Portal 2

Portal 2

Ei tarpeeksi arvosteluja
Phase 1
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Hopefully to become a collection of quality chambers that are both fun and require a bit thinking (hopefully :P). I will also be updating older maps as I improve and learn new tricks with the editor. Feedback, positive or negative will be greatly appreciated.
Luomukset (5)
[Phase 1.1B]
Tekijä: Gen
Complete overhaul of the original map. Cleaned it up quite a bit and tried to make it more engaging....
[Phase 1.2]
Tekijä: Gen
Again... should be exploit free for the most part....
[Phase 1.3]
Tekijä: Gen
A little more streamlined than the previous maps I hope....
[Phase 1.4]
Tekijä: Gen
The more I make... the better I get right? Let's hope so....
[Phase 1.5]
Tekijä: Gen