153 ratings
By cunny and 1 collaborators
Ever wanted to know what it feels like to be a dolphin? Well now you can.

This will explain the basics of a very useful movement technique I call the 'Dolphin Dive'. Mastery of this technique will allow you to become an unstoppable force on the battlefield and will improve your chances of successful infiltrations dramatically.

I didn't make this up and I have no idea who did. I simply learned this neat trick from watching one of XeroShinobi's videos. I have heard of such a technique before, some call it the 'Frog Hop', 'Hop Cancel', 'Jump Hump', but I think Dolphin Dive is the coolest name of them all so let's all call it that from now on.
Useful in FOB infiltrations as well as in singleplayer, the Dolphin Dive is no doubt a skill that every legendary mercenary should be proficient with. We all know that to avoid detection and stay stealthy, you'll need to crouch, crawl or roll along the ground. But those ways come with a clear drawback - the cost of speed. Your movement speed is reduced to a crawl (no pun intended) and your movement speed is often a deciding factor in life or death, infiltration success or failure, and so on.

How does it work?
Honestly, I have no idea how this works on the technical side. I think it may have something to do with how the lower your body is - the better the camo index. Of course, your camo index is affected by a variety of other factors such as the type of uniform, headgear, etc. Furthermore, I think the sound produced in the process could mislead guards into believing you were at a previous position, when you have already dived forward and away from their presence. If you have any guess or intel on how the Dolphin Dive works from a technical aspect, I'd love to hear about it in the comments.
How can I do it?
Dive = [SPACE BAR]
Aim = [MOUSE 2]
Stance/crouch = [C]
Forward = [W]
(Default control mapping for keyboard/mouse)

Steps: (you will need to aim your mouse at the direction you want to go)
1. Dive
2. Quickly aim while diving
3. When you see the reticle/crosshair/whatever appear, quickly press the stance button followed by the dive button (you have to press C then spacebar really, really fast in order for this to work)
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for consecutive dives

XeroShinobi used a controller, and since I have never used a console controller in my life, therefore I cannot tell you the relative difference in difficulty between doing the dive using a keyboard and a mouse and doing it using a controller.
Here in this video you can see XeroShinobi pull off several successful infiltrations on high difficulty FOBs - thanks to his mastery of the Dolphin Dive technique.
Final Words
Remember, this may not be easy at first so keep on practicing until you get the hang of it! Practice makes perfect. You will fail and you will fail a lot - the important thing is learning from failures and eventually getting it right.
Musicfan Jan 7, 2023 @ 10:17am 
Extremely skilled legend big boss doing the worm around an enemy base and noone sees him :happymeat:
TestingAcc413 Nov 9, 2022 @ 9:03am 
Proper dolphin diving DOESN'T use the W movement key- using movement keys lower your camo rating.
You need to alternate between three stances: crouching still, jumping, prone still- and then you repeat.
If you add movement key input, you will get more visible during crouching bit.
You can find the camo factor charts for this game on the internet, people made photos of the physical guide/books from the physical retail versions/collector editions.
MKG Dec 29, 2021 @ 9:45pm 
it's cuz guards spot you at farther range when prone compared to crouched, this dolphin jump thing makes it so you're only crouching for a few frames of the total animation so it's like you're always prone. I just roll, personally.
Stove Seagull Dec 22, 2021 @ 9:47am 
i thought this suppose to be the frog jump method or smth like that, but i was dead wrong
stigmata Dec 19, 2021 @ 3:08pm 
being normal is overrated
Violet Aug 20, 2021 @ 5:24pm 
you can also play the game as a normal human being
Bread by daylight Nov 1, 2020 @ 7:15pm 
Diving on the other hand can be heard at a way shorter distance because the game wants you to use your dive and I think they wanted to give you those close heart racing moments where you use it to quickly get into cover and save yourself from dying or getting seen. Another reason why this is insanely stealthy is because the game's AI NPCs detect you by the size you are from their angle and how fast you're moving, this is why crawling slowly is the best form of stealth because you're way shorter, you blend into grass, you're covered by a lot of objects, you're way slower, and lastly you make a little amount of noise.
Bread by daylight Nov 1, 2020 @ 7:15pm 
Forgot to mention I think I might know how it works, I'm a little newer to the game(170 hours) so take this with a grain of salt. I think when you aim and change your stance you change your stance faster than you would do so while not aiming because the game wants to make it easier to shoot over or under objects where you're being shot from and your gun is being blocked, hence the reason why they give you the faster stance change because when you're getting shot at you can die pretty fast. So the reason why you can dive instantly is because the game wants you to be able to change your stance faster but because this was likely added in later after play testing they couldn't give it a whole new animation and allowed weird bugs like this to happen. The reason why your so sneaky while doing it is because you can be heard at a distance of 15 meters while running without a sneak suit and an even closer distance while not using a sneaking suit which is around 11 meters.
Bread by daylight Nov 1, 2020 @ 7:05pm 
lmfao I might be late but that comment about sportsmanship is a joke, why would someone not used something that would put them at an advantage if they could, if it's such a big problem then they should just fix it.
无聊至极 Jul 21, 2020 @ 9:57pm 
when you're releasing the aim button it somehow makes game think the standing animation is canceled which allows you to dive instantly