Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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The 360 noscope trickshot mlg mvp trick stab
By James
if you want to destroy voice chat adolescent annoying 12 year olds or gibus noobs this is how.
The 360 noscope trickshot mlg mvp trick stab
In tf2 many people think that you have to a mlg player that you don’t even think about messing them up with their god tier unusuals. However even though it’s not as easy as the wm1 pyro but it is easier than the huntsman sniper because it’s just as idiotic to get tricked into this than to be taunt killed by a huntsman sniper.

To complete this all you need are these simple ingredients: a hill or a flight of stairs, an innocent pyro chasing you and a lot of balls. So you first find your pyro and if he’s a noob wearing the gibus than even better, you attract his attention by backstabbing one of his friends then let him chase you but don’t get caught then find the nearest hill/flight of stairs and go in one direction in which he will follow you then do a 360 up the stairs or hill then jump behind him and backstab that noob.

Follow that up by a taunt preferably the Schadenfreude (the laughing taunt) or the shred alert.

then you will be the coolest kid on the playground.
MeatyMcSpice Mar 9, 2019 @ 12:28am 
bully tactic
Ruinion Feb 22, 2016 @ 11:56am 
James  [author] Feb 22, 2016 @ 10:45am 
fuck you
Blue_Tango Feb 20, 2016 @ 3:01pm 
well done James