Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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Legendary Bloodlines
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19 juin 2016 à 9h46
12 janv. 2018 à 11h19
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Legendary Bloodlines

IMPORTANT : Compatible with all DLC except Holy Fury DLC since it also adds bloodline traits
Use this mod only if you don't own Holy Fury DLC

Ever wanted to play as a descendant of Balian (aka Kingdom of Heaven) or El Cid? The progenitors of Vlad Dracula? Saladin? What about the Sassanids, the Parthians, Constantine the Great and many many more? Well now you can. The bloodline trait passes from father to children.

"Legendary Bloodlines" mod can be played with vanilla game, but considering it doesn't override any files it should also be fully compatible with most of the mods, especially the ones that don't alter the history/characters directory. All start dates are perfectly playable, from 769 to 1337.

*With the newest mod update, you can create your own Legendary Bloodline once you have enough prestige! The bloodline will be named after the founder and the trait will pass to your descendants patrilineal. A.I. will make use of it as well.*

If you wanna show your support all you have to do is rate, favorite and share the mod. Also comment and report any bugs you may find. Thanks!

In a few words, this is a mod that adds a bloodline trait to the descendants of some of the most famous and legendary historic figures. Each one has a unique legendary bloodline trait. For example the descendants of Genghis Khan have a unique bloodline trait, and so do the descendants of Saladin and so on... There are currently 37 bloodline traits for now and more will be added in the future.

The traits add bonuses to opinion, prestige and diplomacy. For some of the most important bloodlines the bonuses are greater than the rest. On the other hand, there are historical blood feuds between some of the bloodlines that greatly increase hostility among them such as:
Ottoman vs Palaiologos etc.

Just to be clear, all of the dynasties and their cadet branches with the added bloodline trait, at some point in history claimed their descent from those specific historical and in some cases almost mythical figures. Some have strong claims to those bloodlines and others are disputed. Let history be the judge.

Summing it all up:
- 37 legendary bloodline traits added
- New nicknames for some historical figures in the game added
- Wikipedia links for some important characters that were missing from vanilla game added
- Changed reason of death based on historical facts for some important characters
- 1000+ of characters in many dynasties were edited with the appropriate bloodline, historical nickname etc.

List of characters that started a bloodline in the discussions tab here

More additions and changes will be made. Any comments, suggestions and help with modding is greatly appreciated!
Discussions populaires Tout voir (1)
10 aout 2018 à 14h51
List of all the available bloodline traits in alphabetical order
182 commentaires
aghanyan.torgom 11 aout à 7h20 
Mod ain't working
Imperial 30 juil. 2021 à 3h11 
For some reason this mod removes nations from the map leaving uninhabited land in their place.
ᚹᛀᚱᛟᛗᛖᚤᚻᚺᛪ 20 oct. 2019 à 19h38 
can you in a title of mode write the note about holy fury or you'll update this 7
Murder of Crows 7 sept. 2019 à 1h31 
I'm not sure. My game won't save with this loaded, but I'm also running HIP.
susannag 6 juin 2019 à 11h47 
Is this compatible with 3.2.1?
Toucancan 5 mai 2019 à 16h17 
Is there a way for you to create a better bloodline? Like there is a button to create your own bloodline, but there are a lot more historical bloodlines that give better bonuses, is there a way to create a super bloodline that is more than the base bloodline?
Ilion 27 avr. 2019 à 5h51 
At the moment, I can't think of an improvement.

Amusingly, some years ago, I had mod-created a trait that is essentially a bloodline -- I wanted to easily tell which characters were descended (whether by father or mother) from my original character.
Grimes  [créateur] 27 avr. 2019 à 2h53 
@Ilion Yes, that is how it works. Anyway I'm always open for suggestions, if it will make the mod better
Ilion 25 avr. 2019 à 3h14 
I had earlier posted a question of how character-created bloodlines are "tracked"; I understand it now. The bloodlines not only are displayed as traits, they *are* traits.

SO: my current character and his distant dynastic kin both founded distinctly named bloodlines, both have the same trait_id number ... which resolves back to the mod's "blood_1" trait. Their children, while still of distinctly named bloodlines, have the same trait_id number, which resolves back to the mod's "blood_2" trait. Eventually, their descendants will have the mod's "blood_5" trait, at which point the two distinct bloodlines will "merge" into a bloodline called by the dynasty's name, rather than by the (separate) founders' names.

BTW, would make stacking character-created bloodlines pointless, as eventually the two (or more) distinct bloodlines inherited by a character would "merge" into a single bloodline called by his/her dynasty name, irrespective of the origins of the originally separate bloodlines.
Grimes  [créateur] 16 janv. 2019 à 5h33 
@ local news The reason I'm not doing it is because stacking bloodline bonuses can make characters overpowered. It's open for debate though