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Sins of the Prophets: Stellaris
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1.546 GB
Aug 24, 2016 @ 10:43pm
Oct 19, 2024 @ 11:00pm
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Sins of the Prophets: Stellaris

Sins of the Prophets: Stellaris v0.4.0

Compatible with 3.13.*

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Sins of a Solar Empire's best Halo mod has come to Stellaris!

Sins of the Prophets is an award winning and critically acclaimed mod for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. Swarms of fan requests to port the mod to Stellaris has lead to what you're about to experience!

We've brought our high quality ships and structures from the main mod on SoaSE over to Stellaris to allow you the chance to act out all your Halo space empire building fantasies! In addition, we've partnered with lossaa of Halo Universe Human Species and Halo Covenant Species to bring you UNSC style human portraits and cities plus portraits of multiple Covenant client races, with Geoffers747 from the Halo UNSC Overhaul mod to bring you a complete UNSC namelist, with Winters from Halo Emblems to give you access to a great selection of emblems, as well as with Trace Projectile of Trace's Empire Customization to bring you Covenant and Sangheili cityscapes! A big thank you goes out to Fal' Soram, who set up the engine trails for many of our vanilla UNSC units, and taught us how to do so for the future.

If you enjoy playing with our ships in Stellaris, but desire a more visceral combat experience please come take a look at the primary mod on Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion at

Some Covenant assets have been created in a partnership with Homefront, a Homeworld 2 Halo mod:

Features native support for "Aesthetic Cinematic Gameplay", "Planetary Assault Army & Ship", "Space Combat Expanded" (Carrier/Dreadnought), and "Stellar Expansion - Voidcraft".

For a version to use with achievements and ironman mode, please see:

For compatibility with "New Ship Classes & More" please get this patch in addition to this mod:

For compatibility with "Realistic Ships" please get this patch in addition to this mod:

For compatibility when using "Real Space - System Scale" and "Gigastructural Engineering" at the same time please get this patch in addition to this mod:

For compatibility with any mod that changes the default Humanoid portrait group please get this patch in addition to this mod:

UNSC models:
Construction ship: Scholte
Science ship: Winter
Colony ship: Phoenix
Transport ship: Phoenix Refit
Corvette: Paris
Frigate: Charon
Destroyer: Halberd
Cruiser: Marathon
Battleship: Valiant
Titan: Infinity
Colossus: Artemis
Juggernaut: Thanatos
Mega Shipyard: Titan Factory
Fighter: C712 Longsword
Bomber: C709 Longsword

Covenant models:
Construction ship: DRA
Science ship: DAS
Colony ship: ACD
Transport ship: DSC
Corvette/Frigate: CAR
Destroyer: CPV
Cruiser: CCS
Battleship: ORS
Titan: Esgem-pattern CAS
Colossus: DOS
Juggernaut: OSS
Mega Shipyard: Unyielding Hierophant
Fighter: Type-27 Banshee (aka. Space Banshee)
Bomber: Seraph

Do not redistribute without permission.
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General Feedback and Discussion
SVaughan Mar 1 @ 7:26am 
@tilarium I'm aware of that. But I'm also aware that sometimes actions will speak louder than words. And if enough of these people can be convinced to go complain to PDX, eventually PDX will have to do something.
Such as maybe add an option to remove the compat notification from the launcher (Kinda like a checkbox to click to Enable/Disable).
tilarium Mar 1 @ 5:12am 
@SVaughan And complaining to the devs will do nothing for the marker. I've been suggesting it's removal since early in Stellaris' life. The only function is serves is to get people riled up and thinking a mod no longer works when in fact it does still work just fine. The check is a single line in a single file that has 0 function on the mod itself, but because it says incompatible, people come to the forums saying to update without actually using common sense (reading patch notes and seeing if anything patched would effect the mod) or testing it in game. Ship set mods like this are usually the safest ones as the updates don't often touch ship files.
SVaughan Feb 28 @ 7:26pm 
The marker falls on PDX, not the mod devs. They control the markers and anything else in their launcher for their games. Yes, it's annoying. But trying to tell mod devs to get rid of it is essentially pointless as it falls on the game Devs. So if you want to complain about the "Outdated" marker, go complain to PDX on their official forums.
Strife Feb 28 @ 7:18pm 
I never said it was simple to fix its actually alot of time consuming work like making a massive mod collection to work. what i meant, was that he should get what they were thinking seeing that mark for updating mods its annoying with its warning, it could also just show changes in the playset if they suddenly have trouble with an mod updated or something.

and that mark should only appear as you've said if the version update is 3.15 and not 3.14 anymore..seems i had to further explain myself, i would have edited my last comment but this shitty steam wont allow it and i cba to rewrite it i hoped ppl would get what i meant...bah
SVaughan Feb 28 @ 4:33pm 
PDX regularly updates their games. So even if a mod team kept it up to date to whatever happens to be the new version, it'll only come back after the next minor update.
It's pointless. The only time a mod should really update is when a PDX game goes from 1.x to another 1.x. For example 1.14 to 1.15.

You say it's simple to fix it. But it really isn't. And you'll never understand how coding works from the basis of your comment.
renatops410 Feb 22 @ 2:56pm 
a flood swarm shipset would LOOK AWESOME please consider T-T
centerplazaa Feb 14 @ 11:36am 
replace paris with gladius please!!
SVaughan Feb 12 @ 6:18pm 
It was last updated in October so what do you think?
MegaPro1921 Feb 12 @ 4:20pm 
Is this mod working now?
tilarium Feb 7 @ 5:09pm 
@Hamster Instead of saying "please update", say how it needs to be updated because it was just working an update ago. An update ago that didn't affect ships and so shouldn't have broken any ship mods.