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Unturned commands and item & vehicle ids []
От Pajusk teletabio galia!
How to find what you're searchin for quickly:
Press ctrl+f if you want to find something quicly
If you find something missing please write it in the comments!
Quest items DO NOT HAVE IDs

How to use the IDs & other commands
You need to enable cheats to use these commands!

For items, @give Username/ID/Amount
Example: @give TheReFreshas/121/1 would give me 1 knife.

For vehicles, @vehicle Username/ID
Example: @vehicle TheReFreshas/93 would spawn a green military heli near me.

For experience, @experience Username/Amount
Example: @experience TheReFreshas/420 would make me MLG my giving me 420 experience.

For teleporting, @teleport Username/Location
Example: @teleport Knifedera/Scorpion would teleport me to Scorpion-7.

For controlling time, @day, @night, @time Value
Example: @time 0 makes it day.

For forcing a storm use @storm
For forcing an airdrop use @airdrop

For changing your reputation around, @reputation Username/Value
Example: @reputation TheReFreshas/20 would give me 20 reputation point and make (insert the rank here because idk the ranks)

Color marking - Object type:
Items or vehicles:
Items = Green
Vehicles = Blue

Color marking- Object rarity:
Special - Golden
Red - Mythical
Dark violent - Legendary
Light Violent - Epic
Blue - Rare
Green - Uncommon
White - Common
(Not fully implemented)

The item lists are in alphabetical order!
В избранное
В избранном

[color=#039a00]006 - Military Magazine[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]017 - Military Drum[/color]
[color=#914afb]020 - Timberwolf Magazine[/color]
[color=#039a00]098 - Colt Magazine[/color]
[color=#2316e6]100 - Cobra Magazine[/color]
[color=#039a00]103 - Schofield Magazine[/color]
[color=#039a00]108 - Ace Clip[/color]
[color=#039a00]111 - Hawkhound Magazine[/color]
[color=#2316e6]113 - 12 Gauge Shells[/color]
[color=#2316e6]123 - Ranger Magazine[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]125 - Ranger Drum[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]127 - Nykorev Box[/color]
[color=#039a00]130 - Snayperskya Magazine[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]133 - Dragonfang Box[/color]
[color=#914afb]298 - Grizzly Magazine[/color]
[color=#914afb]301 - Rail [/color]
[color=#039a00]347 - Arrow[/color]
[color=#039a00]348 - Maple Arrow[/color]
[color=#039a00]351 - Birch Arrow[/color]
[color=#039a00]352 - Pine Arrow[/color]
[color=#039a00]381 - 20 Gauge Shells[/color]
[color=#82e12b]478 - Rifle Clip[/color]
[color=#039a00]485 - Sportshot Magazine[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]489 - Desert Falcon Magazine[/color]
[color=#914afb]520 - Rocket[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1003 - Matamorez Magazine[/color]
[color=#914afb]1005 - Matamorez Box[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1006 - Cobra Box[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1020 - Sabertooth Magazine[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1022 - Avenger Magazine[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1026 - Peacemaker Magazine[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1029 - Viper Magazine[/color]
[color=#039a00]1040 - Kryzkarek Magazine[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1042 - Yuri Magazine[/color]
[color=#039a00]1166 - Nailgun Magazine[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1177 - Military Tracer Magazine[/color]
[color=#914afb]1200 - Military Fragmentation Magazine[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1209 - Explosive Arrow[/color]
[color=#914afb]1302 - Tank Missile[/color]
[color=#039a00]1339 - Blue Paintball Hopper[/color]
[color=#039a00]1340 - Green Paintball Hopper[/color]
[color=#039a00]1341 - Orange Paintball Hopper[/color]
[color=#039a00]1342 - Purple Paintball Hopper[/color]
[color=#039a00]1343 - Red Paintball Hopper[/color]
[color=#039a00]1344 - Yellow Paintball Hopper[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1361 - Teklowvka Magazine[/color]
[color=#914afb]1365 - Hell's Fury Drum[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1368 - Vonya Magazine[/color]
[color=#039a00]1371 - Bulldog Magazine[/color]
[color=#039a00]1381 - Calling Card Drum[/color]
[color=#914afb]1384 - Ekho Magazine[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1395 - Hind HMG Box[/color]
[color=#933833]1443 - Shadowstalker Mk II Drum[/color]

[color=#2316e6]043 - Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate[/color]
[color=#039a00]044 - Low Caliber Civilian Ammunition Box[/color]
[color=#2316e6]119 - Low Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1192 - High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1193 - High Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box [/color]

[color=#2316e6]008 - Vertical Grip[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]143 - Bipod[/color]
[color=#2316e6]145 - Horizontal Grip [/color]

[color=#ffe0f0]005 - Eaglefire Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]019 - Timberwolf Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#2316e6]021 - 8x Scope[/color]
[color=#039a00]022 - Cross Scope[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]102 - Schofield Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]110 - Hawkhound Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]114 - Bluntforce Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]118 - Honeybadger Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]124 - Zubeknakov Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]128 - Nykorev Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]131 - Snayperskya Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]134 - Dragonfang Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#039a00]146 - Dot Sight[/color]
[color=#039a00]147 - Halo Sight[/color]
[color=#039a00]148 - Chevron Scope[/color]
[color=#2316e6]153 - 7x Scope[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]296 - 16x Scope[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]299 - Grizzly Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]302 - Shadowstalker Scope[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]349 - Crossbow Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]358 - Compound Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]364 - Maplestrike Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]475 - Rifle Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]476 - Makeshift Scope[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]486 - Sportshot Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]521 - Rocket Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1001 - Matamorez Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#039a00]1004 - Kobra Sight[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1019 - Sabertooth Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1025 - Peacemaker Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1028 - Viper Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1038 - Heartbreaker Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1043 - Yuri Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#914afb]1201 - Military Nightvision Scope[/color]
[color=#914afb]1363 - Augewehr Scope[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1367 - Vonya Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1370 - Bulldog Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1376 - Fusilaut Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1378 - Nightraider Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1380 - Calling Card Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#ffe0f0]1383 - Ekho Iron Sights[/color]
[color=#933833]1442 - Shadowstalker Mk II Scope[/color]

[color=#2316e6]151 - Tactical Laser[/color]
[color=#2316e6]152 - Tactical Light[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1007 - Adaptive Chambering[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]1008 - Rangefinder[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1438 - Bayonet [/color]

[color=#ffc2e1]007 - Military Suppressor[/color]
[color=#ffc2e1]144 - Ranger Suppressor[/color]
[color=#2316e6]149 - Military Barrel[/color]
[color=#2316e6]150 - Military Muzzle[/color]
[color=#2316e6]477 - Makeshift Muffler[/color]]
[color=#2316e6]1190 - Ranger Muzzle[/color]
[color=#2316e6]1191 - Ranger Barrel[/color]

1430 - Upgraded Cake Blueprint
1433 - Upgraded Fishing Rod Blueprint
1437 - Quadbarrel Blueprint
1439 - Bayonet Blueprint

029 - Maple Fortification
030 - Maple Barricade
031 - Maple Floor
032 - Maple Doorway
033 - Maple Wall
034 - Maple Window
035 - Maple Roof
036 - Maple Pillar
316 - Maple Stairs
319 - Maple Hole
322 - Maple Ramp
442 - Maple Rampart
443 - Maple Post
450 - Maple Garage
1262 - Triangular Maple Floor
1266 - Triangular Maple Roof
1414 - Maple Ramp Wall
281 - Maple Door
366 - Maple Crate
383 - Maple Spikes
451 - Maple Gate
1058 - Large Maple Plate
1059 - Small Maple Plate
1060 - Large Maple Frame
1061 - Small Maple Frame
1062 - Maple Siding
1063 - Maple Pipe
1083 - Maple Doorframe
1084 - Maple Garageframe
1095 - Maple Sign
1146 - Large Maple Plate (Equilateral)
1147 - Large Maple Plate (Right)
1152 - Small Maple Plate (Equilateral)
1153 - Small Maple Plate (Right)
1202 - Maple Rifle Rack
1205 - Maple Trophy Case
1223 - Maple Shutter
1231 - Maple Flag
1235 - Maple Doubledoor
1245 - Maple Counter
1251 - Maple Counter Sink
1257 - Maple Library
1278 - Maple Wardrobe
1284 - Maple Rectangular Table
1288 - Maple Circular Table
1292 - Maple Square Table
1329 - Maple Hatch
1410 - Maple Plaque
362 - Campfire

049 - Birch Doorway
053 - Birch Pillar
055 - Birch Roof
057 - Birch Wall
059 - Birch Window
318 - Birch Stairs
323 - Birch Ramp
321 - Birch Hole
444 - Birch Rampart
447 - Birch Post
452 - Birch Garage
1263 - Triangular Birch Floor
1267 - Triangular Birch Roof
1415 - Birch Ramp Wall
045 - Birch Barricade
047 - Birch Fortification
282 - Birch Door
326 - Birch Ladder
367 - Birch Crate
384 - Birch Spikes
455 - Birch Gate
1064 - Large Birch Plate
1065 - Small Birch Plate
1066 - Large Birch Frame
1067 - Small Birch Frame
1068 - Birch Siding
1069 - Birch Pipe
1085 - Birch Doorframe
1096 - Birch Sign
1144 - Large Birch Plate (Equilateral)
1145 - Large Birch Plate (Right
1150 - Small Birch Plate (Equilateral)
1151 - Small Birch Plate (Right)
1203 - Birch Rifle Rack
1206 - Birch Trophy Case
1224 - Birch Shutter
1232 - Birch Flag
1236 - Birch Doubledoor
1246 - Birch Counter
1252 - Birch Counter Sink
1258 - Birch Library
1279 - Birch Wardrobe
1285 - Birch Rectangular Table
1289 - Birch Circular Table
1293 - Birch Square Table
1330 - Birch Hatch
1411 - Birch Plaque
362 - Campfire

050 - Pine Doorway
052 - Pine Floor
054 - Pine Pillar
056 - Pine Roof
058 - Pine Wall
060 - Pine Window
317 - Pine Stairs
320 - Pine Hole
324 - Pine Ramp
445 - Pine Rampart
448 - Pine Post
453 - Pine Garage
1264 - Triangular Pine Floor
1268 - Triangular Pine Roof
1416 - Pine Ramp Wall
046 - Pine Barricade
048 - Pine Fortification
283 - Pine Door
327 - Pine Ladder
361 - Pine Torch
368 - Pine Crate
385 - Pine Spikes
456 - Pine Gate
1070 - Large Pine Plate
1071 - Small Pine Plate
1072 - Large Pine Frame
1073 - Small Pine Frame
1074 - Pine Siding
1075 - Pine Pipe
1087 - Pine Doorframe
1088 - Pine Garageframe
1097 - Pine Sign
1148 - Large Pine Plate (Equilateral)
1149 - Large Pine Plate (Right)
1154 - Small Pine Plate (Equilateral)
1155 - Small Pine Plate (Right)
1204 - Pine Rifle Rack
1207 - Pine Trophy Case
1225 - Pine Shutter
1233 - Pine Flag
1237 - Pine Doubledoor
1247 - Pine Counter
1253 - Pine Counter Sink
1259 - Pine Library
1280 - Pine Wardrobe
1286 - Pine Rectangular Table
1290 - Pine Circular Table
1294 - Pine Square Table
1331 - Pine Hatch
1412 - Pine Plaque
362 - Campfire

1210 - Brick Doorway
1211 - Brick Garage
1212 - Brick Pillar
1213 - Brick Post
1214 - Brick Rampart
1215 - Brick Wall
1216 - Brick Window
1418 - Brick Ramp Wall
1217 - Brick Doorframe
1218 - Brick Garageframe

369 - Metal Floor
370 - Metal Doorway
371 - Metal Wall
372 - Metal Window
373 - Metal Roof
374 - Metal Pillar
375 - Metal Stairs
376 - Metal Hole
377 - Metal Ramp
446 - Metal Rampart
449 - Metal Post
454 - Metal Garage
1265 - Triangular Metal Floor
1269 - Triangular Metal Roof
1417 - Metal Ramp Wall
284 - Jail Door
286 - Vault Door
287 - Bars Fortification
378 - Metal Door
379 - Metal Ladder
457 - Metal Gate
1089 - Metal Doorframe
1090 - Metal Garageframe
1091 - Large Metal Plate
1092 - Small Metal Plate
1093 - Metal Siding
1094 - Metal Pipe
1098 - Metal Sign
1220 - Metal Rifle Rack
1221 - Metal Trophy Case
1226 - Metal Shutter
1234 - Metal Flag
1238 - Metal Doubledoor
1248 - Metal Counter
1254 - Metal Counter Sink
1260 - Metal Library
1281 - Metal Wardrobe
1287 - Metal Rectangular Table
1291 - Metal Circular Table
1295 - Metal Square Table
1332 - Metal Hatch
1409 - Metal Mannequin
1413 - Metal Plaque
1249 - Fridge
1250 - Oven
1283 - Cooler

288 - Black Bedroll
289 - Blue Bedroll
290 - Green Bedroll
291 - Orange Bedroll
292 - Purple Bedroll
293 - Red Bedroll
294 - White Bedroll
295 - Yellow Bedroll
365 - Sandbag
1303 - Blue Couch
1304 - Green Couch
1305 - Orange Couch
1306 - Purple Couch
1307 - Red Couch
1308 - Yellow Couch
1309 - Blue Cot
1310 - Green Cot
1311 - Orange Cot
1312 - Purple Cot
1313 - Red Cot
1314 - Yellow Cot
1315 - Blue Beach Chair
1316 - Green Beach Chair
1317 - Orange Beach Chair
1318 - Purple Beach Chair
1319 - Red Beach Chair
1320 - Yellow Beach Chair
1321 - Blue Umbrella
1322 - Green Umbrella
1323 - Orange Umbrella
1324 - Purple Umbrella
1325 - Red Umbrella
1326 - Yellow Umbrella
1327 - Book
1328 - Note
1243 - Cot
1256 - Couch
1296 - Beach Chair
1282 - Umbrella

458 - Portable Generator
459 - Spotlight
1049 - Jack-o-Lantern
1050 - Safezone Radiator
1158 - Claim Flag
1194 - Horde Beacon
1208 - Rain Barrel
1219 - Pump Jack
1228 - Water Tank
1229 - Fuel Tank
1230 - Industrial Generator
1261 - Oxygenator

1297 - Weak Glass
1298 - Bulletproof Glass
1299 - One Way Glass


009 - Red Daypack
200 - Black Daypack
201 - Blue Daypack
202 - Green Daypack
203 - Orange Daypack
204 - Purple Daypack
205 - White Daypack
206 - Yellow Daypack
245 - Black Travelpack
246 - Blue Travelpack
247 - Green Travelpack
248 - Orange Travelpack
249 - Purple Travelpack
250 - Red Travelpack
251 - White Travelpack
252 - Yellow Travelpack
253 - Alicepack
1014 - Leather Pack
1170 - Spec Ops Rucksack
1178 - Diving Tank
1182 - Black Dufflebag
1183 - Blue Dufflebag
1184 - Green Dufflebag
1185 - Orange Dufflebag
1186 - Purple Dufflebag
1187 - Red Dufflebag
1188 - White Dufflebag
1189 - Yellow Dufflebag

562 - Magic Cape
580 - Halloween Cape
603 - Wind Up Key
732 - Vampire Cape

1445 - Walkie Talkie
1446 - Earpiece
[color=#82e12b]Crafting items[/color]
285 - Metal Bar
516 - Leather
061 - Maple Plank
062 - Birch Plank
063 - Pine Plank
064 - Rope
065 - Wire
066 - Cloth
067 - Metal Scrap
068 - Metal Sheet
069 - Tape
071 - Nails
072 - Can
073 - Raw Explosives
074 - Bricks
061 - Maple Plank
062 - Birch Plank
063 - Pine Plank
064 - Rope
065 - Wire
066 - Cloth
067 - Metal Scrap
068 - Metal Sheet
069 - Tape
071 - Nails
072 - Can
073 - Raw Explosives
074 - Bricks

1240 - Detonator
254 - Grenade
1100 - Sticky Grenade
1132 - Snowball
1242 - Makeshift Grenade
1346 - Flashbang
1241 - Charge

331 - Planter
332 - Fertilizer
336 - Corn Seed
339 - Lettuce Seed
341 - Tomato Seed
343 - Potato Seed
345 - Wheat Seed
330 - Carrot Seed
1045 - Pumpkin Seed
1104 - Amber Berry Seed
1105 - Indigo Berry Seed
1106 - Jade Berry Seed
1107 - Mauve Berry Seed
1108 - Russet Berry Seed
1109 - Teal Berry Seed
1110 - Vermillion Berry Seed
[color=#82e12b]Food & water[/color]

013 - Canned Beans
077 - Canned Tomato Soup
078 - Canned Chicken Soup
079 - Canned Tuna
081 - MRE
082 - Chips
083 - Chocolate Bar
084 - Candy Bar
085 - Granola Bar
086 - Energy Bar
087 - Canned Pasta
088 - Canned Bacon
089 - Canned Beef
090 - Canned Sardines
329 - Carrot
335 - Corn
338 - Lettuce
340 - Tomato
342 - Potato
344 - Wheat
460 - Bread
461 - Tuna Sandwich
464 - Cheese
466 - Grilled Cheese Sandwich
467 - BLT Sandwich
468 - Ham Sandwich
469 - Canned Ham
470 - Eggs
471 - Cake
504 - Raw Trout
505 - Raw Salmon
512 - Cooked Trout
513 - Cooked Salmon
514 - Raw Venison
515 - Cooked Venison
1046 - Pumpkin
1047 - Pumpkin Pie
1076 - Amber Pie
1077 - Indigo Pie
1078 - Jade Pie
1079 - Mauve Pie
1080 - Russet Pie
1081 - Teal Pie
1082 - Vermillion Pie
1117 - Pork
1118 - Bacon
1120 - Raw Beef
1121 - Cooked Beef
1160 - Pancake
1161 - Waffle
1162 - Dough
1163 - Doughnut
1164 - Pizza
1347 - Raw Minnow
1348 - Cooked Minnow
1349 - Raw Goldfish
1350 - Cooked Goldfish
1351 - Raw Bass
1352 - Cooked Bass
1398 - Trout Sandwich
1399 - Salmon Sandwich
1400 - Minnow Sandwich
1401 - Goldfish Sandwich
1402 - Venison Sandwich
1403 - Bass Sandwich
1404 - Beef Sandwich
1405 - Cheese Steak Sandwich
1406 - BLT Sandwich
1407 - Beef Sandwich
1431 - Upgraded Cake
1434 - Raw Squid
1435 - Cooked Squid

014 - Bottled Water
070 - Glue
075 - Chemicals
080 - Canned Cola
091 - Apple Juice
092 - Grape Juice
093 - Bottled Energy
094 - Bottled Coconut
115 - Mauve Berry
270 - Amber Berry
271 - Indigo Berry
272 - Jade Berry
273 - Russet Berry
274 - Teal Berry
275 - Vermillion Berry
396 - Mauve Crushed
397 - Amber Crushed
398 - Indigo Crushed
399 - Jade Crushed
400 - Russet Crushed
401 - Teal Crushed
402 - Vermillion Crushed
462 - Milk Box
463 - Orange Juice
465 - Canned Soda
472 - Bottled Cola
473 - Bottled Soda
1159 - Maple Syrup
337 - Canteen
481 - Maple Bottle
482 - Birch Bottle
483 - Pine Bottle
[color=#82e12b]Flares & smokes[/color]

[color=#ffe0f0]255 - Blue Flare
256 - Green Flare
257 - Orange Flare
258 - Purple Flare
259 - Red Flare
260 - Yellow Flare[/color]
[color=#039a00]261 - Black Smoke
262 - Blue Smoke
263 - Green Smoke
264 - Orange Smoke
265 - Purple Smoke
266 - Red Smoke
267 - White Smoke
268 - Yellow Smoke[/color]
[color=#82e12b]Fishings rods & fish[/color]

503 - Fishing Rod
506 - Birch Rod
507 - Maple Rod
508 - Pine Rod
1432 - Upgraded Fishing Rod
1434 - Raw Squid
1435 - Cooked Squid
1347 - Raw Minnow
1348 - Cooked Minnow
1349 - Raw Goldfish
1350 - Cooked Goldfish
1351 - Raw Bass
1352 - Cooked Bass
504 - Raw Trout
505 - Raw Salmon
512 - Cooked Trout
513 - Cooked Salmon

1044 - Civilian Nightvision
1181 - Snorkel
1199 - Headlamp
334 - Nightvision

026 - Gold Monocle
409 - Pilot Aviators
491 - Gold Aviators
492 - 3D Glasses
502 - Eyepatch
568 - Shades
594 - Carrot Nose
595 - Reindeer Nose
615 - Cyborg Implant
639 - HMD
680 - Bandito Mask
727 - Medic Glasses
730 - Mad Scientist Glasses
[color=#82e12b]Handcuffs, cable tie & handcuff key[/color]

1195 - Handcuffs
1196 - Handcuffs Key
1197 - Cable Tie

027 - Tophat
192 - Black Toque
193 - Blue Toque
194 - Green Toque
195 - Orange Toque
196 - Purple Toque
197 - Red Toque
198 - White Toque
199 - Yellow Toque
225 - Police Cap
237 - Ghillie Hood
239 - Chef Hat
240 - Construction Helmet
241 - Firefighter Helmet
244 - Farmer Hat
309 - Forest Military Helmet
313 - RCMP Hat
423 - Engineer Hat
424 - Fedora
425 - Black Cap
426 - Blue Cap
427 - Green Cap
428 - Orange Cap
429 - Purple Cap
430 - Red Cap
431 - White Cap
432 - Yellow Cap
433 - Forest Beret
509 - Fishing Hat
1009 - Desert Beret
1010 - Desert Military Helmet
1335 - Russia Military Helmet
1356 - Russia Ghillie Hood
1359 - Pilot Cap
1385 - Mafia Fedora
1388 - Russia Beret
1389 - Spec Ops Beret
1426 - Coalition Cap
1427 - Coalition Helmet
1428 - Coalition Beret
1429 - Coalition Captain Hat

278 - Festive Hat
495 - Fez
496 - Crown
497 - Obi
499 - Paper Hat
500 - Headress
501 - Viking Helmet
530 - White Fedora
545 - Pirate Hat
555 - Gold Tophat
560 - Astronaut Helmet
561 - Magic Hat
569 - Ushanka
579 - Pumpkin Hat
584 - Mummy Hat
599 - Sombrero
600 - Conical Hat
601 - Jester Cap
602 - News Cap
605 - Detective Hat
609 - Graduation Cap
611 - Swashbuckler Hat
616 - Plague Hat
621 - Queen Guard Hat
657 - Spartan Hat
682 - Navy Hat
685 - Bowler Hat
686 - Explorer Hat
690 - Sneak Hood
694 - Robot Head
699 - Rainbow Anniversary Hat 0
700 - Rainbow Anniversary Hat 1
701 - Blue Anniversary Hat 0
702 - Green Anniversary Hat 0
703 - Orange Anniversary Hat 0
704 - Purple Anniversary Hat 0
705 - Red Anniversary Hat 0
706 - Yellow Anniversary Hat 0
707 - Blue Anniversary Hat 1
708 - Green Anniversary Hat 1
709 - Orange Anniversary Hat 1
710 - Purple Anniversary Hat 1
711 - Red Anniversary Hat 1
712 - Yellow Anniversary Hat 1
713 - Silver Anniversary Hat 0
714 - Silver Anniversary Hat 1
715 - Gold Anniversary Hat 0
716 - Gold Anniversary Hat 1
719 - Samurai Hat
723 - Vintage Ushanka
728 - Bug Report Beret
738 - Experienced Beret
739 - White Hat
741 - Elf Hat
1141 - Crimson Beret
1142 - Gold Beret

004 - Eaglefire
018 - Timberwolf
097 - Colt
099 - Cobra
101 - Schofield
107 - Ace
109 - Hawkhound
112 - Bluntforce
116 - Honeybadger
122 - Zubeknakov
126 - Nykorev
129 - Snayperskya
132 - Dragonfang
297 - Grizzly
300 - Shadowstalker
346 - Crossbow
353 - Maple Bow
355 - Birch Bow
356 - Pine Bow
357 - Compound Bow
363 - Maplestrike
380 - Masterkey
474 - Maple Rifle
479 - Birch Rifle
480 - Pine Rifle
484 - Sportshot
488 - Desert Falcon
519 - Rocket Launcher
1000 - Matamorez
1018 - Sabertooth
1021 - Avenger
1024 - Peacemaker
1027 - Viper
1037 - Heartbreaker
1039 - Kryzkarek
1041 - Yuri
1143 - Sawed-Off
1165 - Nailgun
1300 - Tank Cannon
1337 - Paintball Gun
1360 - Teklowvka
1362 - Augewehr
1364 - Hell's Fury
1366 - Vonya
1369 - Bulldog
1375 - Fusilaut
1377 - Nightraider
1379 - Calling Card
1382 - Ekho
1394 - HMG
1436 - Quadbarrel
1441 - Shadowstalker Mk II

016 - Camp Axe
076 - Blowtorch
104 - Fire Axe
105 - Baseball Bat
106 - Hockey Stick
120 - Kitchen Knife
121 - Military Knife
135 - Golf Club
136 - Sledgehammer
137 - Butcher Knife
138 - Hammer
139 - Swiss Knife
140 - Butterfly Knife
141 - Saw
142 - Rake
276 - Flashlight
487 - Makeshift Bat
490 - Chainsaw
1023 - Baton
1030 - Frying Pan
1031 - Shovel
1032 - Crowbar
1033 - Paddle
1034 - Pitchfork
1035 - Machete
1036 - Katana
1174 - Scythe
1198 - Pickaxe
1390 - Cue

1051 - $5 Note
1052 - $10 Note
1053 - $20 Note
1054 - $50 Note
1055 - $100 Note
1056 - Loonie
1057 - Toonie

1175 - Chart
1176 - GPS
015 - Medkit
095 - Bandage
096 - Splint
269 - Vaccine
387 - Adrenaline
388 - Morphine
389 - Antibiotics
390 - Painkillers
391 - Vitamins
392 - Tablets
393 - Rag
394 - Dressing
395 - Bloodbag
403 - Suturekit
404 - Cough Syrup
1129 - Heatstim

011 - Red Bandana
185 - Black Bandana
186 - Blue Bandana
187 - Green Bandana
188 - Orange Bandana
189 - Purple Bandana
190 - White Bandana
191 - Yellow Bandana
434 - Black Balaclava
435 - Blue Balaclava
436 - Green Balaclava
437 - Orange Balaclava
438 - Purple Balaclava
439 - Red Balaclava
440 - White Balaclava
441 - Yellow Balaclava
1017 - Biohazard Hood
1048 - Hockey Mask
1270 - Gasmask
1446 - Earpiece
1271 - Filter

418 - Headphones
498 - Antlers
534 - Rainbow Bowtie
535 - Rainbow Emission Bowtie
570 - Earbuds
589 - Cobweb Bandana
591 - Snowman Hat
604 - Bucket Helmet
617 - Plague Mask
721 - Samurai Mask
729 - Bolt
737 - Necromancer Mask
740 - BattlEye Mask

002 - Work Jeans
207 - Outfit Jeans
208 - Cowboy Jeans
209 - Cargo Pants
212 - Khaki Pants
213 - Corduroy Pants
214 - Trouser Pants
224 - Police Bottom
226 - Khaki Shorts
227 - Cargo Shorts
228 - Corduroy Shorts
229 - Trouser Shorts
231 - Chef Bottom
234 - Firefighter Bottom
236 - Ghillie Bottom
243 - Farmer Bottom
304 - Prisoner Bottom
305 - RCMP Bottom
308 - Forest Military Bottom
312 - Medic Bottom
315 - Grocer Bottom
406 - Mechanic Bottom
408 - Engineer Bottom
422 - Suit Bottom
511 - Fishing Bottom
518 - Leather Bottom
1012 - Desert Military Bottom
1016 - Biohazard Bottom
1157 - Thief Bottom
1172 - Spec Ops Bottom
1180 - Wetsuit Bottom
1334 - Russia Military Bottom
1355 - Russia Ghillie Bottom
1387 - Mafia Tuxedo Bottom
1392 - Tracksuit Bottom
1419 - Coalition Bottom

023 - Gold Tuxedo Bottom
280 - Festive Bottom
529 - White Tuxedo Bottom
538 - Pro Designer Jeans
547 - Pirate Bottom
548 - Designer Jeans
549 - Pro Outfit Jeans
550 - Pro Work Jeans
551 - Pro Trouser Pants
553 - Gold Suit Bottom
556 - Pro Corduroy Pants
557 - Pro Khaki Pants
559 - Astronaut Bottom
564 - Magic Bottom
565 - Pro Corduroy Shorts
566 - Pro Khaki Shorts
567 - Pro Trouser Shorts
582 - Halloween Bottom
586 - Mummy Bottom
588 - Skeleton Bottom
593 - Snowman Bottom
608 - Detective Bottom
612 - Swashbuckler Bottom
620 - Plague Bottom
623 - Queen Guard Bottom
660 - Spartan Bottom
679 - Rocket Pants
684 - Navy Bottom
688 - Explorer Bottom
692 - Sneak Bottom
696 - Robot Bottom
718 - Samurai Bottom
736 - Necromancer Bottom

003 - Orange Hoodie
154 - Orange Shirt
155 - Orange T-Shirt
156 - Orange Parka
157 - Purple Hoodie
158 - Purple Shirt
159 - Purple T-Shirt
160 - Purple Parka
161 - Green Hoodie
162 - Green Parka
163 - Green Shirt
164 - Green T-Shirt
165 - Red Hoodie
166 - Red Parka
167 - Red Shirt
168 - Red T-Shirt
169 - Yellow Hoodie
170 - Yellow Parka
171 - Yellow Shirt
172 - Yellow T-Shirt
173 - Blue Hoodie
174 - Blue Parka
175 - Blue Shirt
176 - Blue T-Shirt
177 - White Hoodie
178 - White Parka
179 - White Shirt
180 - White T-Shirt
181 - Black Hoodie
182 - Black Parka
183 - Black Shirt
184 - Black T-Shirt
211 - Plaid Shirt
223 - Police Top
230 - Chef Top
232 - Construction Top
233 - Firefighter Top
235 - Ghillie Top
242 - Farmer Top
303 - Prisoner Top
306 - RCMP Top
307 - Forest Military Top
311 - Medic Top
314 - Grocer Top
405 - Mechanic Top
407 - Engineer Top
421 - Suit Top
510 - Fishing Top
517 - Leather Top
1011 - Desert Military Top
1015 - Biohazard Top
1156 - Thief Top
1171 - Spec Ops Top
1179 - Wetsuit Top
1333 - Russia Military Top
1354 - Russia Ghillie Top
1358 - Pilot Top
1386 - Mafia Tuxedo Top
1391 - Tracksuit Top
1420 - Ensign Coalition Top
1421 - Lieutenant Coalition Top
1422 - Major Coalition Top
1423 - Commander Coalition Top
1424 - Captain Coalition Top

024 - Gold Tuxedo Top
279 - Festive Top
419 - Flight Jacket
420 - Biker Jacket
522 - Twitch T-Shirt
523 - Spark Emission T-Shirt
524 - Blaze Emission T-Shirt
525 - Spark T-Shirt
526 - Blaze T-Shirt
528 - White Tuxedo Top
536 - Turtle Shirt
537 - Banana Shirt
539 - Wave Shirt
540 - Fish Shirt
541 - Heart Shirt
542 - Snow Shirt
543 - Tornado Shirt
544 - Flower Shirt
546 - Pirate Top
554 - Gold Suit Top
558 - Astronaut Top
563 - Magic Top
581 - Halloween Top
585 - Mummy Top
587 - Skeleton Top
592 - Snowman Top
596 - Holiday Sweater
607 - Detective Top
610 - Admin T-Shirt
613 - Swashbuckler Top
619 - Plague Top
622 - Queen Guard Top
624 - USA Jersey
625 - Australian Jersey
626 - Brazilian Jersey
627 - Canadian Jersey
628 - Chinese Jersey
629 - French Jersey
630 - German Jersey
631 - UK Jersey
632 - Polish Jersey
633 - Russian Jersey
634 - Swedish Jersey
635 - Thai Jersey
636 - Norwegian Jersey
637 - Turkish Jersey
638 - Danish Jersey
640 - Boom T-Shirt
641 - Dutch Jersey
642 - Ukrainian Jersey
643 - Argentinian Jersey
644 - Filipino Jersey
645 - Chilean Jersey
646 - Spanish Jersey
647 - Italian Jersey
648 - Japanese Jersey
649 - Korean Jersey
650 - Romanian Jersey
651 - Mexican Jersey
652 - Czech Jersey
653 - Indonesian Jersey
654 - Portuguese Jersey
655 - Finnish Jersey
656 - Pirate Jersey
659 - Spartan Top
663 - Nelson Hoodie
664 - Dark Blue Plaid Shirt
665 - Light Blue Plaid Shirt
666 - Green Plaid Shirt
667 - Orange Plaid Shirt
668 - Dark Purple Plaid Shirt
669 - Light Purple Plaid Shirt
670 - Red Plaid Shirt
671 - Bulldozer Hoodie
672 - Elephant Hoodie
673 - Feather Hoodie
674 - Hourglass Hoodie
675 - Lucky Hoodie
676 - Power Hoodie
677 - Squid Hoodie
678 - Yield Hoodie
683 - Navy Top
687 - Explorer Top
691 - Sneak Top
695 - Robot Top
697 - Blueberry Shirt
717 - Samurai Top
724 - Vintage Trenchcoat Top
731 - Mad Scientist Top
734 - Vampire Top
735 - Necromancer Top
742 - Elf Top

382 - Caltrop
383 - Maple Spikes
384 - Birch Spikes
385 - Pine Spikes
386 - Barbed Wire
1113 - Snare
1227 - Tanktrap
1119 - Barbed Wire Fence
1130 - Ornamental Barbed Wire
1131 - Ornamental Barbed Wire Fence
1103 - Black Umbrella
1122 - Blue Umbrella
1123 - Green Umbrella
1124 - Orange Umbrella
1125 - Purple Umbrella
1126 - Red Umbrella
1127 - White Umbrella
1128 - Yellow Umbrella

[/previewicon] Wearables: 010 - Police Vest 215 - Black Sweatervest 216 - Blue Sweatervest 217 - Green Sweatervest 218 - Orange Sweatervest 219 - Purple Sweatervest 220 - Red Sweatervest 221 - White Sweatervest 222 - Yellow Sweatervest 238 - Ghillie Vest 310 - Forest Military Vest 410 - Black Poncho 411 - Blue Poncho 412 - Green Poncho 413 - Orange Poncho 414 - Purple Poncho 415 - Red Poncho 416 - White Poncho 417 - Yellow Poncho 1013 - Desert Military Vest 1133 - Black Scarf 1134 - Blue Scarf 1135 - Green Scarf 1136 - Orange Scarf 1137 - Purple Scarf 1138 - Red Scarf 1139 - White Scarf 1140 - Yellow Scarf 1168 - Civilian Vest 1169 - Spec Ops Vest 1173 - Makeshift Armor 1336 - Russia Military Vest 1357 - Russia Ghillie Vest 1425 - Coalition Vest [previewicon=7267423;sizeThumb,inline;Halloween_Cape_580.png][/previewicon] Cosmetics: 531 - Rose 532 - Rainbow Tie 533 - Rainbow Emission Tie 552 - Gold Tie 597 - Holiday Scarf 606 - Parrot 658 - Spartan Vest 662 - Epaulettes 681 - Snake 689 - Sheriff Badge 720 - Samurai Vest 722 - Chain 733 - Vampire Cow
010 - Police Vest
215 - Black Sweatervest
216 - Blue Sweatervest
217 - Green Sweatervest
218 - Orange Sweatervest
219 - Purple Sweatervest
220 - Red Sweatervest
221 - White Sweatervest
222 - Yellow Sweatervest
238 - Ghillie Vest
310 - Forest Military Vest
410 - Black Poncho
411 - Blue Poncho
412 - Green Poncho
413 - Orange Poncho
414 - Purple Poncho
415 - Red Poncho
416 - White Poncho
417 - Yellow Poncho
1013 - Desert Military Vest
1133 - Black Scarf
1134 - Blue Scarf
1135 - Green Scarf
1136 - Orange Scarf
1137 - Purple Scarf
1138 - Red Scarf
1139 - White Scarf
1140 - Yellow Scarf
1168 - Civilian Vest
1169 - Spec Ops Vest
1173 - Makeshift Armor
1336 - Russia Military Vest
1357 - Russia Ghillie Vest
1425 - Coalition Vest

531 - Rose
532 - Rainbow Tie
533 - Rainbow Emission Tie
552 - Gold Tie
597 - Holiday Scarf
606 - Parrot
658 - Spartan Vest
662 - Epaulettes
681 - Snake
689 - Sheriff Badge
720 - Samurai Vest
722 - Chain
733 - Vampire Cowl
[color=#82e12b]Vehicle tools[/color]

277 - Carjack
1353 - Stealy Wheely Automobiley
028 - Portable Gas Can
1114 - Maple Jerrycan
1115 - Birch Jerrycan
1116 - Pine Jerrycan
1440 - Industrial Gas Can
[color=#2316e6]Helicopters & planes[/color]
092 - Sandpiper (2 seats.)
093 - Forest Huey (4 seats.)
094 - Desert Huey (4 seats.)
095 - Skycrane (1 seat.)
133 - Annushka (7 seats.)
134 - Orca (6 seats.)
135 - Hind (6 seats.)
109 - Rainbow Hatchback (4 seats.)
106 - Police Helicopter (4 seats.)
107 - Hummingbird (4 seats.)
[color=#2316e6]Ground vehicles[/color]
001 - Black Offroader (4 seats.)
002 - Blue Offroader (4 seats.)
003 - Green Offroader (4 seats.)
004 - Orange Offroader (4 seats.)
005 - Purple Offroader (4 seats.)
006 - Red Offroader (4 seats.)
007 - White Offroader (4 seats.)
008 - Yellow Offroader (4 seats.)
009 - Black Hatchback (4 seats.)
010 - Blue Hatchback (4 seats.)
011 - Green Hatchback (4 seats.)
012 - Orange Hatchback (4 seats.)
013 - Purple Hatchback (4 seats.)
014 - Red Hatchback (4 seats.)
015 - White Hatchback (4 seats.)
016 - Yellow Hatchback (4 seats.)
017 - Black Truck (5 seats.)
018 - Blue Truck (5 seats.)
019 - Green Truck (5 seats.)
020 - Orange Truck (5 seats.)
021 - Purple Truck (5 seats.)
022 - Red Truck (5 seats.)
023 - White Truck (5 seats.)
024 - Yellow Truck (5 seats.)
025 - Black Sedan (4 seats.)
026 - Blue Sedan (4 seats.)
027 - Green Sedan (4 seats.)
028 - Orange Sedan (4 seats.)
029 - Purple Sedan (4 seats.)
030 - Red Sedan (4 seats.)
031 - White Sedan (4 seats.)
032 - Yellow Sedan (4 seats.)
033 - Police Car (4 seats.)
034 - Firetruck (2 seats.)
035 - Black Van (5 seats.)
036 - Blue Van (5 seats.)
037 - Green Van (5 seats.)
038 - Orange Van (5 seats.)
039 - Purple Van (5 seats.)
040 - Red Van (5 seats.)
041 - White Van (5 seats.)
042 - Yellow Van (5 seats.)
043 - Black Roadster (2 seats.)
044 - Blue Roadster (2 seats.)
045 - Green Roadster (2 seats.)
046 - Orange Roadster (2 seats.)
047 - Purple Roadster (2 seats.)
048 - Red Roadster (2 seats.)
049 - White Roadster (2 seats.)
050 - Yellow Roadster (2 seats.)
051 - Forest Ural (8 seats.)
052 - Forest Humvee (4 seats.)
053 - Forest APC (8 seats.)
054 - Ambulance (5 seats.)
055 - Desert Ural (8 seats.)
056 - Desert Humvee (4 seats.)
057 - Desert APC (8 seats.)
058 - Explorer (2 seats.)
059 - Black Snowmobile (1 seat.)
060 - Blue Snowmobile (1 seat.)
061 - Green Snowmobile (1 seat.)
062 - Orange Snowmobile (1 seat.)
063 - Purple Snowmobile (1 seat.)
064 - Red Snowmobile (1 seat.)
065 - White Snowmobile (1 seat.)
066 - Yellow Snowmobile (1 seat.)
067 - Black Quad (2 seats.)
068 - Blue Quad (2 seats.)
069 - Green Quad (2 seats.)
070 - Orange Quad (2 seats.)
071 - Purple Quad (2 seats.)
072 - Red Quad (2 seats.)
073 - White Quad (2 seats.)
074 - Yellow Quad (2 seats.)
075 - Golfcart (2 seats.)
076 - Taxi (4 seats.)
077 - Black Racecar (1 seat.)
078 - Blue Racecar (1 seat.)
079 - Green Racecar (1 seat.)
080 - Orange Racecar (1 seat.)
081 - Purple Racecar (1 seat.)
082 - Red Racecar (1 seat.)
083 - White Racecar (1 seat.)
084 - Yellow Racecar (1 seat.)
085 - Tractor (1 seat.)
086 - Bus (10 seats.)
087 - Forest Jeep (4 seats.)
088 - Desert Jeep (4 seats.)
089 - Makeshift Vehicle (4 seats.)
090 - Makeshift Vehicle (6 seats.)
091 - Makeshift Vehicle (1 seat.)
1099 - 4 Seater Makeshift Vehicle
1111 - 6 Seater Makeshift Vehicle
1112 - 1 Seater Makeshift Vehicle
[color=#2316e6]Water vehicles[/color]
096 - Otter (2 seats.)
097 - Runabout (4 seats.)
098 - Black Jetski (2 seats.)
099 - Blue Jetski (2 seats.)
100 - Green Jetski (2 seats.)
101 - Orange Jetski (2 seats.)
102 - Purple Jetski (2 seats.)
103 - Red Jetski (2 seats.)
104 - White Jetski (2 seats.)
105 - Yellow Jetski (2 seats.)
108 - Police Launch (4 seats.)
124 - Dinghy (5 seats.)
Комментариев: 10
smrtnosni 20 авг. 2018 г. в 2:17 
Thanks <3
RedWithTheObviouslyLongUsername 24 авг. 2017 г. в 16:36 
oh, O.K.
Pajusk teletabio galia!  [создатель] 23 авг. 2017 г. в 4:12 
You can only use cosmetics ids when you are creating a map and editing zombies.
RedWithTheObviouslyLongUsername 22 авг. 2017 г. в 15:50 
Why can i use cosmetic id's

RedWithTheObviouslyLongUsername 19 авг. 2017 г. в 5:38 
add the socket wrench to vehicle tools its id is 1507
Pajusk teletabio galia!  [создатель] 13 авг. 2017 г. в 12:35 
well, there was alot of updates. also I'm right now to get a gf by not being a retarded cunt.
Pajusk teletabio galia!  [создатель] 13 авг. 2017 г. в 1:39 
This is outdated.
Lazy Punk 29 мая. 2016 г. в 15:21 
most useful ID list I've EVER see MANY THANKS
Эверт 19 мар. 2016 г. в 10:26 
ty for those commands
🔆I drink motor oil for fun 19 мар. 2016 г. в 8:59 
realy nice comands thanks