Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

327 ratings
How to Play Comp Mode With Bots (Doesn't work)
By ChaseDuck and 2 collaborators
(Dosnt work anymore, cvar deleted) A guide on how to practice comp against bots on your own server.
Spanish Version (Version en Español)
Spanish version by Jistro, Jose76tron and ChaseDuck
Creating The Server
This part is extremely easy. It's pretty likely that you already know how to create your own singleplayer server which is an essential part of doing this, but I'll go over it just in case you don't know. I'll go over 2 different ways to do this. The first way is easier and faster, but you can only play on one comp supported map.

First, click training, next to the server browser.

Next, click offline practice, then select the gamemode, map, bot difficulty, and the number of bots. Once you've configured your game, click the start practice button.

Once you've done all that, you should have a server. But from all the maps you can choose from this way, only one map is supported by comp, and that is koth_viaduct. What that means is that for staged maps like dustbowl, whoever wins the first stage wins the whole game for some reason. And at the end of the round, instead of having a winners podium, everyone is just teleported inside of each other.

The next way to start a server is a little more complicated, it takes longer, but you can play on all of the comp supported maps.

First, click on the little cross sign button that is on top of the server browser.

Then, there should be a dropdown list of maps you can choose from. Choose any maps you want, but the only comp supported maps as of now are koth_viaduct, cp_badlands, cp_proccess, cp_snakewater, cp_foundry, and cp_gullywash.

Once you've choosen your map, click start.
Turning On Competitive Mode
For this part, you will need to do some console commands. The first thing you will need to do is spawn some bots. If you choose the offline training way, you can ignore this part because there will already be bots for you. First, type in sv_cheats 1

Once you've done that, type in nav_generate. This part is going to take an annoyingly long time, and it will lag and reload the server. But you need to do this so the bots know how to move, shoot, and do other things.

After your server reloads, type into the console tf_bot_add 11. This will add 11 bots to the game, 6 on the other team and 5 on yours, so you can play the sixes format. You can add different amounts of bots to the game by changing 11 to whatever you want.

Now, at this point, if you choose the offline training way, type sv_cheats 1 into the console since you haven't yet. Now comes the part where you actually start competitive mode. To do that, type tf_competitive_mode 1 into the console.

This will bring up a ready up screen, just like in matchmaking, and everyone will be brought back to spawn. The round will have started over, and you won't be able to move for a few seconds after you press f4 to ready up. When you do ready up though, You've have to wait for 150 seconds because the bots don't know how to ready up. After waiting, the match will begin, and you can play like normal. Unfortunately, bots are still bots, so they are going to be stupid like normal and won't recongnize that this is competitive mode, so they won't try harder, and you'll have to go without callouts. :\

Besides that, everything should be normal, including the countdown screen and that sexy winners podium (unless you're playing on a map not supported by comp like I mentioned ealier.)

Useful Commands
Play with friends
Before opening a map use this command:
sv_lan "0" (For play wihout only lan)
When you are in the game use the following commands:
heartbeat (For reload the TF2 database)
tf_forced_holiday "2" (If you want to use cosmetics from halloween)

tf_bot_add "quantity" (Add bots to the game)
tf_bot_kick "all" (Kick all the bots)
tf_bot_kick "name of the bot" (Kick a bot by his name)
tf_bot_difficulty " " (Difficulty of the bots 0=easy;1=normal;2=hard;3=expert)

nav_generate (For generating the navigation file)
If you want to load another map type the following:
map (Name of the map)
Example: map koth_lakeside_event
Frequent Questions
Ad-hoc connection not allowed
This happens because you leave the game with competitive mode enabled, just type on console:
tf_competitive_mode "0"
And done, now you can play again.

Can you rank up with this?
No you can't, because you are playing offline and not in a Valve server

Can you play with friends?
Yes, just type on console before open the map:
sv_lan "0"
And be sure to have the ports 27015 and 27005 open so people can join your server.

Why I crash when i put tf_competitive_mode 1?
Thats a custom addon you have, most people crash because of p-rec.

Why bots dont move?
Thats because the map you are playing dont have a navigation file, just type in the console:
sv_cheats "1"
nav_generate "1"
After you type that you may notice that your FPS drop a lot thats because the engine is generating the navigation, just wait and when is done, the map restart itself and bots should move.

How can I play online competitive?
This isn't really the guide for this, but since it's asked often, here's a link to the official Matchmaking Beta Steam group owned by Valve where you can find out everything that is known about matchmaking publicly.
List of Competitive Supported Maps
I know I already mentioned this earlier, but I'll just put it here in a list again because it's easier to see. I'll include all of the maps in the rotation, as well as some ctf maps that used to be in the rotation.











Thanks to Jistro and Jose76Tron for making the original guide of how to do this in spanish. Remember to rate this guide up if you liked it, and favorite if you want to find this guide easily in the future. Enjoy playing competitive mode with bots!

If you have a problem, add Jose76Tron on steam and message him
Zack Oct 2, 2017 @ 8:20pm 
[UC]Jose76Tron (ESP)  [author] Aug 9, 2016 @ 1:35pm 
This doesn't work anymore
Bugs Jul 11, 2016 @ 1:01pm 
ok, im on competitive and it wants me to press F4, i do but the bots dont? so why
nonname al saddiq Jun 25, 2016 @ 5:06am 
my tf_competitive_mode 1 not working?
[UC]Jose76Tron (ESP)  [author] Mar 28, 2016 @ 6:41am 
Callbutch321 competitive dont work with MvM, it bugs with the huds,etc.
CaliforniaTrees(✪㉨✪) Mar 27, 2016 @ 11:41pm 
About 30mins after i put the commands in the ready up sign on the top of my screen in mvm got coverd over by a black board.
[UC]Jose76Tron (ESP)  [author] Mar 27, 2016 @ 1:55pm 
Beave, tf_bot_quota bugs a lot, someties it add more bots or kick them random, so is better add or kick them yourself
Cosmi Mar 27, 2016 @ 11:53am 
The Bots are all soliders
Kosta554 Mar 27, 2016 @ 11:17am 
Thank you
lem^2 Mar 27, 2016 @ 8:59am 
do i need a pass for this?