The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

203 ratings
Natural Talents v2.0 - Racial Bonuses Overhaul
Category: Characters, Gameplay
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729.457 KB
May 13, 2012 @ 5:39am
Oct 18, 2012 @ 6:09am
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Natural Talents v2.0 - Racial Bonuses Overhaul


New in v2.0:

- All racial skills are now given a bonus to their effectiveness. This is because it was pointed out to me that after all the racial skills reach 100, this mod becomes pointless. Now you can feel like your Bosmer is better with a bow, your Nord is better with battleaxes and your Khajiit is better at sneaking thanks to their natural talents for the entire experience in Skyrim.


Natural talents removes starting racial skill bonuses and replaces them with XP bonuses and relative effectiveness, thereby giving you an edge throughout your entire skyrim experience instead of a slight bonus for level 1-3 and making the races act as more of an RPG class system.

Personally, I don't believe in racial stereotypes but seeing as bethesda seems to half-heartedly disagree; I figure 'in for a penny in for a pound'!

In all seriousness, I always thought it was pointless to have skill bonuses according to race that can become largely irrelevant after the first few levels. In life, being 'a natural' at a skill lets you learn it quicker than most, it doesn't just mean you start out being slightly better at something - that would only represent previous training. To that end, I have removed all the racial bonuses and replaced them with a bonus to XP and effectiveness with all racial skills, giving 10% extra instead of a starting +10 and 5% extra instead of a starting +5.


+10% Illusion
+5% Alteration
+5% Conjuration
+5% Destruction
+5% Enchanting
+5% Restoration

+10% Lockpicking
+5% Alteration
+5% Light Armour
+5% Pickpocket
+5% Restoration
+5% Sneak

+10% Archery
+5% Alchemy
+5% Light Armour
+5% Lockpicking
+5% Pickpocket
+5% Sneak

+10% Conjuration
+5% Alchemy
+5% Alteration
+5% Illusion
+5% Restoration
+5% Speech

+10% Destruction
+5% Alchemy
+5% Alteration
+5% Illusion
+5% Light Armour
+5% Sneak

+10% Restoration
+5% Block
+5% Destruction
+5% Enchanting
+5% Heavy Armour
+5% One-Handed

+10% Sneak
+5% Alchemy
+5% Archery
+5% Lockpicking
+5% One-Handed
+5% Pickpocket

+10% Two-Handed
+5% Block
+5% Light Armour
+5% One-Handed
+5% Smithing
+5% Speech

+10% Heavy Armour
+5% Block
+5% Enchanting
+5% One-Handed
+5% Smithing
+5% Two-Handed

+10% One-Handed
+5% Alteration
+5% Archery
+5% Block
+5% Destruction
+5% Smithing


Q. "Can you list the bonuses here please?"
A. You scrolled right past them to get to this FAQ. They've always been there, honest. Also, I've got a horrible feeling that some people are new to The Elder Scrolls and think that racial skill bonuses are just something that I've pulled out of my arse. All races have always had bonuses to a certain set of skills, I've just changed how they work. For proof of this, you can look them up on or

Q. "Nords should get a bonus to heavy armour!" / "Nords should get a bonus to archery!"
A. Not really a question, I know, but this has come up a few times. I'm not out to change the bonuses each race gets, just how they affect the gameplay. You need to take your suggestions to Bethesda. I'm also not out to turn your favourite race into a Mary Sue or some sort of Deus Ex Machina. If you want to train a particular skill, go for it. This mod will not hinder your training in any skill and they all now start the game at the same level. This removes the obligation to use any particular skills from the start. You just might find that your Nord takes to swinging that battleaxe a little quicker than he takes to casting fireballs. He can still do both at the same relative effectiveness as any other race.

Q. "Orcs should get a +10% bonus to speech!"
A. they shouldn't.

Q. "You know you keep spelling 'armor' wrong, right?"
A. A lesson in British English; armour, colour, favourite - These words are all spelled correctly. Go figure.

Q. "Do I need to restart my game for this to take effect?"
A. No, not at all. The XP bonus will apply to new and old characters, but the removal of the old skill bonuses will only affect new characters.

Q. If I subscribe with a pre-made character, will this mod affect my current skill levels?
A. No. If you get a Nord to 100 in two handed and then get this mod, it won't reduce that skill to 90. I think it's better to start a character with a level playing field of skills, but as I've stated as one of my main reasons for making this mod, the original bonuses meant absolutely nothing after a few levels anyway.

Q. Have you raised the level cap to compensate for the lower starting skill values?
A. Short answer, the maximum level will be higher, yes. It's my understanding that there never was a level cap, just a theoretical maximum level based on the number you would gain by increasing all your skills to 100 from the original starting values before this mod changed them. So, in theory, you should be able to reach a higher level and gain more perks than before.

Q. Can you add this to the Nexus?
A. Of course! You can now find it here:
LUGUI FROM AMAZING BROTHERS Nov 19, 2017 @ 5:22am 
this fucking erased all race skills dont download
Lightning mcKeane Apr 25, 2017 @ 10:03pm 
Why do the frequently asked questions all seem like the kind of question that would be asked uncommonly?
ok Nov 3, 2016 @ 3:19pm 
Orcs should get a +10% bonus to speech!
Winnington Oct 14, 2014 @ 7:06am 
yay armour!! Rule brittania!
Dalis918 Aug 15, 2014 @ 3:38am 
seems to cause some issues with the Resplendent - Races of skyrim mod, at least for argonians it makes the bile spit ability invisible. can still use it, but if you equip another power, you can't re-equip bile spit, so use the two together at your own risk. Aside from that, awesome mod.
lakefishHAXX Jul 16, 2014 @ 5:02pm 
for those who complain about races having the wrong bonus, maybe have an in-game config thing to change it? just a thought to help.

(also, i want to make the kahjiit OP at all stealth, and i cannot mod at all, so config thing pleeease?)
adtherenegade Feb 27, 2014 @ 9:57pm 
I can honestly say this is one of the few mods that felt like it should have been in the vanilla game to start with, hat's off to you sir!
A thought I had, if you could... change racial powers to mimic useful perks for their 10% skill. for instance, nord: "for the next 60 seconds all sidewards power attacks with two-handed weapons stagger and deal damage to all enemies in front of you". Just a thought.
Ianus Nov 13, 2013 @ 11:46am 
same problem like SushiJaguar here. older Version worked fine but now only Nord Bonus
SushiJaguar Sep 4, 2013 @ 1:27am 
This mod's broken. It applies the Nord Skill Bonus to all races, now.
Panzerpadden Aug 31, 2013 @ 10:24am 
After I installed this mod, with a couple of others, my casting time for spells (Master level ones, like Fire Storm) have been reduced to almost none.
Is this a part of the mod?
If it is, is there any way I can change this?
My character is a Altmer, so I thought that maybe it was a part of their racial bonuses.