Realm of the Mad God Exalt

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

Otillräckligt med betyg
Av Dead-1998-12-19-2017-5-26
A RotMG Guide about getting started. Everything here!
This Guide will help most players, the basics of the game. It is still in beta. You can help this guide with ideas so it will grow faster.
First things.
If you already know the fame and level system, skip this one...

Starting with the first thing you should do. If you are new to the game, you should relax and play, opening all the classes, pretty easy but it needs some patience too, you can call a friend to help you level up. Max level is 20. Opening classes, making fame, will get you rank stars.

What is fame? Well, when you reach level 20 (the max level) you will not receive EXP anymore you will get fame. Starting with 18-23 fame; it will be harder to get fame than getting EXP. (We are talking about base fame, not the account's fame.)

The fame goals of your character are: 150 fame, 400 fame, 800 fame then 2000 fame. Completing these goals will get you rank stars.

What are rank stars? Well, they are rank stars... you start with 0... you know... Receiving more rank stars will get you different stars: First that everyone had it; you start with it: Light star then Blue star then Red star then Orange star then Yellow star and finally, the White star.

Don't forget: You can ask some friends to help you, it will be easier.
RotMG - Site info
Did you know there is a site named Realmeye? If not, let me tell you about it!
Is a site that gives informations about every monster, every player and every dungeon. If you want to find something just type! The player's informations can pe private (that's because he set it on private) if you try to find something about him. Whatever, this site gives every informations. If you are new to the game, you must know this!

reminder: I DO NOT OWN THE SITE, I'M JUST TELLING YOU ABOUT IT, don't forget that.
The guilds. They are like a team. A team of players helping each other (sometimes, some guilds).

How to be in a guild? Well, someone from a guide must invite you in, you will be notified (left-down corner) if you want to join. Accept or cancel.

Advantages being a member of a guild:
1. There is a /g private texting for the guild. If you press G from your keyboard, and type something everyone from the guild will see. Only the guild. That's a pretty nice advantage for a team.
2. Another advantage is that, the players will help each other, if they want, because yeah, it's a team.
3. Guild portals. The guild hall is the place for the guild members. Calling all of your guild members in the guild hall for opening a portal; that will be a guild portal. Or if you found a portal in the godlands you can easily press G and tell your guild members to teleport. Cool.
4. Having fun in the guild. Being in a guild will boost the game's fun. Your own team, making new friends, farming togheter.

Not are the guilds are friendly. Most of them are just some ruined guilds, with nothing, no guild board written in + make sure if you want to enter a guild that everyone is friendly. Nobody wants enemies in a guild.
Farming in Godlands
If you know all the basics of the game, everything, know what solo means and others, then you must read this!

Everyone knows what farming means. Farming in the godlands, it's easy farming there, and kind of fun! Farming in godlands is useful. Beginner's should stay away, everyone's favourite portal farming is Abbys of Demons (abby). Easy getting DEF and VIT. Just some patience killing demons and getting to the boss. The Puppet too...

I've realised that killing a big amount of gods will get you more chances of getting potions. Getting 4 bags in 10 seconds... Or I had some crazy luck.

But be safe! You can't know when the death will strike when you are killing gods. Having a good range will be easy. But having a low range and good deff is easy too!

Farming in Portals.
Farming in portals. Portals are fun, yeah!

For the beginning if you are new, you should farm in Sprite Worlds. Pretty easy, only need a comfort. Or Lair of Draconis. A rare portal dropped by the Eye of the Dragon. It will be easy if you have a serious fire power. If you are lazy, just go into a corner, let others to kill the dragon, wait until it died; the chest will spawn and go for it! That's named leeching.

Tomb of Ancients.

Everyone's favourite dungeon. First kill the sarcs. Then the boss will unfreeze. Must kill them. Ofcourse you need dodging skills.

The worst Tomb of Ancients is a FFA Tomb. I hate it. Everyone shots who wants, kill who wants. This mostly happens when there are a lot of players. True chaos.

First start with Bes. Shot him until he dies. But when he will have a low health he will rage. That will make him stronger. That makes him harder to hit means that will make him harder to die. But Bes' rage is easier than the other 2 bosses.

Then Geb (that's the boss I start after I kill Bes). Same story, he will rage, harder to hit. His rage is stronger than Bes'.

Last one Nut. Same story. But it will be easier. Because it will be the last boss alive, making his rage not that scarier.


They drop 1 Potion of Life. In the loot bag. Or treasures, or ST items (Geb). Or in the white bags: rings, tome or just a treasure or INC.

Bes: He drops in white bag: Ring of the Pyramid (Pyra), INC or treasure. Or blue bag: 1 Life.

Nut: He drops in white bag: Ring of the Sphinx (Sphinx), INC or treasure. Or blue bag: 1 Life

Geb: He drops in white bag: Ring of the Nile (Nile), INC or treasure. Or blue bag: 1 Life. Or cyan bag: an item set.

Abbys of Demons.

Another favourite dungeon for farming. There are a lot of rooms to get to the boss, and lot of demons in every room. Not for beginners.

The boss drops:

In purple bag: Low tiered items.
In cyan bag: An egg.
In blue bag: Def vit and maybe other low tiered items and maybe treasure.
In white bag: Def vit and UT sword (famous DPS sword) or maybe a treasure instead of UT sword (the sword is named Demon Blade, or reskined one Sword of Illumination).

Guide In realm the besics
2 kommentarer
[LeO]Slein105 16 aug, 2020 @ 16:32 
how do I name my account?
idoking12 8 aug, 2017 @ 8:52 
i wanna know how to name my account :(