Counter-Strike 2
Оцінок: 276
How to create / add Bookmarks in Steam Overlay/Browser
Автор: menzo
You can add/create bookmarks to Steam Overlay UI / Steam Browser, so you can one-click open them in browser in-game. This is not super easy, but not hard at all
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How to do that:
1) Open your steam folder, navigate to \resource\layout\ folder
2) Find overlaydesktop.layout file and open it with any text editor. The file format is similar to JSON.
3) In the text editor, in "controls" section, add following line:
BookmarkID { controlname="URLLabel" labeltext="Your bookmark name here" urltext="your page URL here" style="sidemenu"}
BookmarkID is something that you will refer this bookmark in next step
4) In "layout" section, add your BookmarkID to the list in following line:
place{controls="GameGroupsButton,ChatRoomButton,DLCButton,GuideButton,,WebSiteButton,RecommendButton,WorkshopButton,Your BookmarkID here" y=50 align=right region=overlay dir=down spacing=10 }
5) Save the file and you're done!
Here is how it looks:

Коментарів: 29
Lycro 22 берез. 2023 о 13:26 
still works thanks
cleric 6 лип. 2021 о 13:33 
class101 [deck] 30 черв. 2021 о 18:26 
Just wanted to add that -noverifyfiles also stops the files from being updated upon Steam updates. So the only way to get it overwritten is if something officially changed inside.

So that is perfect :)
class101 [deck] 29 черв. 2021 о 9:17 
Still working few years later thank you.

You can add to Steam the following launch option to stop it from reverting the file each restart:

There are other methods to stop Steam from updating the file but I won't post this here as it also stops Steam from being updated and is not the right way to go.

As long as you do not edit much than this file, -noverifyfiles should be safe to use. Just make a backup when Steam updates.
pertzel 7 серп. 2020 о 22:11 
Ha, that's exactly why I'm here, to add a bookmark
some bi girl | #FIXTF2 30 лип. 2020 о 18:16 
gonna be good for contracts bookmark for tf2
gonk 27 трав. 2020 о 19:15 
You can also use this:
rbn 4 січ. 2020 о 6:14 
@Frank Thanks you, this is what i was looking for, indeed. CuSteam
AyleidRuin 9 лют. 2019 о 6:55 
Thank you, Dark:showtongue:
slyk ⚜ 14 лип. 2018 о 17:25 
how do we make it so that they don't go away after every update or whenever a different user logs into steam?