Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

62 ratings
How to create your own material overlay
By YoshiPoland and 1 collaborators
Hello. This guide willl go through the steps you need to take in order to create your own material overlay.
The only third party software you need
"VTFEditor" download link:
Step 1:
Chose the texture you want (The file format does not matter as long as it is a picture).

Step 2:
Open VTFEditor and select "File" then "Import". Now just choose your image.

Step 3:
Your image may look glitchy now, but don't worry. Click on Options and check "Auto Create VMT File".

Step 4:
Click on "File" then on "Save as..." and select the place you want to save it at (Remember, you have to place the file within a SFM compatable game.)

Never change the location of your files because the .vmt file contains the location of the file.

Step 5:
Start SFM and open the projekt in which you want to use your new overlay.

Step 6:
Right click on "Effects" within the clip editor. Now click "Add Clip to Track" and choose "Materials Overlay Effect" from the context menu.

Step 7:
Right click on "New Clip" and select "Show in Element Viewer".

Step 8:
Click on "..." in order to browse for the texture you just created.

Step 9:
Search for your texture.

Step 10:
Your texture may not be transparent at places in which it was most definitely supposed to be. Therefore you've got to lower the transparency from 255 to 254 or set it to whatever fits your needs.

If you want see effect on your posters you must use go to render move change on image sequence and set time on 0.000 - 0.041 (if your project is set for 24 fps)

Also thanks to Katawunga for check and correct sentences.
Thanks for read my guide i hope it was helpful. Tell me what you think in comments.
Solo Jan 8, 2019 @ 3:31pm 
thanks love.
marty Oct 10, 2016 @ 3:41am 
thanks fam.
The Little Psycho (TLP) Jul 9, 2016 @ 1:44am 
thank you :3 i owe you one!
YoshiPoland  [author] Jul 8, 2016 @ 7:38pm 
@The Little Psycho (TLP)
When you render poster this don't work, so we use image sequence because image sequence render movie as posters and here you must set 0.000-0.041because we want only one poster
The Little Psycho (TLP) Jul 8, 2016 @ 12:24pm 
is it necessary at 0.000 and 0.041? i mean if i have it at 1-1.10 can iuse it?
i mean on my poster dosen;t work :(