

177 betyg
Undertale in depth exploration (and discussion)
Av Katiopeia
This guide's objective is to educate others on what I've found when playing around with the game's values and in game mechanics. This guide also serves as a place for discussion and further investigations, theories, and other such stuff.

This guide will be updated in order of them happening in the game, regardless of when i found them in real time. (with the exception of potential discoveries that will change how the game works)
Link to my stream for those who want to watch as we uncover stuff live and discuss on theories and such. The time of when I stream will vary from day to day, depending on when I wake, and when i feel like it, You can find when I go live by joining my steam group, or idling in the stream.
Click here to get to my stream.[www.twitch.tv]

Click here for discussion on proper theory

Click here for discussion on time traveling and oddities
Non-Chronological (yet, updated the second new things are found.)
To Toby: if you ever want me to take this down-- just give me a heads up. I'll take it down.

I'll be putting everything here in the overview, in the order I first find them, untill I have a good handfull of them before i post them all in the correct chronological order.

I will be leaving the outer border of the game, as the game infact will change the name, the outer border, and the icon itself.



Restarting the game at the beginning while meeting flowey causes him to realise you've restarted the game.

3rd time you restarted

The game draws a new file every time you meet with flowey, but the fun value changes first, as represented by " [General] fun: " being updated first, and moving to the top of the text file.

I did this a hand full more times to see if there was any correlation between the fun, and the ammount of times i met up with it. Doensn't currently appear to be so.

I'm also aware that the game keeps track of the ammount of true resets that you've done.

some sort of trigger for pushing the wrong button before toriel gets to her position where she faces left, theres basically 1-2 frames you can do this.

which raises speculation that theres alot of hidden triggers exactly like this, which require you to do certain areas super fast.

A bit of funny.

Intereacting with the pillar that she's standing behind before she reveals herself.

Staying in the room for a long time. I did not expect this to happen.

5 minutes later.

another 5 minutes.

another 5 minutes.

another 5 minutes.

another.. 5 minutes..

35 minutes and onwards

Upon leaving the room after 35+ minutes.

reset the game and found this gem--- after waiting another 40 minutes to make sure I didn't miss anything. all 4 options cause the same message.

calling her mother, and then flirting twice. (this also changes the ending of the game.)

Glitching into asriel's fight prevents you from being able to push "save" on toriel and asgore.

There is actually 4 frogs in the frog room in the ruins.

Time traveling to meet sans twice.

An expectedly unexpected secret. The fable quiche is under the bench.

Toby. What.. -- Papyrus asking if you're wearing a bepis.

Some sort of un-used dialogue upon spamming Z and then during and after the inn keeper gives you the key to your room in snowdin.

Going back for an umbrella when you don't have one, after meeting monter kid in this hallway for the first time.

Result of telling the third frog in froggit room to have everyone to "remove their yelloe names"

Backtracking to the nicecream shop with an umbrella gives you a discount.

Got around to making a wallhack, jumped over the river / pond / water to the other side.

Talking to the unaccessible flower.

Theres a walkway up the top of this unaccessible area, it leads back to the front of the room where sans is trying to sell telescopes.

It's interesting to note that theres actaully a trigger for room 99 to the right of this flower somewhere, (duck room)

I found a thread where some one said they saw some black shadow-NPC standing on the other side of this area in room 161, I didn't see anything.

I even went to the right across the void to see if there was anything there. Nope. Theres not even a trigger at the right side that leads anywhere.

Checked room 160 for hidden stuff, nope. Nothing here yet. Cacti have no hitbox or text.

Checked room 86, nothing specially notable other than 2 random blocks that overlay the map.
Non-Chronological part 2 (ran out of space on the first one)
Though it's interestingly notable that room 86 actually has another room, assuming it's a beta room for texting certain text and triggers and what not, here appears to be 3 extra npc's, the bunny, the smile child, and a sign that says the same thing as the bunny. undyne is under the bridge tile set.
Room 303

A really spoopy room is on the right. the left room trigger crashes your game.

Room 304, attached to the right of 303.

He talks about being stuck on the floor and "never seen the room on the right ever before."

Upon entering the room on the right you are greeted with a literal 3 frame popup of a memory head that instantly dies, followed by a death noise, the game can crash at this point but it's random.
The game just soft locks at this point, so you gotta close your game.

On the search for shyren's secret, then suddenly this happend.

After a bit of trial and error, I finally got into the snail thunderace. No. You can't talk to any of them or interact with them, they are on a different layer.

I'm a snail contestant, please let me race, I promise I am real snail...

A continuation on about my reports on room 161. I'll be damned. I got him to spawn. Let's see the spook factor of this one.

Hm... Spooky... To touch you or not to...


He has no hitbox, no interaction, and floats infront of the character, meaning he's a part of the scenery.

I broke out of the beginning, nothing interesting sadly, though it's strange that the whole area has multiple layers of walls, preventing me from free walking around the area, the areas that are on the outer edge of that shape also seems to allow me to walk back into bounds.

I decided to go back to the coffins to check on the colours of the coffins. ROYG(C)BV wheres pink? Call me picky on the shades of colours used. but it's kind of important.

Flowers lining the outside of room 126 are only scenery. sad.

Paying for temmie's cool leg edcashun

You unlock the Temy(?) armour after this. It starts off at 9000 gold, but every time you die, it lowers the price by a bit. 20 defense, raises attack, "increases item storage a bit". and heals every other turn.

can feeds temmie now

NOoooOoOOoooOO!11!11juan11!one!1 wan!!!!!!!!

Accidentally found some sort of speed run strat / hyper speed boost for one specific spot while racing my friend through a certain spot.
The area after getting the monster kid to tag along is the king's castle area, the two pictures show the timer starting as soon as i enter the king's castle area, and end the second i exit, and get into the area to the right of it. Using this technique you're able to shave 8 seconds off this specific area. (Top image is without boost, bottom is with boost. (obviously) )

Upon entering the area, Hold up, right, and down all at the same time, You'll end up rocketing through the area, and move faster than the monster kid, even when he zooms up ahead to look at the castle.

Interesting to note, doing the same technique on room 84's falling rocks actually causes you to clip straight through them, it's the same thing i do to go through certain dialogue boxes, and cutscenes. (I don't know how to make gif's or webm's so you'll just have to take my word for it.)

Starting the game up as specific character names. (long list!)

Non-Chronological part 3 (I keep running out of space)
Found some interesting stuff regarding uboa / gaster. We can actually see in this sheet that there appears to be some sort of animation or face expressions for him, theres a tab at the top of the sprite for placement purposes and would not be in the final product.

Side by side comparison.

And so it happens again, When we meet up with shyren's body, we see something related to aaron again. Why? Going back to what I said before about aaron nodding to shyren, even though he's nowhere to be seen, and that we know shyren is literally the head of the sprite, would it be safe to say that aaron is infact the body?

Even though aaron's physical.. body-- isnt seen, lemon bread will still flex.

Theres actually two wordsearches hidden withint he sprite sheet for what ever reason.

Went to research something about 134 havning a shadow person, possibly a rare occurance but never had it happen, reported to dissapear within 3 frames outside of map.
Nothing conclusive. in either spot.

It's interesting to note-- but not really, that undyne's model is actually not here when you come up here, before she talks / interacts with you.

Interesting discovery while doing one. So as monster kid follows you, it actually replaces the player's normal movement location allocated slot, moving the chunk that operates the player's character 2 chunks down, when normally its on the top chunk, a interesting thing to note, in crystal caves, where sans is trying to sell the telescope, it moves the player's position chunk down 1 chunk, the same position as if something was tracking with the kid. Would this indicate a invisible enditity following or tracking the player's model / character position?

[Couldn't get a picture for it]
The game crashes if you attempt to enter room 111 with an umbrella. (Underground Spears)
Unable to find any instance for object index '458548'
Theories, Questions, Answers, ETC.
Heart colours. Who and what they belong to. Why one heart can change into another.
So. In the coffin room, the hearts show, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan. (roygbiv?)

(I time traveled to this spot, you'll have to excuse the broken background.)

So we can see. theres Red (Frisk), Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo? or Violet? Theres an extra colour not in the spectrum, which is cyan.

We also understand that the soul changes colours depending on who, what type of attack hits you.
Undyne hits you and changes your heart green.
Papyrus and Sans changes your heart blue.
Mettaton / Alphys changes your heart yellow.
Muffet changes your heart pink.

What are the other colours from / for?

Can we assume that the blue heart was taken from a human that turned into a skeleton, and green was taken from a fish-human, and yellow was taken by a robot-human? Do the colours of the heart have any correlation with anything at all?

Gaster relations.

Sigh. I really didn't want to have to end up making a bit about gaster. Theres massive threads about "oh theres this spooky looking uboa character, and theres these spooky grey npc's that talk about this gaster person, that spooky guy must be spooky gaster!" It's very possible that person IS called gaster, but what are we going on right now? We're currently assuming that the dissapearing person in the room is called gaster, because we have the name "W.D. Gaster." W.D. being Wing Ding, and the person that appears to vanish upon being interacted in resembles a skeleton--- going off the fact that sans and papyrus are both fonts, and both are skeletons, and that the person POTENTIALLY resembles a skeleton, that he will call him Gaster.

The current issue I see with this name. Unless his name is "Wing Ding Gaster" as opposed to "Wing Din Gaster" Then we got a problem on our hands. "Wing Din" is not a font. meaning that person isn't going to be a skeleton. (going off the theory that all skeleton have font names.)

We know the names "Gaster", as shown by the music test area, we can see that "Gaster" is suppose to have a theme.

Now, if we were to change the name Gaster. to Aster, and move the G back into Wing Ding, we now have 2 fonts in our hand.

Touching upon how most popular threads are speculating about the ferry woman knowing about gaster, saying "beware of the one that talks in hands." "beware of the one that transcends space and time" (or something to this degree) [place holder for more quotes, at the time of this message I'm currently busy with other things]

We already have some pretty strong theories. Such as, playing the game in time traveller mode. What was that you say? Yea. Time traveller mode. Theres actually triggers all around the game that cater to you apeparing there too early. Or going to the same place twice without saving.

Oh, well that just sounds like we TRANSCENDED SPACE AND TIME. Not the child though, us. The child can travel in time, to go back to the checkpoint, but he himself cannot travel through space as he's confined to the game's walls and stuff. OH WAIT. WHAT WAS THAT. I'm currently typing this right? With my fingers?... on my hands. Thats right. We're the one who talks in hands. because we cannot verbally intereact with text (with the exception of text to speech, but now you're just digging too deep.)

Going back to gaster. We already know attempting to enter "Gaster" into character select will cause your game to restart to the intro. but guess what, Interacting with anyone in the game that says aything related to gaster also dissapears. Coincidence? I don't think so. I believe its to show that gaster. Who ever this person may be, doesn't like his name being mentioned, and will tear them out of the current time line and throw them into another.

I'm currently working on a character name "Gaster" run. I heard there are some messed up interesting effects that happen at the end of the game, namely. Reaching the credits and being forced to go back into the title, but after hitting Z or what ever button you use to proceed, it will only put you back onto the title. Infinitely.

A minor detail about shyren's body.
Alright, So first I'm going to ask a question. When you first encounter shyren, why does it say "aaron nods approvingly" but yet we never actually see aaron in the fight?

Alright, now that that question's been asked. We're going to touch upon the fact that on tumblr, "sans" hints that theres research to be done, and that shyren's body is special in some sort of way. I noticed that, Upon looking at shyren, we immediately see that, on the left side, we see an arm, back spikes, a tail-- but come to think of it, those arms seem a bit buff dont you think? Wait.. Buff.. Aaron... Hrm.. So going back, why do we see "aaron nods approvingly" ?

Strangely, There apears to be another version of the same body for when shyren has been killed, either slouched over or turned towards the player. We can see some sort of..... massive lips? or are those still arms? This is confusing.
140 kommentarer
clbnddo 19 mar, 2023 @ 11:54 
this was actually really interesting though
clbnddo 19 mar, 2023 @ 11:54 
bro am i the only one who reads things like this?
(´・。・iIl) 7 jan, 2023 @ 5:26 
Spookypizza 23 sep, 2021 @ 6:57 
i HAVE THEORY: Sans ate chicken and turn into pogr
LiteralStickman 17 aug, 2021 @ 17:50 
ChickenRiver 30 apr, 2021 @ 6:10 
undertale is just 2 kids playing a make believe game but one of them is a psychopath so when that pyco eventually "kills" all the make believe people the non pyco gets mad and go's ham on him
Katiopeia  [skapare] 19 jun, 2020 @ 22:04 
I'm listening.
Single_wrinkle 15 jun, 2020 @ 8:25 
I have a HUGE theory that i might share here, so be prepared
geznervik 3 apr, 2018 @ 11:34 
Well, ummmm... This is... interesting. I had some theories too.
cool username 26 jan, 2018 @ 2:36 
Update on my other comments:

I've seen images showing the Undertale sprites folder, and Shyren's death sprite is called "spr_shyren_agent_1". Some theories say that Shyren's actually got Aaron or someone to pose as her body when she doesn't have one. In fact, Shyren without her body is clearly shown in the sprite here. [vignette.wikia.nocookie.net]