Sven Co-op
387 평점
Enabling Opposing Force and Blueshift (2019 Edit)
eis 님이 작성
This simple tutorial will show you how to enable your Blue Shift and Opposing Force expansions for Sven Co-op.
즐겨찾기 해제
Where the Install Scripts are:
You might have heard that Sven Coop has Blueshift and Opposing Force expansions for HL1, but can't access the content.
That's true, and you won't be able to unless someone else hosts it, or you enable it yourself using the steps in this tutorial.

You do need to have Blueshift and Opposing Force installed to enable the related content as a host, otherwise the files mentioned in the next section will not work.

When you installed svencoop it installed to a directory such as:
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop
Navigate to that directory.
Fix FindHLDirectory.bat:
Some people have been finding that since a windows 10 update, FindHLDirectory.bat does not work properly, thankfully there is a fix for this. (Important: do only one of these)

DigitalQR's Method:
Edit FindHLDirectory.bat with the following change.
Replace: IF ["%pInstallDir%"] == [] (
With: IF ["%pInstallDir%"] == [""] (

Paynamia's Method:
Edit FindHLDirectory.bat with the following change.
Replace: FOR /F "tokens=2*"
With: FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG.exe query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%"') DO (set pInstallDir=%%B)

Mwayy's Alternate Solution
If you would rather fix the installers themselves rather than the function they call, edit both Install_bshift_Support.bat and Install_OpFor_Support.bat
Replace: CALL FindHLDirectory.bat szHLDir
With: set "szHLDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life"
(To the directory where your install directory is located)

Thanks to these members of the community for finding solutions to the installation problem. If you change your username at any time let me know and I'll update the guide to reflect your new name.
Running the Install Scripts:
Two more files will stick out in the same directory:

Run each of them one time, it'll bring up a fast cycling command prompt window.
After that Blueshift and Opposing Force are both extracted, installed and ready to play.
Unlocking the Hub
To unlock relevant areas in -sp_campaign_portal.bsp, add the following to your server.cfg; this also applies to listen servers. (LAN/Singleplayer)

as_command spcp_hlsp 1
as_command spcp_uplink 1
as_command spcp_opfor 1
as_command spcp_bshift 1

(Thanks to Catgirl for this series of commands)
댓글 146
atomic 2023년 11월 12일 오후 8시 09분 
how do i find "they hunger" in the lobby
Gr4Ng3R^ 2023년 6월 10일 오전 12시 41분 
ba_xen5.bsp map (Blue Shift) has bug (device doesn't work) but community fixed it and they shared on Sven-Coop discord channel. Please share it.
ThortheLegendaryLad 2022년 11월 22일 오후 4시 08분 
all i had to do was go click on the install files for opposing force and blue shift, it then brought up a panel of basically click any key to install it to sven-coop, wait a couple seconds for it to install, then boom, ready to in sven-coop
s3dmicXDD 2022년 7월 20일 오후 6시 13분 
Thank you so much for this I wish I could award it but I don't have any points
eis  [작성자] 2022년 7월 16일 오후 1시 05분 
temboi32 2022년 7월 16일 오후 12시 26분 
i have no idea how i open .bat files
Manwith1d20s 2021년 9월 12일 오후 11시 31분 
Saved me a TON of hassle. Mwayy's method worked perfectly for me.
Mehme† Δятøяιτλs 2021년 5월 5일 오전 5시 35분 
Thanks For This :furrypanda:
R4to0  [개발자] 2021년 4월 17일 오후 1시 43분 
I wonder if these workarounds are still needed for the current version of the game. I remember fixing all the issues regarding search path on the scripts. There was a issue where paths with special batch characters, such as () in "Program Files (x86)", were being stripped if not escaped which is fixed in 5.23.

Author: R4to0
Date: Saturday, 28 November 2020 03:34:51

OpFor/BShift installer scripts:
- Converted variables with user path to delayed expansion type. Fixes a case where scripts fail to use and/or locate Half-Life dir properly if path had Windows batch special characters that were needed to be escaped, such as () used in the default C:\Program Files (x86)\ path.
- Added verbose output to help diagnose issues with the path finder showing from which method the game path was obtained from.
- Fixed scripts not actually checking if Half-Life directory really exists.

Let me know if scripts are still failing to locate Half-Life dir :steamhappy:
eis  [작성자] 2021년 3월 11일 오전 9시 39분 
Once you've edited the install scripts (doing it just now I was able to run the scripts without edit, having my sven coop installed on C: and my blue shift on D:) you can try running the installer again. In the event that that doesn't work, here is ba_canals3:
Google Drive []
VirusTotal shows no malware in the .7z []