Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

2,039 ψήφοι
Siege Cheat Sheet (Years 1-2)
Από Bismarck
Everything you NEED to know, nothing else.
Μη αγαπημένο
This guide contains everything that makes siege different from other FPS games. Read other guides for how to play tactical FPS games if you don't know.

The "Attackers" and "Defenders" sections should be read by everyone. The operator sections should be referenced as you acquire new operators, and not read all at once.

NOTE: I no longer play the game enough to justify buying season passes, so this guide will not be updated past year 2.
  • Breachable Surface: anything that can be destroyed with a standard breaching charge.
  • Reinforced Wall: A wall that has been strenghthened by the Defenders. It will have red 'X's on it.
  • Barricade: A window or door that has been closed so that attackers cannot see inside.
  • Roamer: A defender that hides far away from the objective and flanks enemies. Roaming is an advanced tactic that will not be covered in this guide
  • Murder Hole: A small hole made in a wall that allows one to shoot enemies on the other side without exposing themselfs.
  • Walking infront of your teammates line of fire is a great way to get shot.
  • If you go down, crawl behind something so your teammates can revive you.
  • If your teammate goes down, make sure you have another teammate covering you before attempting to revive. Players will often used downed enemies as bait.
Vote Kick
  • Vote Kick by holding TAB and using the arrow keys + enter to select the player you want to kick.
  • You can only kick your teammates.
  • Kicking teammates will put you at a disadvantage, use it as a last resort.
  • Don't kick people because they accidentialy shot/killed you.
  • Don't kick people because they are 'bad', just find another game.
  • The "YOU ARE SPOTTED" message means there is a camera nearby, it will likely be glowing red or blue.
  • There is a gap under the barricaded door, if you stand infront of it enemies may shoot your feet.
  • The beeping noise is C4, you should run.
  • The static noise is a jammer, you will not be able to detonate breaching charges near it.
  • Beware of roamers that will try to sneak up behind you. Using drones to search for roamers is an effective way to not be caught off guard.
  • Shotguns can take down barricaded doors from a distance.
  • The drone that you pilot during the Preperation Phase can be picked up during the Action Phase, allowing you to carry two drones.
  • Castle's bulletproof door barricades can be destroyed with 12 melee hits.
  • Hold F on weak walls to place a reinforce barricade. You get 2.
  • Always place your reinforce barricades before the preperation time ends.
  • Always pick up armor from the bag if your teammate places it.
  • The "YOU ARE SPOTTED" message means a drone has spotted you, find and shoot it.
  • Standing near breachable walls is a great way to get shot or blown up.
  • Beware of ceiling hatches. They can be reinforced from the floor above.
  • The "pop pop pop" noise is a cluster charge, it will spit grenades into the room. You should run away from it.
  • Enemies with shields can be meleed to knock them back, leaving them vurnerable for a moment.
Attacking: SAS
Sledge - Breaching Hammer
  • Your hammer can destroy: Green barricades, tan barricades, barbed wire, and non-reinforced walls and floors.
  • Your hammer has 25 uses, smash holes in anything near the objective. The more holes they have to watch the less likely it is that they will be watching the one you look through.
  • Smash holes in the floor above common hiding places in the objective, enemies will be forced to move to less secure positions.
  • If Fuze is on your team, let him use cluster charges before you start smashing.

Thatcher - EMP Grenade
  • The EMP grenades will destroy electronics in their range, even through reinforced walls.
  • Use the EMP grenades to destroy jammers near reinforced walls, then have thermite destroy them.
Attacking: FBI
Ash - Breaching Round
  • The grenade launcher will destroy anything a breaching charge will.
  • Use it to knock down doors near the objective where enemies might try to shoot you through the door if you were to place a regular charge.
  • Use it to destroy murder holes enemies make in non-reinforced walls.
  • Use it to destroy enemy shields and other forms of cover.
Thermite - Exothermic Charge
  • The thermite charge will destroy reinforced walls after a short delay.
  • Destroy walls that will allow you to shoot at enemies from different angles. This will make it difficult for them to hide from you.(dont put two charges on the same wall.)
  • Thermite is a VERY powerful tool, make sure you live to use it.
  • Beware of electrified walls, look for blue sparks coming off of them.
Attacking: GIGN
Twitch - Shock Drone
  • The Shock Drone has a taser, it will destroy enemy equipment at close range.
  • The taser does 10 damage to enemies.
  • Use it to destroy enemy equipment.(duh)
  • Use it to kill downed enemies.
  • Use it to distract enemies so your teammates can shoot them in the back.
  • Don't shock enemies if your team isnt nearby to kill them. It will take 10 hits to down them by itself.

Montagne - Extendable Shield
  • Extendable shield will block all incoming bullets.
  • Stand infront of doorways and openings to draw fire.
  • Use the mark key (Z) to tell your teammates where enemies are.
  • Avoid strafing while your teammates are trying to shoot past you.
  • Beware enemies trying to throw C4 at you.
  • Plant the defuser in a corner, then block it. Make sure your middle finger is clearly visible through the viewport.
Attacking: Spetsnaz
Glaz - Flip Sight
  • Try to engage enemies from outside.
  • Ask your teammates to open windows and walls that will allow you to see better.
  • Three shots into a green barricade will destroy it.
  • Look under doorways and shoot enemies' feet. The farther away from the door you are the better you will be able to see.

Fuze - Cluster Charge
  • Cluster charges launch 5 grenades, 2 left 1 center 2 right.
  • Cluster charges can be placed on any breachable surface.
  • Use drones to find out where enemies are hiding
  • Place cluster charges near them to flush them out.
  • Have your teammates ready to shoot enemies that run away from your cluster charges.
Attacking: GSG9
Blitz - Flash Shield
  • Go in first.
  • Make sure teammates are behind you.
  • Use the mark key (Z) to tell teammates where enemies are.
  • If enemies get close, flash them and then shoot them in the face.

IQ - Electronics Detector
  • The electronics Detector will spot both enemy and friendly gadgets, as well as cameras.
  • Use it to shoot enemy C4/Gadgets through walls and barricades.
  • Use it to find the objective. There will likely be several enemy gadgets scattered around the objective.
  • Use it to warn your teammates about traps.
  • Use it to search for Valkrie's cameras. They are often placed on the ceiling or thrown outside.
Attacking: JTF2
Buck - Breaching Shotgun
  • Use the Breaching Shotgun to destroy barricades without putting yourself in harms way.
  • Use it to destroy breachable floor pannels.
  • Use it to open holes in the ceiling/floor above/below the objective.
Attacking: SEALs
Blackbeard - Rifle Shield
  • ALWAYS aim down the sights. Your head is exposed when not aiming down the sights.
  • NEVER un-mount your rifle shield. Switch to your secondary if you need to go faster.
  • Use the rifle shield to peek windows while rappeling.
  • Setup behind crouch-height cover before breaching walls.
  • Do not clear rooms unless forced to. Your torso is visible when leaning around corners.
Attacking: BOPE
Capitão - Crossbow
  • The crossbow shoots fire arrows and smoke arrows.
  • Press B to switch between the two arrows.
  • Fire arrows will damage anyone within their buring cloud, including you and the hostage.
  • Smoke arrows will create a harmless smoke cloud.
  • Both clouds will go around corrners.
  • Use fire arrows to force enemies to abandon their cover.
  • Use smoke arrows to cross open doorways safely.
Attacking: SAT
Hibana - Thermite Pellet Launcher

  • Use left click to fire pellets
  • Use Middle Mouse Button detonate pellets
  • Place a set of pellets at eye-level. This will make a murder hole.
  • Sticking your head in the only hole in the wall is a fantastic way to remove unwanted eyes, teeth, skulls, brains, etc. Let Blackbeard do it.
  • Once the room is cleared, you may use the murder hole to guard the room.
  • If you do not have a thermite, place two sets of pellets, one above the other. You can now vault through.
Attacking: GEO
Jackal - EyeNox Tracking System
  • Press MMB to turn on the EyeNox HUD. It will show enemy footprints.
  • Hold F while aiming at a footprint to 'track' it. The enemy will be 3d marked.
  • You have 3 'tracks'.
  • Mute Jammers and Bandit electricity will make your screen go black. Beware of this if you are breaching with EyeNox on.
  • FIRST: Use the EyeNox to locate roamers. (footprints leading AWAY from the objective)
  • SECOND: Use the EyeNox to spot enemies hiding in the objective.
  • Don't chase caviera by yourself.
Attacking: SDU
Ying - Cluster Flash Grenade
  • Grenade that creates mini flashes in ~1.5m radius
  • Holding MMB will increase the delay before the grenade detonates
  • Holding then releasing MMB while facing a breachable surface will create flashes on the opposite side of the wall
  • Use drones to locate enemies.
  • Flash enemies and push.
  • Don't flash enemies if you can't push. It's useless.
  • Use the time delay feature to synchronize detonations.
  • Use smoke grenades to block line of sight into the room, this will keep you from getting shot while you kill the blind enemies.
Attacking: Grom
Zofia - Concussion Grenade Launcher
  • Zofia and Ela are resistant to concussion effects.
  • The grenade launcher has 2 impact grenades and 4 concussions.
  • The change firemode button will switch between the two types.
  • At close range the concussion grenades will bounce off walls.
  • At normal ranges the concussion grenades will detonate in the air.
  • Don't use concussion grenades if you can't push, its pointless.
  • Fire concussion grenades at eye-level to maximize their airburst capability.
Attacking: SMB
Dokkaebi -- Phone Hacks
  • Hold MMB to force enemies phones to emit a buzzing noise.
  • Hold F on the phones of deceased enemies to gain access to their cameras.
  • Enemy phones will ring until they are manualy turned off.
  • Always use Phone Hacks before rappeling into a room.
  • Use them when you have enemies trapped inside a room.
  • Use them to discourage enemies from pushing. Useful when reviving teammates under fire.
  • Echo is unaffected by Phone Hacks as he doesn't have a phone.
Defending: SAS
Smoke - Toxic Gas Charge
  • The gas charges will quickly drain enemy health while they remain in the cloud.
  • The gas will harm your teammates/the hostage.
  • The gas will not harm you.
  • Use the gas to force enemies to flee, then shoot them in the back.

Mute - Jammer
  • The jammers have a radius that is projected when placing them.
  • The jammers will prevent enemies from detonating breaching charges.
  • The jammers will prevent enemies from controling drones.
  • As soon as the round starts, begin placing jammers near entrances to the room. Start with the ones that are closest to the outside, as drones will attempt to come through them first.
  • When the prep phase is over, collect your jammers.
  • Place your jammers near reinforced walls to prevent thermite from destroying them.
  • Place your jammers near windows to prevent cluster charges from being detonated.
  • Do not place your jammers near doors or non-reinforced walls. Enemies will shoot them through the wall/door.
Defending: FBI
Castle - Bulletproof Barricade
  • You have 3 special barricades that are bulletproof.
  • If you or your team removes the barricades they will be refunded to you.
  • Place them on doors, then watch the gap under them. Shoot enemies in the feet when they try to place breach charges.
  • Don't place them on windows unless Mute is on your team to jam them.
  • Leave at least one door open during the prep phase so that your team can get out.

Pulse - Heartbeat Sensor
  • The heartbeat sensor will detect enemies through walls.
  • Use it to tell when enemies are placeing breaching charges on windows, then shoot them through the barricade.
  • IQ can see your heartbeat scanner, if you stand still she will shoot you in the head.
Defending: GIGN
Doc - Syringe Gun
  • The syringe gun will instantly revive downed players and yourself.
  • Left click to shoot the syringe gun at teammates, or MMB to use it on yourself.
  • The syringe gun gives 25 more (75) HP than a manual revive (50).
  • Use the syringe gun on yourself or teamates to regenerate 40 HP.
  • Try to stay back and let your teammates be the ones to get shot.

Rook - Armor Bag
  • Drop the armor bag as soon as the round starts.
  • Remind you teammates to grab armor.
  • Enemies can steal your armor, so you should destroy the bag if your 'special' teammates don't grab their armor.
Defending: Spetsnaz
Kapkan - Tripwire Trap
  • You have 5 traps that can go on doorways or windows.
  • The traps do 60 damage to 1 armor enemies.
  • Don't let drones see where you place your traps.

Tachanka - Mounted LMG
  • Place the LMG where enemies cannot get behind you.
  • Place barbed wire near your killzone, this will prevent enemies from poping in and out of cover.
  • Don't stay on the LMG if there are too many entry points for you to cover.
  • Deployable shields will protect your torso, but make it difficult to hit targets.
  • Tachanka's LMG can kill in 2 hits, this makes firing single shots an effective supression tactic.
  • Subscribe to /r/Tachanka. {-}7 is the Tachanka salute, use it to show respect for Lord Chanka.
Defending: GSG9
Jäger - Active Defense System
  • The ADS will intercept enemy grenades.
  • They can be mounted on floors and walls.
  • They can destroy 2 grenades before running out of ammo.
  • They can destroy EMP and Cluster grenades.
  • Place them facing where grenades are likely to be thrown. (Grenades are most often thrown at about eye-level)
  • Place them out of sight of windows and doors, enemies will shoot them if they see them.
  • The ADS will not stop Capitão's arrows.

Bandit - Car Battery
  • Bandit can place his batteries on reinforced walls, barbed wire, and ballistic shields.
  • The attached object will become electrified and damage enemies that it comes in contact with.
  • The attached object will destroy all gadgets, friendly and enemy.
  • The attached object will no longer harm the hostage.
  • Electrify barbed wire under ceiling hatches, enemies will fall into it and get stuck.
  • Electrify reinforced barriers to prevent thermite from destroying them.
  • If you think thermite may be placing a charge on a wall, electrify it and the charge will be destroyed.
Defending: JTF2
Frost - Bear Traps
  • The bear traps will down players and make them unable to crawl away.
  • They are mechanical, and thus immune to EMPs, Shock Drones, and Bandit's CEDs.
  • They take multiple bullets to destroy, or 1 melee hit.
  • Place them near windows, enemies will breach through and be trapped.
  • Place them behind Deployable Shields, enemies will vault over and be trapped.
  • Place them in corrners that enemies may back into after breaching.
  • Covering welcome mats with razor wire makes them harder to see, but may draw attention to them.
Defending: SEALs
Valkyrie - Sticky Cameras
  • Throw cameras outside AFTER the preperation phase is over. Shoot enemies through barricaded windows.
  • Throw cameras in the room above the objective. Shoot enemies through the floor.
Defending: BOPE
Caveira - Stealth Mode + Non-lethal Pistol + interrogation

***Caveira requires that you know how play as a roamer, you should read another guide to learn how to be a roamer***
  • The Stealth Mode will make you very quiet while moving. It also doesn't leave footprints that could be tracked by Jackal.
  • The Non-lethal Pistol will always down enemies instead of killing them.
  • Interrogating downed enemies will reveal enemy player locations to your team.
  • The Non-lethal Pistol does extreme damage with 2-3 meters, but quickly drops to 12 beyond that.
  • The Non-lethal Pistol will kill downed enemies, beware of spamming it.
  • Knifing enemies while in Stealth Mode will down them.
Defending: SAT
Echo - Almost invisible drone that can attach to the ceiling and shoot sonic pulses that disorient enemies.
  • Press space to 'jump' up and attach to the ceiling.
  • You cannot spot enemies with the drone.
  • Place the drone where enemies will vault through windows.
  • Make sure teammates are nearby to kill disoriented enemies.
  • Stun the enemies and have your teammate shoot them when they try to vault out.
  • Be patient, attackers will hear the fan noise the drone makes when moving.
  • Don't place the drone near reinforced walls that thatcher might EMP.
  • Beware of IQ.
Defending: GEO
Mira - One-way Mirror
  • Place the Mirror on reinforced walls.
  • The side you place it on is the side you can see through.
  • Shoot the canister to eject the Mirror and shoot through.
  • You must place Mirrors on the same side of the wall as the reinforcement.
  • Do not place Mirrors where enemies are able to shoot the canisters. Especially from outside the building.
  • Use deployable shields to stop enemies from shooting the canister.
  • Beware of Shock Drones destroying your canisters.
  • If you have a Tachanka, place a Mirror in view of a choke-point and have Tachanka shoot through it.
Defending: SDU
Lesion - GU Mine
About The GU:
  • The GU Mine is nearly invisible but has a small trigger radius.
  • When triggered, the mine injects the target with a needle that prevents the target from running and does 10 damage + 8 damage per second until it is removed.
  • Lesion will generate more GU Mines over time, but can only have 7 total(placed+stored) at any given time.
  • Lesion can see his own mines through walls, but his temmates cannot.
How to Use GU:
  • Place GU mines in the center of choke points or enemies will walk past without triggering them.
  • Place mines in flaking routes to alert you if enemies are coming from behind. Remember where you placed the mines so you can determine which one is missing.
  • Place GU mines between cover so enemies get stuck out of cover.
  • Be ready to prefire your mines if you know enemies are near them.
  • Don't throw mines through doors that enemies are watching.
  • Placing wooden barricades will destroy the GU mine under them.
Defending: Grom
Ela - Concussion Mine
  • The Concussion Mine is only triggered by enemies, but will also disorient teammates within its line of sight. It has a very large trigger radius and area of effect.
  • Ela and Zofia are resistant to concussion effects.
  • Place mines so that they are triggered when enemies are in the open. eg. behind a box in the middle of a hallway.
  • Place mines on walls near where enemies are likely to rappel or vault in.
  • Don't place mines on doorframes. Enemies will just back up behind the door.
  • Don't place mines in places that your team wont be able to shoot enemies that trigger them.
Defending: SMB
Vigil - invisibility from cameras
  • MMB will remove you from camera feeds for a significant peroid of time.
  • Drones and cameras will see white lines appear on the edge of their screen when you are nearby.
  • Vigils ability is terrible, but his shotgun can drop Ash in one hit from a good distance away.
167 σχόλια
Brutal_Cukii 5 Ιουλ, 17:02 
Good evening, I bought Rainbow six siege and when I enter my ubisoft account it says no license mi lehet a probléma?
Anthony Freaktano 5 Ιαν, 16:21 
Dogger 3 Φεβ 2023, 16:11 
DnaK 24 Μαρ 2022, 5:34 
outdated guide for many changed aspects of the game. but still many good pointers.
AZRAEL 12 Ιαν 2021, 23:08 
Still usefull but needs a update
EgX 12 28 Σεπ 2020, 4:44 
can u give me sugggetions about Iana
cxc1223 22 Νοε 2019, 9:30 
really useful shame the latest ops are not on here would be sweet to see your breakdown of them all its really simple and useful stuff.
Epoch 26 Φεβ 2019, 4:20 
dis boi omg he made dis all for ubisoft
J-Dog 28 Αυγ 2018, 14:37 
Your guide is the best man it helped me alot, you should do the season 3 :KSmiley:
brody 17 Αυγ 2018, 10:33 
i need help i purchased 1200 r6 points and they were never put into my game