Ferrum's Secrets: where is grandpa?

Ferrum's Secrets: where is grandpa?

67 ratings
Ferrum's Secrets: where is grandpa? Walkhthrough (image heavy)
By catnip
A complete walkthrough which allows to get most of the missable achievements.
General information
This is a complete walkthrough which allows to get most of the missable achievements in one playthrough. Please note that this game requires at least three complete playthroughs in order to get all achievements.

This guide skips all map and light items as they’re not needed and picking them up prevents from getting two achievements.

There are five collector’s items hidden in the game on each difficulty level plus two additional ones received for finding the first five and for completing the game. They’re in the same locations on each difficulty level.

Hidden object scenes are going to be referred to as HOS.

Certain puzzles are randomized so no step-by-step solution could be included.
Granfather's Building

  • Take the LADDER (A)
  • Click the FLOWERS (B) to start a HOS
  • Click the flower on the right (A) and take the COLLECTOR’S ITEM 1/5.
  • Complete the HOS and receive the DOOR HANDLE.
  • Click the green door and use the DOOR HANDLE from the inventory to enter the building.
  • Go up the stairs to the STAIRCASE.
  • Pick up the VALVE WHEEL (A) and go back downstairs to the ENTRANCE HALLWAY.
  • Go left to the DARK CORNER.
  • Use the VALVE WHEEL on the pipes (A) and click it to start a puzzle.
  • Click the top right corner to change the view and click the numbered valves.
  • Take the SCREWDRIVER (A) and BROOM (B).
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE HALLWAY.
  • Go upstairs to the STAIRCASE.
  • Use the BROOM to remove a broken glass.
  • Go right to the FIRST FLOOR.
  • Click the table (A) to zoom in. Drag the knife (B) to the meat and pick up the ROASTED MEAT (C).
  • Go right to the SECOND FLOOR.
  • Put the LADDER on the floor (A). Click the cabinet (B) to start a HOS.
  • Complete the HOS and receive the SPROCKET WHEEL.
  • Go down to the FIRST FLOOR.
  • Use the SPROCKET WHEEL on the cabinet (A) and click it to start a puzzle (B).
  • Click the numbered wheels and receive the BASEMENT KEY.
  • Go down to the STAIRCASE.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE HALLWAY.
  • Click the door on the right (A), use the key on the lock (B) and enter the BASEMENT.
  • Pick up the COLLECTOR’S ITEM 2/5 (B).
  • Use the SCREWDRIVER on the red box (A), click it and pick up the DR KELTER’S SPIDERS’ KILLER (B).
  • Press the button (C) to cut off the power.
  • Go left to the BASEMENT WORKSHOP.
  • Click the box (A) to start a HOS. Click it again to start a puzzle.
  • Solve the puzzle to receive the SMALL BULB.
  • Click the cat (B) and give it the ROASTED MEAT.
  • Use the DR KELTER’S SPIDERS’ KILLER on the spider.
  • Go back to the SECOND FLOOR.
  • Click the lamp (A) and take the KEY TO GRANDFATHER’S APARTMENT.
  • Go back to the BASEMENT.
  • Use the KEY TO THE EMERGENCY POWER SWITCH PANELS to open the padlock (A) and trigger a puzzle. Click the numbered switches to restore the power.
  • Go back to the SECOND FLOOR.
  • Click the door on the left and use SMALL BULB and KEY TO GRANDFATHER’S APARTMENT to open it.
  • Enter the apartment.
Grandfather's Apartment

  • Click the table (A) and pick up the GRANDPA NOTE I (B) and KEY (C).
  • Use the KEY to open the door on the right (D).
  • Enter the BATHROOM.

  • Take the ACE OF HARTS card (A).
  • Click the toilet (B) and pick up the SQUARE MALLET (C).
  • Go back to the ANTEROOM.

  • Use the SQUARE MALLET on the door (A).
  • Go to the KITCHEN.
  • Go left to the DINING ROOM.

  • Pick up the DEALER (A) token.
  • Click the cabinet (B) and then the cat (C).
  • Go down to the KITCHEN.

  • Click the cat food cans (A) to trigger a puzzle (random).
  • Solve the puzzle to receive the FOOD FOR KITTENS.

  • Click the cat (A) and put the FOOD FOR KITTENS into the bowl (B).
  • Take the CAT FOOD (B again).
  • Go left to the DINING ROOM.

  • Click the cat (A) and give it the CAT FOOD (B).
  • Go right to the LIVING ROOM (C).

  • Take the BIG BLIND (A) token and GRANDPA NOTE II (B).
  • Go down to the LIVING ROOM II.

  • Click the cabinet and play a HOS.
  • Go down to the LIVING ROOM.
  • Go left to the DINING ROOM.
  • Click the cabinet to make it disappear and go through the door to the BEDROOM.

  • Click the pile of items (A) to start a puzzle. Keep removing items from the top until you receive the LEDs.
  • Click the cabinet (B) to zoom in. Pick up the GRANDPA NOTE III (C) and LITTLE BLIND (D) token.
  • Go left to the CUBBY HOLE.

  • Use the LEDs on the keypad (A).
  • Click the card (B) to start a puzzle. Solve it to receive the access code (1796243).
  • Click the keypad and enter the code.
  • Go left to the GRANDFATHER’S LAB.

  • Click anywhere to start a HOS.
  • Complete it and pick up the GRANDPA NOTE IV (A).
  • Complete rotating HOS and you’ll be transported to a new location.
Doris the Alchemist

  • Go forward to the INNER GARDEN (A).

  • Pick up the MEDICINAL HERB (A).
  • Zoom in (C) and pick up STRAWBERRIES (G).
  • Go down to the DORIS LIVING ROOM.

  • Give all five herbs to Doris (A).
  • Click the cabinet (B), click it again.
  • Pick up the KEY (C).
  • Go left to the DORIS WORKSHOP.

  • Talk to Doris (A).
  • Pick up the GLUE (B).
  • Play HOS (C) and receive INACTIVE ALCHEMICAL SPHERE OF LIGHT. Give it to Doris (A).
  • Go down to the DORIS LIVING ROOM.
  • Go right to the DORIS BEDROOM.

  • Pick up the CARD WITH NOTES (A). Click it in your inventory to use it.
  • Click the book shelf (B) and pick up the most left book DE ORIGINE LUX. Click it in your inventory to use it. It will appear on the table (C).
  • Click the book (C) to trigger a puzzle. Solve it to receive a sequence.

  • Click the painting (A) and click the numbered corners.
  • Click the open space in the wall (B) and take the INACTIVE LIGHT SPHERE (C) and ALCHEMICAL ACCESSORY OF LIGHT (D).
  • Go down to the DORIS LIVING ROOM.
  • Go left to the DORIS WORKSHOP.
  • Go down to the DORIS LIVING ROOM.
  • Go straight to the INNER GARDEN.

  • Go to the DORIS BASEMENT (A).

  • Click the button (A).

  • Keep clicking through the rubble (A) until you get the KEY.

  • Take the SKULL (A).

  • Use the KEY to open the chest (A) and get the COLLECTOR’S ITEM 3/5.
  • Go left to the QUIET CORNER.

  • Click the broken mechanism (A), use the GLUE and SKULL on it.
  • Click the SKULL (A) to open the door.
  • Enter the DORIS TREASURY.

  • Use the KEY on the chest (A) and receive the RELIEF FROM ORNAMENTED BOX 1/5.
  • Click the cabinet (B), play a HOS and receive the RELIEF FROM ORNAMENTED BOX 2/5.
  • Zoom into the table (C) and click the goblet.
  • Pick up the RELIEF FROM ORNAMENTED BOX (D) 3/5.
  • Click the cabinet (E) to make it disappear and pick up the last two RELIEFS FROM ORNAMENTED BOX 4/5 and 5/5.
  • Go down to the QUIET CORNER.
  • Go down to the INNER GARDEN.
  • Go down to the DORIS LIVING ROOM.

  • Place all five RELIEFS FROM ORNAMENTED BOX on the cabinet (A) and receive the WATER OF LIFE.
  • Go left to the DORIS WORKSHOP.
  • Give the WATER OF LIFE to Doris.
  • Click on the table to trigger a puzzle.

  • Follow the steps to get the ELIXIR OF DETOXIFICATION (8).
  • Click it in your inventory to use it.
  • You’ll be transported to a new location.

  • Zoom in (A) to play a HOS. Complete it to receive the SLEEPING PILLS.
  • Go right to the SHIPPING RAMP.

  • Pick up the OLD SCISSORS (A).
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go left to the DELIVERY COURTYARD.

  • Click the boxes on the left (A) and pick up the CRATE (B).
  • Click the rope (B), use the OLD SCISSORS on it (D) and pick up the ROPE.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go right to the SHIPPING RAMP.

  • Click the dogs to zoom in.
  • Use the ROPE and CRATE from your inventory on the bar above dogs (A).
  • Click the crate.
  • Go up to the TECHNICAL SQUARE.

  • Pick up the IRON BEAM (A).
  • Go down to the SHIPPING RAMP.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go left to the DELIVERY COURTYARD.

  • Click the boxes on the right (A) to zoom in.
  • Use the IRON BEAM from your inventory on the METAL SPHERE (B) and pick it up.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go right to the SHIPPING RAMP.
  • Go up to the TECHNICAL SQUARE.

  • Click the window (A) to zoom in.
  • Use the METAL SPHERE from your inventory on the WINDOW (B).
  • Go down to the SHIPPING RAMP.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go up to the LODGE.

  • Click the desk (A) to zoom in.
  • Use the SLEEPING PILLS on the meal.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go back up to the LODGE.
  • Go up to the STAIRS TO FIRST FLOOR.

  • Talk to Arthur (A).
  • Pick up the EXTINGUISHED CANDLE (B).
  • Click the desk (C) to play HOS. Complete it to receive the HELMET 1/5.
  • Go down to the LODGE.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.

  • Click the letters (A) to start a puzzle. Solve it (B) to receive the HELMET 2/5.
  • Go left to the DELIVERY COURTYARD.

  • Click the boxes (A) and pick up the HELMET 3/5 (B).
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go up to the LODGE.
  • Go left to the ELECTRICIAN WORKSHOP.
  • Go up to the BOILER ROOM.

  • Click the bucket (A) to zoom in and use the EXTINGUISHED CANDLE on it (B).
  • Pick up the CANDLE.
  • Click the pile or rubbish on the left (C) to start a HOS. Complete it to receive the HELMET 4/5.
  • Go down to the ELECTRICIAN WORKSHOP.

  • Use the CANDLE to light up the dark corner (A). Click it to zoom in.
  • Pick up the WRENCH (B) and HELMET 5/5 (C).
  • Go down to the LODGE.
  • Go up to the STAIRS TO FIRST FLOOR.
  • Give the HELMETS to Arthur.
  • Go down to the LODGE.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go right to the SHIPPING RAMP.
  • Go up to the TECHNICAL SQUARE.

  • Click the mechanism (A) and use the WRENCH on it (B) to start a puzzle.

  • Solve the puzzle to fix the generator.
  • Go down to the SHIPPING RAMP.
  • Go down to the ENTRANCE TO THE FACTORY.
  • Go up to the LODGE.

  • Zoom in (A) and use the button (B).
  • Go up to the STAIRS TO FIRST FLOOR.
  • Go left to the STAIRCASE I.
  • Go right to the STAIRCASE II.
  • Go up to the SECOND FLOOR.
  • Talk to Arthur and get the safe combination.
  • Go right to the ARCHIVES.

  • Click the safe and enter the combination.
  • Go down to the SECOND FLOOR.
  • Go down to the STAIRCASE II.
  • Go right to the OFFICE.

  • Click any desk to start a HOS. Complete it to receive a note.
  • Go down to the STAIRCASE II.
  • Go down to the STAIRCASE I.
  • Go up to the ASSEMBLY ROOM.

  • Pick up the COIL OF ROPE (A).
  • Click the pile of materials to start a puzzle. Solve it to receive the CROWBAR.
  • Click the electric motor (C) and pick up the METAL SHEARS (D).
  • Click the ventilation pipe (E) and use the CROWBAR on it (F).
  • Go up into the pipe.

  • Pick up the COLLECTOR’S ITEM 4/5 (A).
  • Go up to the INNER ARCHIVE.

  • Click the cabinet and pick up the password (B).
  • Go down to the ARCHIVES.
  • Go down to the SECOND FLOOR.
  • Go down to the STAIRCASE II.
  • Go down to the OFFICE.

  • Click the door (A) and enter it.

  • Give the EVIDENCE FROM THE ARCHIVE to Anthony (A).

  • Click the small left table (A) to zoom in and pick up the LUBRICANT (B).
  • Click the right table (C) to zoom in. Use the METAL SHEARS and LUBRICANT on the ARMORED GLOVE (D). Pick it up.
  • Click the ARMORED GLOVE in your inventory to use it.
  • Go down to the OFFICE.
  • Go left to the BALCONY.

  • Use the COIL OF ROPE on the balcony (A).
  • Go down-right to the ARTHUR LAGRANGE OFFICE.

  • Click the table (A) to zoom in.
  • Go down to the BALCONY.
  • Go up-right to the OFFICE.
  • Go right to the ANTHONY LAGRANGE OFFICE.

  • Click the plane (A).

  • Go left to the REAR UPPER PLATFORM.

  • Pick up the WRENCH (A).
  • Go straight to the FRONT UPPER PLATFORM.

  • Pick up the HAMMER (A).
  • Click the panel (B) and press the red button (C).
  • Go down to the REAR UPPER PLATFORM.

  • Click the valve (A) to zoom in and use it.
  • Go straight to the FRONT UPPER PLATFORM.
  • Click the panel and press the blue button.
  • Go down to the DOCK NO. 4.
  • Go right to the MIDDLE DECK.

  • Go straight to the LOWER CONTROL.
  • Go up to the UPPER CONTROL.

  • Pick up the SCIENTISTS NOTE 1 (A).
  • Go down to the LOWER CONTROL.

  • Click the keypad on the left (A) and enter the code: 1725665.
  • Go down to the MIDDLE DECK.
  • Go down to the DOCK NO. 4.
  • Go straight to the STERN.

  • Pick up the SCIENTISTS NOTE 2 (A).
  • Solve the puzzle (random).
  • Go down to the DOCK NO. 4.
  • Go right to the MIDDLE DECK.
  • Go right to the PROW.

  • Click the mechanism (A) and solve the puzzle.
  • Go straight to the DOCK NO. 2.

  • Pick up the COLLECTOR’S ITEM 5/5 (A).
  • Go down to the PROW.
  • Go down to the MIDDLE DECK.
  • Go down to the DOCK NO. 4.
  • Go straight to the STERN.
  • Go straight to the ROOM AT THE STERN.
  • Go right to the PRISON.

  • Talk to your grandfather.
  • Go down to the ROOM AT THE STERN.
  • Go left to the WAREHOUSE.

  • Click anywhere to start a HOS. Complete it to receive the EXPLOSIVES.
  • Go down to the ROOM AT THE STERN.
  • Go down to the STERN.
  • Go down to the DOCK No. 4.
  • Go down to the MIDDLE DECK.

  • Click mechanism above the door (A) to start a puzzle.
  • Solve the puzzle to lock the door.
  • Go right to the PROW.
  • Go right to the ABOVE THE TANK.

  • Use the WRENCH to open the way to the TECHNICAL ROOM (A).
  • Go to the TECHNICAL ROOM.

  • Pick up the LITTLE WHEEL (A).
  • Use the HAMMER on the window (B) to open the way to the UNDER THE TANK.
  • Go straight to the UNDER THE TANK.

  • Plant the EXPLOSIVES (A).
  • Go down to the TECHNICAL ROOM.
  • Go down to the ABOVE THE TANK.
  • Go down to the PROW.
  • Go down to the MIDDLE DECK.
  • Go down to the DOCK NO. 4.
  • Go down to the EVACUATION PLANE.

  • Use the LITTLE WHEEL on the plane (A).
  • Click the plane and watch the ending.
krana Nov 26, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
Thank you!
MrL0G1C Oct 17, 2018 @ 12:19pm 
How do I know what maps look like, in order to avoid them to get the no pickup map achievement?
Helevorn Sep 29, 2017 @ 5:08am 
leuh gégé Sep 2, 2017 @ 2:08pm 
A well done guide and a helpful walkthrough. Thx for this. Sure this game is casual, but the extreme difficulty level is harsh (because of the limited time). It was very useful to check your guide to be fast and don't waste time.