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How to play Crysis Multiplayer on Origin
Guide: How to play Crysis Multiplayer on Origin
Since July 2014, Gamespy has stopped supporting servers for many games, including Crysis. This means that Crysis Multiplayer are no longer supported. However, all is not lost - a Crysis Multiplayer Patch has been developed by which enables multiplayer games through a different set of servers, so we can keep playing this game.
Introduction for Origin users
Crysis Multiplayer Patch allows you to play online multiplayer in Crysis on Origin without using the now inactive GameSpy servers.
That requires the installation of the Crysis Multiplayer patch, which itself includes many new features, such as additional maps, tweaked gameplay mechanics and even new game modes.
Download Crysis Multiplayer Patch
Download the file Crysis_HotFix_1_2_1.exe from one of the mirrors below:
Please do not use links from external sites to avoid file manipulations and make sure, that your browser does not block the download.

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when installation begin you should to see:
Installing on 64 bit. Windows (x64)
Once again, 64 bit Windows users should to change the installation location to your Crysis directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\\Origin Games\Crysis
IMPORTANT: finally make NEW shortcut to \Bin64\Crysis.exe on Windows desktop using same path
Installing on 32 bit. Windows (x86)
Once again, 32 bit Windows users should to change the installation location to your Crysis directory:
C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Crysis
IMPORTANT: finally make NEW shortcut to \Bin32\Crysis.exe on Windows desktop using same path
start and play Crysis from new shortcut
Before you begin please "right-click" on this shortcut who you make before , open the attributes window, switch to the compatibility tab and select "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)"
Also select "Run this program as an Administrator" then Apply changes and start Crysis
IMPORTANT: Once again you should to start Crysis from the new shortcut (old desktop icon may not work anymore) and do NOT start the game with the ‘Play’ button in Origin !
add your in-game nick-name and click on Save Profile
Logging In Crysis Multiplayer
First things first - start up multiplayer the usual way: Click the Multiplayer button in the main menu, then click on Internet Game.
After a short while, you'll be greeted with the usual GameSpy ID Login window. Here's where things are going to get a little different - Gamespy is no longer active so you can't use your old Gamespy account. Type in the username you want (anything will do), and use crysis as your password. Then click login , and you're done. After a quick load, you should have a list of servers.
We're done! You're back online and can keep playing this awesome game with many players from around the globe. Although the servers are fairly barren at the moment, as more people hear about this patch soon player numbers will rise again.

It's up to people like you and me to spread the word and keep Crysis Multiplayer alive!
Permanent Account requests
A permanent account is made for regular use. You will get a predefined profile that can be reused whenever you want. Only permanent accounts will work with special profile-based server features like bank systems or admin logins. They are not immediately ready for action, but have to be manually created by the admins, what will take a few days. To request a permanent account, register and login to forum. Then follow this < < LINK > >.[] In this form simply write the text "account request" and your preffered password. When you are done, send the message. That's all. Do not send us your GameSpy login data or other sensible information! When your permanent account has been created, you will get a response that confirms your new username and password. Multiple account requests by the same user will be ignored.
Username: Use the username that we will send you in response to your account request.
Password: Use the password that we will send you in response to your account request.
New Crysis Multiplayer Maps
If you are interested in even more awesome Crysis multiplayer maps, you can install this map collection. Just download the file below and run the automatic installer. A few of these maps are neccessary to play on certain servers.

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64 bit Windows users should to change the installation location to your Origin Crysis directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Crysis

32 bit Windows users should to change the installation location to your Origin Crysis directory:
C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Crysis

Your Team
New game mode: Team Instant Action
Crysis Multiplayer Patch add also a brand new game mode: Team Instant Action

Crysis Multiplayer Patch: How to play in Power Struggle maps - Basic Tutorial :

Crysis Multiplayer Patch: How to play in Power Struggle maps - Advanced Tutorial :
CaptainA-D78 Jul 4, 2018 @ 3:56am 
wow thx man but i wish origin had it in sale thats why everyone buys it from steam
Mindstyler Aug 2, 2016 @ 2:54am 
It works really!  [author] Jun 23, 2016 @ 10:39am 
please rate with "thumbs up" that useful guide
van4oo May 1, 2016 @ 7:10am 
It's for Origin users only !!! (not for Steam or for retail DVD box Crysis versions)