The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Ancient Requiem [blade]
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Oct 7, 2015 @ 4:16pm
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Ancient Requiem [blade]

My first mod . I know it's not that great, but im still pretty new to modding.
This is just a mod where I edited the stats of a dwarven sword, enchanted it, and created some lore to go with it. It is a good late game weapon and isn't OP. This sword is also unique because it has a much higher base damage .
The Ancient Requiem is a dwemer blade that was created in the Aetherium Forge back before 1E 700 when the dwemer still existed. It was a deadly blade that didn't disappear with the dwarves because it was put in the hands of Yagrum Bagarn who kept it safe. It had been carried with him away from Skyrim and into Morrowind. It has been 229 years since the last use of this blade--though its age has not made it any less potent.
*Can be crafted*
- need dwarven smithing perk
- 5 dwarven metal ingots, 3 deathbell, 1 daedra heart
- attack speed [the rate at which you swing the sword] is slightly higher than vanilla
- weapon reach/length is slightly higher
- sword is lighter then vanilla

Ancient Requiem [armour]

*Please report any bugs. Like I said i'm new to this. feedback is appreciated.
Joulussance Jul 15, 2017 @ 7:46pm 
needs a two handed alternative
Derp & Junk Oct 17, 2015 @ 5:33pm 
I played Oblivion, broken character creation in that one. Loved Sheogorath in the Shivering Isles expansion though. As for mods not posted on steam, well I got into Space Engineers first, that one has me spoiled. The devs make modding a simple click to add featture and even go back and rework their game to avoid breaking mods with updates since the game is still in development. Hell, even Rimworld is easier to mod than this always semi-broken Bethesda crap.

Fallout 4 had damn well better live up to the hype of having a new game engine or I think I might be done with Bethesda games in general, which would be super disapointing.

Seriously, bodies and NPCs just falling through the ground, WTF, for an example. And always the same glitches despite having had so many Elder Scrolls and Fallout games using pretty much the exact same game engine.

Apologies for the rant. And yeah Death Gate Cycle is uber epic.
Spiritbox  [author] Oct 17, 2015 @ 5:11pm 
That's pretty cool, I'll check it out. Have you played any other elder scrolls games? Also if you ever try adding mods off of the skyrim nexus, there are usually more unique large mods. I haven't looked any Dwemer ones up though.
Derp & Junk Oct 17, 2015 @ 4:40pm 
Yeah, someone REALLY needs to make a game or MOD expansion involving Dwemer. I think I'm actually more excited by that prospect than getting to see Elswyr in the next Elderscrolls. Oh and if you haven't read that Death Gate Cycle I mentioned you really should. A war between to god races shatters the world and it is rebuilt? That's pretty much, no that is the lore for the creation of Nirn.
Spiritbox  [author] Oct 17, 2015 @ 4:01pm 
There are dozens of theories, a lot of which are very believable. To me, the most likely theory is angry gods punishing them, but what is for sure is that they were somehow wiped out for attempting to create their own god from the remains of Lorkhan using the tools of Kagrenac which resulted in their dissapearance. :falkwreath::markarth::whiterun:
Derp & Junk Oct 17, 2015 @ 3:31pm 
I get the impression that there is a much grander Death Gate Cycle style story yet to be revealed, I hope Bethesda gets around to it eventually, guess they have lots of setup and explaining other things beforehand though.
Derp & Junk Oct 17, 2015 @ 3:27pm 
Thanks! So what's your favorite theory for what happened to the dwemer? Did they become BFF neighbors with the Psijics, get wiped out by angry gods for tampering with forbidden areas at the planets core (which houses machines associated with keeping the world outside of time and maintaining other stuff, this is surprisingly legit lore), or did they make some grand discovery and go off on an epic quest?
Derp & Junk Oct 17, 2015 @ 2:06pm 
OMG, where did you get that chart of the planes from?!? I must haves it!!!
Squbbs Oct 7, 2015 @ 4:44pm 
This mod is really awesome I love it!!!!!!!!!