日 上午 7:31 
i cant believe it is so difficult to just customize and simple set of buttons for a game. wtf happened.
ifoundmytree 2022 年 12 月 19 日 上午 7:16 
i've look everywhere for Disable "CONTROLLERS WITH SCHEME" i literally cant see this in any menu i've checked...... disapointing stuff. i thought this would be an answer. its like everything else though. HALF THE ANSWER
ifoundmytree 2022 年 12 月 19 日 上午 7:11 
how do you actually do this though.... i mean there is no description on how to actually Disable "CONTROLLERS WITH SCHEME....... where is that? what menu's? tell me exactly like i am a tiny baby with no brain step by step by step by step guide how to do this.
mckernan126 2022 年 9 月 21 日 下午 10:47 
great guide but how do you chsnge from say driving to flyimg etc
Rastek 2022 年 8 月 20 日 下午 12:24 
And here i thought no one had the balls to dare play arma with a controller
Birdman656 2022 年 7 月 16 日 下午 2:30 
I genuinely am glad for this guide, the hate on this because its a controller is unnecessary. Its a guide for people who prefer controllers, not a post saying you should use one. Stop losing your heads over an informative guide and just play the damn game, let people have fun, because that's what games are for. You can stop pissing over anyone that doesn't play exactly like you. Not everyone is going to play on a controller and the same goes for mnk, stop turning simple things into a huge hate rant