Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

57 ratings
how to be the very best at warband
By iquitpc and 2 collaborators
this is excelent guide on how to be good at playing warband multiplayer and being OP at combat
how to be the best commander
okay the first thing u need to no about warband is that ur mouse is directoinal. whenever u move the mouse one way ur sword goes the other. what i like to do i turn my mosue upside down and just swipe my hand back and froth. this is honestly the best way to gurantee ur direction of attack. the second thing u need to no is that whenever u kill a dragon it replenishs ur souls. this is very useful when ur playing napoloenic wars and reloarding takes lot oft ime. another useful thing to know is that whjenever u r supposed to put ur spear down when u r riding ur horse u ahve to press x. its also important to know that the game actually requires the dawngaurd dlc to use weapons on horse. also u can block when ever u left click and whenever u r shooting a bow or gun its usful to go in third person mode with the button :f:. i would also like to inform u that when playing singleplayer mode u should always side with nords cus nords r awsome XDDD lol for sieges when ever u r seiging i recomend going with nords or kerghits cus kerghists r badass too LOL also saranids r pretty cool cus the women r hot if u know what i mean ;-) nords overal have the best infentry and this is why im the best commander xD if u want to be good at warband u should definitly follow these rules guys! indrimaster out!!!!! 8-) WAR ON FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Huscurian Jul 1, 2021 @ 3:53pm 
Worst guide ever made.

If Gaius Julius Caesar saw this, he'd snort with contempt and say, "Harrumph! I can best these whelps in battle with just a legion. Mark my words, these whelps know no better than to submit to their Roman superiors."
fauxdivinity Jun 30, 2021 @ 8:42am 
i had to cast comprehend languages to read this but overall very informative.
weeb Mar 14, 2018 @ 9:33am 
Instruction unclear : I got my dick stuck inside King Graveth's butt.
ndb15 Jun 27, 2016 @ 7:02pm 
This guide has been put on Earth by Satan himself.
MasterCommentator Jun 26, 2016 @ 8:03am 
@Bifrost, yes, yes it does.
Eduardo.Minecrafteros.2009 Jun 23, 2016 @ 4:47pm 
Changed my life for the better
BETARD Jun 23, 2016 @ 1:33pm 
this guide is like when i take a shit but the shit doesn't come out and i have to try to pull it out with a tissue paper but then the tissue paper falls off to the toilet sink so i have to use another tissue paper but then i accidently touch my own shit which means i have to try to reach the sink to quickly wash my hands but then when i reached too far i end up face planting the floor with my shit blasting out to the ceiling and i couldn't even stand up because i think i got a broken nose and i was feeling a bit drousy and i ended up sleeping on the floor with bits of shit falling to my head until the massive shit dropped from the ceiling straight to my head which made me woke up instantly so i have to go take a shower with shit on my hair but i realise i was bleeding on my nose and i quickly lost balance and slipped and broke the glass door in the shower.

yes, this guide is like that.
Kyriel Jun 23, 2016 @ 8:55am 
This needs the Pokemon music to somehow play when the page loads.
Ace Jun 23, 2016 @ 8:35am 
he wuz like those bretonz. dey wanna be black lik dere southern neighborz but they cantz, dey iz wite
Ace Jun 23, 2016 @ 8:35am 
M8 hannibal wasnt black he was a filthy Phoenician wannabe