Portal 2

Portal 2

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Chamber One
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My collection of all Chamber One maps I have made!

This collection will grow as and when I add to it, and make more maps public.

The concept of Chamber One, is to play through the exact same chamber. but each time, the chamber will be tweaked to make the gameplay vastly different each time. It plays off of the concept that "This is the only level" utilises.
Inhalte (5)
Chamber One - One
Erstellt von Kizzycocoa
The first map. is a bit of a challenge! Again, only available to friends to alpha-test/give feedback...
Chamber One - Two
Erstellt von Kizzycocoa
Chamber One - Map #2! I'm liking these puzzle layouts. much better than before. this one is more of a challenge....
Chamber One - Three
Erstellt von Kizzycocoa
The third chamber. I'm not really all too happy with it. I'm going to do some fiddling to make the next chamber better. For now, it's playable, and worth playing....
Chamber One - Four
Erstellt von Kizzycocoa
WOAH! WHERE IS THE FLOOR?! IS THAT IT, ON THE CEILING?! entire chamber flipped, and puzzles added. Not sure if you can get stuck, but it should be ok. Criticism makes perfect! please comment on any bugs/hard parts in my maps. I am always seeking to improve...
Chamber One - Five
Erstellt von Kizzycocoa
Entire chamber is mirrored, and major changes made to the rooms!...