Spec Ops: The Line

Spec Ops: The Line

753 평점
How to get the good ending
Hawke 님이 작성
This guide provides information on obtaining the good ending for the game.
즐겨찾기 해제
In the first chapter your goal is to find survivors. Just follow the path and you'll meet them eventually. Right after the achievement ("They Live") shows up, press Alt+F4, open game's properties, tab "Local Files", choose "Delete local game content", confirm.

Congratulations, you made the right choice and didn't murder your squad, a lot of civilians and the 33rd Infantry Battalion.
댓글 65
Philly Wonken 2024년 2월 17일 오전 10시 10분 
I laughed at this until I cried. I cried because this game loves me I swear!
Water-Gate 2024년 1월 1일 오후 10시 16분 
This game fucked me up.
Crow 2023년 12월 26일 오후 3시 03분 
v bidoof law
Short 2023년 10월 13일 오후 4시 53분 
it is successful because US troops should be imprisoned and murdered for their many war crimes :auyay:
Seeker296 2023년 3월 4일 오전 7시 09분 
Your mission is to recon. We don't get the exact parameters, but surrendering to a group of 4 violent insurgents is certainly not a "mission successful"

Considering you are given explicit instructions to radio back to command, you can't just "quit". You would have to at least backtrack outside the storm wall (which the game doesn't allow)

It's hard to say if dying is the "right" choice (having established it would be a mission failed state), since the game asks you that exact question at the end and players are still split on the question
Chonkems 2022년 11월 9일 오후 7시 01분 
Walker isn't surrendering in the (sort of) better ending.
He's literally being rescued because he's a Delta Force operative with knowledge of important ops that shouldn't fall into the wrong hands.
LQ 2022년 5월 17일 오후 10시 54분 
everyone ignore wickeD's typical comment for false claim of "heart of darkness book"cause there only 3 endings you can pick accept you're faith to die or surrender or kill like you usually felt better as you see yourself become the villain like martin walker. there no such thing as "unpleasant and harsh situations" he know it damn well that is not what people on the comments are about. due to their opinions
WickeD 2022년 5월 16일 오전 10시 57분 
Those who say you should stop playing it at a certain bla-bla point certainly don't know that the aim of this game is to put you in those unpleasant and harsh situations in order to display you dark sides of war, the agony of the soldiers who thought are legends in the eyes of all. Therefore, I think you must play it 'till the end. I don't say killing is pleasant and makes you feel good. I just like you all to live inside the mind of a soldier. To conclude, please read the book Heart of Darkness, as well.
Confused Undead 2022년 3월 23일 오후 11시 11분 
Better Ending is Killing all. Just give into the dark voice telling you that cut lose.
Witchtaker 2022년 3월 9일 오후 12시 08분 
it is not true, the best ending is when you quit after seeing stop sign where you learn to take cover