rFactor 2

rFactor 2

35 ratings
rFactor2 Quick Guide: List of Server Commands
By Chris
This is a list of all available server commands that can be used via the chat window either through the UI in rFactor 2, or in the back-end of the dedicated server.
Server Commands
/admin [password]
/admin mydogsnamebackwards
admin login (wrong or no password = stop being administrator)
/vote yes

same as pressing YES button in the UI
/vote no

same as pressing NO button in the UI

Shows your ping, same as pressing button (default key is TAB)
/w [drivername] [chat]
/w Richie Spinner Hey stay low
whisper to given driver

/whisper [drivername] [chat]
/whisper Richie Spinner Hey stay low
same functionality as /w
/callvote nextsession

Advances to next session (practice to qual, for example)
/callvote nextrace

Advances to next event in dedicated server track list
/callvote str

Advances direct to race
/callvote event [name]
/call vote event Palm Springs Speedway
Advances to specified event

/callvote restartrace

Restarts the current race
/callvote restartwarmup

Advances to the beginning of warmup

*Advances to the beginning of warmup
/callvote restartweekend

Calls a vote to return to first session (practice)
/callvote addai

Calls a vote to add 1 AI
/callvote add5ai

Calls a vote to add 5 AI
/callvote kick [name]

/callvote kick Richie Spinner

Removes driver from race
/callvote ban [name]
/callvote ban Richie Spinner
Bans driver from server
/editgrid [pos] [name]
/editgrid 12 Richie Spinner
*Moves the specified driver to the given position on the grid – It is recommended to specify the grid positions starting from first to last to avoid expected results
/setmass [mass] [name]
/editgrid 150 Richie Spinner
*Applies a penalty mass (0-255 kg) to the specified driver with immediate effect and for the duration of the weekend
/changelaps [laps] [name]
/changelaps +10 Richie Spinner
/changelaps -10 Richie Spinner
*Adjusts the number of completed laps (-10 to +10) to the specified player for the purpose of allowing live stewards' input into the game's scoring system
/addpenalty [code] [name]
/addpenalty 2 Richie Spinner

*Adds a penalty to the specified driver.
The [code] command accepts the following values:
-2 = longest line
-1 = drive-thru
0-60 = stop/go penalty number of seconds
/subpenalty [code] [name]
/subpenalty 3 Richie Spinner
*Removes a penalty from the given player.
The following are valid values for [code]:
0=remove one stop/go penalty,
1=remove one drive-thru penalty,
2=remove one longest line penalty,
3=remove all penalties
/throwyellow [laps]

/throwyellow 5

*Starts a full-course caution for the given number of laps (must be at least 2). If laps number is not specified, random value will apply.

*Ends a full-course caution as soon as possible, regardless of the planned number of laps.
/racelength [code] [value1] [value2]

/racelength 2 20 25
*Changes the race length for the next race:
[code]=0 sets a [value1] % length race
[code]=1sets a [value1]-lap race
[code]=2 sets a [value1]-minute (timed) race
[code]=3 sets a [value1]-lap [value2]-minute race

*Shuts down dedicated server immediately
/set upload [kbps]
/set upload 256
Changes upload speed (works on own machine only, administrator can't change server's upload at this time)
/set download [kbps]

/set download 512
Changes download speed (same as above)
/set nagle [0 or 1]

Can only be set on the server - specifies whether questionable Nagle TCP algorithm is used
/batch [filename]
/batch mybatchfile.bat
Executes a batchfile

/dq [drivername]
/dq Richie Spinner
Disqualifies specified driver
/undq [drivername]
/undq Richie Spinner
Removes disqualification from specified driver
/pitbyteam 12 SlowPokesRacing
Assigns a pit space to specified team
/pitbydriver 12 Richie Spinner
Assigns a pit space to specified vehicle
/pitbyvehicle 12 Camaro
Assigns a pit space to specified vehicle
/forwardseconds [secs]
/forwardseconds 600
Forwards the session time by the specified number of seconds

Actions preceded by an asterisk (*) are admin server commands: To use these commands, you need to either be admin in the rF2 client or use the dedicated server backend.
English1977 Dec 10, 2023 @ 8:41am 
Sadly that does not appear to be an option. I assume it is set by the individual tracks
MarcosARG Dec 9, 2023 @ 7:54pm 
Command to change safety car speed??
English1977 Apr 21, 2023 @ 4:20pm 
Does anyone know if a command has been added to allow adjustment of Push-2-pass time in the new 2022 BTCC DLC cars?
English1977 Dec 19, 2019 @ 1:22pm 
Hamster, Thank you so much. I figured out how to log in as ADMIN and everything is hunky dory.
I love being able to add weight and apply grid penalties. Awesome!
CplHamster Aug 13, 2019 @ 10:27am 
@English1977 Sounds like the commands you are struggling with are the admin commands, make sure you login as admin once in the server, you should have an asterisk next to your name when you are logged in. The command for this is /admin [admin password]
English1977 Jul 3, 2019 @ 2:55am 

I stumbled upon this list yesterday and was very excited at the possibilities it offered.

Unfortunately, I can't get some of these commands to work. For example, adding 5 ai and moving on to the next session work, but editing the grid does not.

Does anyone know, have S397 disabled/removed some of the functions in this list?
If so, could someone who knows about these things, please, update the list.
I am particularly interested in being able to edit the grid in online games and being able to add success ballast from within the game because when playing in VR it is not possible to get back to the dedicated server without leaving the track.

Many thanks to anyone who is able to help.
zmihaly Jun 3, 2019 @ 11:52pm 
the racelength example seems to be wrong...
When you use code "2" it requires only one paramater as per in the "Action" column...
Chris  [author] Nov 3, 2016 @ 3:42am 
Glad you're finding it useful :)
Dewald Nel Nov 2, 2016 @ 7:44am 
Thanks for putting this up and updating it, Christopher. Much appreciated. :) :steamhappy:
Wishmaster Aug 2, 2016 @ 12:05am 
Is there a way to change the starting procedure via server command? For example from standing+formation to rolling. Or do i need to restart the server?

Via command it would be the nicer solution because i dont need to leave the game (Alt+Tab).