Naval Action

Naval Action

59 ratings
Still Not Understanding? Simple Beginners Help
By Smedrek
This guide will help new players who are still not getting the hang of the game
Opening Remarks
This guide is not intended to be entirely a way of playing this game, this is simply a text based walkthrough which might have pictures later on, this information is subject to change as the game is currently in Early Access, if you find any information you believe would be helpful or have any questions or comments, please leave them below, I will do my best to answer anything that is posted.

This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of how ACTUAL ships sail, as far as catching wind, and have a rudimentary idea of the WASD controls of this game.
Ok I'm in a Ship What Now?
First things first, if you chose a nation understand that attacking ANY of your home nation's ships will force you into piracy. This is NOT part of this guide and I will not be able to help with any pirate questions.

You will spawn outside/Inside your nation's capital. If you check the equipment page you'll see that you've started with a Basic Cutter.

This ship is arguably one of the best in the game, which is ironic considering it is the first you start with.


All purchased and built ships start with a durability of 5, meaning 5 lives, durability will decrease if you die. You can also view this from the equipment screen or the main screen in port. After 5 deaths your ship is kaputt and no longer will be yours, too many holes in it or something I guess.

Regardless, your cutter is free, repairs are free and repair kits are free. Use this to your advantage!

Open your map using M, and attempt to find your Nation's capital on the map. This is a rudimentary way of understanding your bearings.

From your main town you can see all things within your general area, and get a decent idea for where you should go next. If you are part of a nation, you can only enter Neutral/Free Town's Ports and your own Nation's Ports.

Ok so I Know Where I am But What Now!?
Return into your nation's capital if you aren't already.

Click on the missions tab and pick the first level mission, IE, French rank 1 is Garde Marine, this mission is usually the first one availible to you, the rest are usually 1-2 levels above you. After you accept a mission open your map using M once again and you will see outside the town listed for the mission, a Crossed Swords icon.

This is called an Admiralty Mission, and is the best way to farm exp, and to understand your ship. Sail towards it, and click on the Crossed Swords in the distance, approach it until you can enter.

I'm in Battle Now!
See? You're learning fast, it takes alot of people a while to actually figure out the map and get their bearings.

For the first 30-60 seconds of battle you'll be stuck stationary and cannot move, this is intended to buffer for any other players or content that might arise during the period of warmup.

Get a good idea of your menu, R changes firing type, and v will change firing mode.

I recommend beginners change their Firing mode to UNLOCKED FOCUS, this way, all cannons will fire directly, or nearly directly, towards the center of your shot, LOCKED FOCUS, will instead fire forwards. V changes fire mode whereas, Rolling Front, is all cannons from front to back fire, Rolling Back is back to front.

There's not a whole lot I can do with this section until I publish a video outlining the proper way to go about battling so bear with me until that time comes.

Try to avoid boarding at early stages in the game.


Immediately switch into survival mode and wait for the leak to be repaired. You can switch into Repair and Urgent Repairs, but single leaks do not require this, at least as far as I've seen.

During battle attempt to keep your opponent down wind.

I Leveled Up Time For a New Ship Right!!!?
No, calm down, and stop wanting to get rid of the cutter everybody.

Repairs are FREE
Repair Kits are FREE.

This puts you at so much better of an advantage. The level this guide reccomends switching out of a cutter is Nation Rank 3. At that point purchase or craft a Snow.
Closing Remarks
This guide is short and sweet, I wrote this during battles and before work, videos have not yet been uploaded however they will when I reach an opportunity.

Some final tips are as follows.

Try your best to stick close to land if the mission distances allow it.

Sailing takes time, so at first stay close to home port.

If you get lost you have a "Teleport to Capital" button you can use once every 3 hours.

Remember to have fun, and enjoy the Cutter, it's one hell of a great ship.

If you cannot master turning and firing with the cutter, there's no use in picking up another ship, the cutter is given to you for instruction.

You can attack your nation's ships if they have CONTRABAND GOODS only.

You can attack any nations ships currently other than your own.

Missions are the fastest way to earn money and to level at early game stages.

Help chat is always availible, and if you sent a question to the comments of this page and do not receive a worthy response, add me and I will do my best to answer any questions you may have, or perhaps even work with you on Skype if you are still having trouble.

I currently play French nation only and therefore cannot provide in-game direct help without the other person being French nation as well.
[83rd PVI F.] Rct. John Boy Oct 18, 2023 @ 12:19pm 
Stupid question but What is a NPC??
StUfFiTt Jan 5, 2022 @ 11:41am

This guide is up - to - date since december 2021. Maybe helpfull?
Krotuas Apr 1, 2021 @ 11:56am 
Is April 1st I bought this game some time back. As with Chrisriches36 I bring up game, get thrown right into a battle with AIs and can never get past it. I have wasted 6 hours of my life and some cash. Tried everything even watching YouTube videos only to see those guys arent getting stuck in the full battle like I am Help!
chrisriches36 Sep 9, 2020 @ 12:22pm 
There's just the small matter of the pointless battle you get thrown into immediately after installation that, to this day, I cannot get past... I give up! I paid £30 for this and i've seen none of the actual game, just the stupid introductory battle that fails me every time!
Smedrek  [author] Jun 24, 2020 @ 6:15pm 
@tildensow it's likely the game has changed, I haven't played this game in forever
tildensnow Jun 19, 2020 @ 5:26pm 
I dont understand. When I load the game my only options are to go to battle with people or ai. No missions. No upgrades. No maps. No story. Am I missing something?
camp69bell Mar 24, 2020 @ 9:46am 
I've had this game quite a while now but my big stumbling block is the fact I'm left handed and the conversion is not easy. Several times I've attacked the 'tutorial' and got stuck and despondently packed it in. Any thoughts??
Thonys Oct 31, 2017 @ 3:15am 
Hello, wanabee captains, join a good clan and raise up in rank the fastest way ,be smart
clans are your friend and tutorial (just to give you some good advice)
people who whine here , and in the game do not know how to play this game (from start )
ps. tutorials willl be on the next patch what will be comming soon (hint)

Join you nation of choice join your are all welcome
almo1010 Oct 16, 2017 @ 7:00am 
Just one more very important point.

Salt and Fish are FREE when fishing and will earn you daily GOLD. Just always be fishing when sailing around. I found this quite by accident, btw.

Salt (dried from sails??) just shows up in the hold, when you are fishing. In many places, Salt will sell for 28 GOLD (some places like Capital City, only 1 GOLD)

But, some fish are insanely valuable in some places. Again, I accidentally noticed I pulled 2 bull sharks, by the second day. DON"T CONVERT TO FISH FOOD!

Those were worth 10000 GOLD. I've made 50K GOLD in just fishing the first few weeks. Now that is a lot of sea miles, in the Caribbean Basin, but sea miles means value add in Trading. Just be fishing, also, when sailing those trade routes.

So, get those hooks in the water. Turn passage making into Pay. I managed to catch 1 flying fish, yesterday. 10000 GOLD for just 1 fish.
2 & 4zig Sep 14, 2016 @ 5:58pm 
"after five ships your ship is kaputt" :steamhappy:

why dont write ein guide auf deutsch