Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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The M249 is underrated
By what?
The M249 is often ignored by most high level players as the counterpart, The Negev, seems the better option however, the M249 is both better and cheaper.
The M249 is actually a great weapon whether you believe it or not. It is useful in many circumstances where other inferior guns will not excel. This guide aims to teach you exactly how to use the M249 in high level competitive matchmaking games, even in Global Elite. Fnatic have recently announced via their website that they will begin considering the weapon for use in pro matches which confirms my hypothesis.

About Me
On steam I go by the name of Crucial. I am ranked Global Elite in the official matchmaking rankings and I have also reached Faceit Pro League. I've used the M249 excessively on my road to Global Elite and with the help of it, I managed to reach it. I believe this weapon has more potential than people think and im hoping to prove it with this guide.

The M249
The M249 is one of two light machine guns available to both teams.

Alternate name: FN M249 Para
Price: 5200$
Origin: Belgium
Caliber: 5.56 caliber
Magazine capacity: 100 / 200
Firing mode: Automatic
Rate of fire: 750 RPM
Weight (loaded): 6 kg
Projectile weight: 4 g
Muzzle velocity: 3000 ft/s
Muzzle energy: 1600 J
Used by: Counter-Terrorists, Terrorists
Reload time: 5.7 seconds
Movement speed (units per second): 195 Csgo
Kill Award: $300 (Competitive) $150 (Casual)
Damage: 32
Recoil Control: 19 / 26 (73%)
Accurate Range: 22 m
Armor Penetration: 80%
Penetration Power: 200

Why the M249
For most people this seems like a good question that you have probably asked yourself a few times whilst reading this fantastic guide. Well I´ll tell you why. The M249 has a very simplistic spray pattern which allows the player to focus on his enemy and his surroundings rather than a complex spray pattern like that of the negev or the Ak-47.

Here's a basic summary of the spray pattern: First you must move your mouse in a downwards direction as to counter the M249´s upwards movement. Then you will rapidly go left and quickly make a right turn. After that just go left, up, left, right, diagonal-left, down, down, right, and finally go down. After that you will have used up your 100 bullet magazine and you will have to reload. This brings me on to my next point.

The reload time of the M249 is lightning fast in comparison to its counterparts like the autosniper or the negev, which are for most high level players, a common choice of weaponry. The reload time will allow you to reload on the fly much like the CZ-75 pre nerf where you would be able to run around and kill multiple enemies with only a pistol. Now that the CZ-75 has been nerfed the obvious switch for me was the M249 despite the massive difference in price. M249 trumps CZ-75 with its massive 100 bullet magazine which will allow to easily ace the whole opposing enemy force with ease. Missing a few shots will not matter with the M249 as you can always reload it quickly and on the move.

So now you might be asking: "Why not the negev". I´ll tell you why. The negev is much too expensive costing a massive 500$ more than the M249 making it extremely cheap in comparison. Also the negev decreases your movement with over 3 times as much as the M249 so killing quickly will not be an option. Despite the 150 bullet magazine that the negev posseses its spray pattern is ludicrous. No one will ever master it as i have with the M249.

The firerate of the M249 may be slower than the negev but that way you make every bullet count. In most situations a reload will never be necessary. It is also notable that the firerate of the M249 is much greater than that of the AWP making it much more viable in all situations.

The accurate range of the M249 is not as far as the AWP but it is all you will require as with 100 bullets you are always sure to hit your target eventually. Also the M249 has the furthest range of any non-sniper weapon in the game which is incredible.

The armor penetration of the M249 is the greatest in the game. Beating the second best weapon: "The Negev" by 5 points making it extremely useful in tense situations. The spray through thin walls has never been easier than with and M249 in your hands.

To conclude this guide and investigation I would like to recommend the M249. Although it may be difficult for new players to use as the M249 requires the wielder to posses and immense amount of individual skill as well as game sense and awareness. If you are picking this weapon up for the first time it is no surprise that you will be ♥♥♥♥ as it takes several hundred hours to master the M249. But if you keep practising, then eventually you will dominate ordinary matchmaking servers and will be forced to move on to more difficult challenges if you wish to improve. For already established players who have had to make the grind to Global Elite without the use of the M249 I would highly recommend that you start using it in your daily matchmaking endeavours as it will make your CS:GO experience much easier and more enjoyable.

Thanks for reading and I hope you will make good use of this guide and you matchmaking games.

(Please note that some information provided in this guide may be false. Use carefully as with great power, comes great responsibility)
fiku Jun 18, 2020 @ 4:44pm 
absolute meta
THE TOASTER Mar 15, 2016 @ 6:38pm 
I made a guide stating simalar ideas and a few more tips. i highly agree with this guide and hope to see the m249 used mor often
Chili Beans Dec 13, 2015 @ 11:09pm 
Preach the word: M249>Negev
Cloud Dec 7, 2015 @ 2:29pm 
thank mr crucial doot doot
TR0NK Dec 7, 2015 @ 11:44am 
best gun eu best guide eu
ZeroZer0_ Dec 7, 2015 @ 11:38am 
I was Global now im Gn2 thanks alot 8/8 m8, update it when the nerf comes, along with nuke and the next operation in the next patch and i r8 9/11
churro9001 Dec 6, 2015 @ 10:17pm 
10/10 thanks now im silver 2
HDC Dec 6, 2015 @ 3:06am 
Helped me reach global within 28.76654738 minutes after reading.
G0Dskin™ Dec 5, 2015 @ 4:13pm 
8/8 would read again
what?  [author] Dec 5, 2015 @ 4:11pm 
Creator Comment: This guide was created on the 6th of December and does not speak for any nerfs for the M249 after this date. I do believe that a nerf is warranted.