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Enhanced Chat Readability
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3 aug. 2016 la 11:19
8 sept. 2016 la 17:40
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Enhanced Chat Readability

În 1 colecție creată de Eklei
Starbound Minimalist Fixes
17 obiecte
This mod gives chat bubbles a striking transluscent black background for better readability, makes them 50% wider so there is less word wrapping, and makes them last 6 seconds (instead of the default 3 seconds in 1.0.3, or 4.5 seconds in 1.0.4). It also cleans up the chat interface in the lower left, and increases the chat log limit from 64 messages to 10,000 messages. Special thanks to Alessondria for the original version of this mod.

Unpacked version available on the Starbound Community forum.[]
31 comentarii
Lil Miss Rayne 9 dec. 2022 la 20:20 
Thank you, the default boxes are hard to read with my dyslexia. The new boxes are so much easier to read :)
BlackCat 16 sept. 2020 la 17:52 
does it work with npc dialoges?
Tazerbot3000 5 apr. 2020 la 19:38 
Client-side or no?
Farriba Starfyre 23 apr. 2019 la 16:58 
A hero is you
aubri 10 febr. 2019 la 12:41 
Thank you.
timmyvalen 11 dec. 2018 la 19:22 
A great addition to the game. Thanks
Mr. Kage 27 ian. 2018 la 21:03 
does it work while playing with people who Dont have this Mod?
Seishin Hermy 24 ian. 2018 la 13:51 
My eyes love you. Thanks.
Taycorn 20 ian. 2018 la 1:05 
Just stumbled onto this. Looks...amazing! Thx.
NoctisTheBogWitch 10 ian. 2018 la 7:35 
This is the best mod i've ever used for chat! Great for roleplay in my opinion! :)