Arma 3
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A lesson on playing medic - General principles & Kit
โดย kupian
In this guide I aim to provide the principles of being a medic, along with some kit recommendations. This isn't about the ins and outs of ACE medical, it's about getting in that field medic mindset and saving more troops.
In this guide I will be going through a few basic principles and tips for being a combat/field medic in ArmA 3. If you have any feedback, good or bad, please leave it in the comments. Or if you have a request for another guide, leave that in the comments.


Check out my guide on running a milsim unit!

You're the MVP
Think of yourself as the MVP. I know it sounds selfish and arrogant, but if you want your squad to survive, you need to act as if you're a VIP. If you go running out there, taking point like one of the riflemen, you'll be the first target for enemy contacts. Instead, stay back. Take as much cover as possible and make sure you're never on the very frontline. Unless your squad leader has given you specific orders, stay in the safest position possible.
Take cover!
Stay low. The amount of times I've been on a public server and seen a medic pop his head up in the middle of a firefight and get gunned down is insane. If you're in a battle, stay in your cover unless you can hear that the shots aren't being aimed at you. If you can hear nearby ricochets, then you don't want to be standing up and putting your vitals in the line of fire. If you really need to return fire, wait until the shots aren't landing close to you, quickly pop up and fire, then duck down straight away. Don't sit on a wall with your bipod out laying down suppressive fire; leave that to the autorifleman.
Assess the situation. If you see a man go down, don't just sprint straight towards him. Call out his injury to the rest of the squad/fireteam, pop some smoke around him, and then begin to assess the situation. If he's in no cover and you're in a firefight, I would recommend either sending someone else to drag him back, or just waiting. You could also ask for some suppressive fire and run to him, but that's very risky. If he is in cover, or he just got hit by a sniper, then it's generally ok to move to him. But, make sure that the first thing you do when you reach him is re-assess the situation. Still taking heavy fire? Consider carrying his body far back. If he got hit by a sniper, patch him up as soon as possible and then get to some cover from the sniper. If there is no cover, you'll want to either drag him back and heal him, or do it there and then and both sprint back.
Kit & Weaponry
As a medic, you're going to want the best armour you can get, because even if you follow all the tips above, the medic is still a very dangerous role. Since you'll be doing a lot of running around, low weight is important. With heavy armour on you're going to have to cut down a lot of fat in your kit to sustain this low weight. Don't bring anything that you don't require, such as RPGs, Frag Grenades, or anything non essential to survival and medical treatment.

As for your weapon, something light like a Carbine or an SMG is your best option. You'll probably want 6-10 magazines depending on the length of time you'll be on the battlefield.

Make sure you always have a medkit on you, even if you don't have any first aid kits. However you should make sure that if you can, you're bringing plenty of first aid kits.

Recommended Gear:

Uniform: Anything that fits the terrain. But don't be that guy with the SMG running around in a ghillie suit.

Vest: Carrier Special Rig. Heaviest, most armoured vest in the game. Tends to help stop bullets.

Backpack: Assault Bag, or at the most a Kitpack. Keep in mind you're a medic and not a pack horse.

Weapon: MXC or Sting.

Do not bring a sidearm unless absolutely required to. 9 times out of 10 you will never need it and it will just end up encumbering you.

Big thanks to Bob of Mage for most of the content in this section!
Thanks :)
I have to thank many people. Firstly, all you lot reading this. I sincerely hope it helped you :).

Secondly, the CLG guys. Without them, I wouldn't have had the chance to learn any of these skills, so a huge applaud to them all. I've added the CLG leaders as contributors, maybe go check out the Crazy Looney Gamers.


UPDATE: I'd just like to say wow. Apparently this guide has made it to the front page!? A big thanks to everybody reading and commenting, I never expected it to go this far.

Check out my guide on running a milsim unit!

28 ความเห็น
Tacticalotl 17 ส.ค. @ 7: 25pm 
Learn it, don't operate on some guy in the middle of a field.
Scantsiren1445 10 มี.ค. 2020 @ 4: 10pm 
@jeni quit being such a fucking karen jeez
Defi 6 มี.ค. 2018 @ 7: 24am 
You should mention how some people tend to shoot soldiers just to bait the medic making it look like they cant hit the target while they have perfect view of you and your shiny new medkit
Old Medic 24 ก.พ. 2017 @ 12: 34pm 
Nice work here. It has been the " Brass".
You should have gone into how to use the bandages and epli too. ( for all of the people starting out playing Solo)
Anyway Well done from an old medic
JymbowSlice 25 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 1: 59pm 
you tell him baus
kupian  [ผู้สร้าง] 25 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 5: 54am 
@Nikulin SOOQA blet It all depends how far you want to take it. You can play as a 'medic' on any server you like, however some severs emphasise realism more than others.

I'd recommend Ahoyworld or 77th JSOC for general medicing, however if you want to go more realistic I'd suggest you check out the Clans page on the forums and join a milsim group.
Khas 25 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 5: 28am 
which server do I play on to play medic?
Tbear 24 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 1: 08pm 
@Pioneer 11 you called baus queer while youre the one spending christmas raging at a guide, get a life mate - Bødvar
Desertedcake 24 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 12: 58pm 
someone is upset
kupian  [ผู้สร้าง] 24 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 12: 48pm 
@Pinoneer 11 I'm not sure why you're getting so worked up. I replied politely and nicely and this is how I'm treated? Sorry but I spent my own time writing this guide and replying to you. If you don't agree with me then you don't have to be here. I don't think insulting and giving me abuse is going to make much odds.