Torchlight II

Torchlight II

137 ratings
Playable Vyrax
File Size
51.707 KB
Nov 4, 2015 @ 10:35am
Jul 23, 2016 @ 2:30pm
19 Change Notes ( view )

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Playable Vyrax

This is my very first mod, and as shown by the title, this mod allows you to play as a powerful dragon: Vyrax! Let me know in the comments your opinion and what should I fix.

Knowing issues:
-Vyrax does a lot of loud noises, and sometimes it can be very annoying
-No chargebar
-Quest rewards are glitched sometimes


-All the skills have been rebalanced and fixed
-All the skills can be now upgraded 15 times
-Added tiers to the skills
-Added an Hyper skill (A special skill, unlockable at level 50 that does a lot of damage and has 3 minutes of cooldown)
-The Magma Gargoyle skill has been replaced with a new skill: Eternal Combustion
-The Fire Essence passive now give physical damage too
-Slowed a little bit the speed movement of Vyrax

The mod is finally done. I spent a lot of time doing this mod so I hope you like it. I plan on adding a chargebar and maybe a potion that allows you to resize the dragon, but in the future, I will now take a break and make only little updates to fix and add stuff. Have fun :)

The dragon image (Preview image) has been made by caiomm on Deviant Art.
All the credits goes to him.

My new mod, the Fury Class:
milesheadbanger Dec 7, 2023 @ 5:55pm 
this is great. but I would appreciate it if i was able to customize Vyrax. Change his skin, maybe his size. other than that, badass OP class.
Maxi  [author] Jun 22, 2020 @ 10:25am 
I see that many people don't know that you can equip some skills as basic attacks in this game, you have your hot bar which you use for casting spells and equip potions and stuff, 1-2-3-4... and so on, then on your left you have an icon displaying a weapon, the weapon you use for basic attacks, you just click it, and you equip the skill you want to use as basic attack, in this case, the first ability of the skill tree, the claw attack.. which I set up to be the only skill usable in that slot.

For the loot text issue, I can't fix it for you I'm sorry, as I don't mod anymore, try to place the mods in another order, maybe this should help.
Gixcaririxen Jun 22, 2020 @ 2:15am 
yes I mean that you not have equip any weapon into this mod, then you can attack normaly and not use mana.
If you equip the weapon you need use the skill Slash for a base attack and that not have the mana cost
leaningoakranch Jun 21, 2020 @ 3:11pm 
Gixcaririxen, I assume what you meant is that it doesn't equip weapons in this mod. It was hard to understand. If I understood correctly that's a problem since skills use mana and mana isn't infinite. So what do you do while you are waiting for mana to recharge or are out of mana potions, just sit there and get destroyed? My other Monster class hero mods I have installed don't have that problem. Take the Playable werewolf class as an example. Monster class mod, even with no weapon equipped it still has a claw attack (normal attack) besides its skills. I shouldn't have to download an infinite mana mod, or set this mods mana usage for all skills to zero to use it. If that's the case then this mod is either broken or should be annotated with a "WIP" notification in the title. Thanks but I think I will wait till the author provides an explanation and a solution or says that he isn't actively working on issues like this anymore to decide what to do with next.
Gixcaririxen Jun 21, 2020 @ 2:42pm 
Leaningoakranch, you need not have equip any weapon
leaningoakranch Jun 21, 2020 @ 2:12pm 
P.S.... none of the other monster hero characters I have show these issues. Just this one.
leaningoakranch Jun 21, 2020 @ 2:11pm 
Great character idea. Kudos to the author. I am having some trouble though. LMB (normal attack) doesnt seem to work. The skills work when I use RMB, just not the normal attack. I tried equipping different types of weapons and even no weapon, but still nothing. Is it designed this way? or does it work for everyone else?

another issue is something in the files overrides my Loot colors mod changing the text color back to the vanilla white color. As soon as I take the Vyrax mod out, everything goes back to normal. Any ideas?
Luxalpa, Primal Calamity Feb 22, 2017 @ 10:42am 
Gulp DragonDawn Feb 15, 2017 @ 8:03am 
Smaug can you detail what you did to improve the mod? I would like to benefit from this too! Cudos for this insight!
Luxalpa, Primal Calamity Feb 14, 2017 @ 4:22pm 
I also removed the movement part from the Devastating Impact as it was causing some clipping issues (ended up outside the map multiple times), is a little imbalanced (you can take big shortcuts), hard to control and rather impractical (since the enemies usually accumulated right below you).