Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Wonders Are Normal Buildings
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Sep 2, 2015 @ 5:25pm
Sep 7, 2015 @ 8:37am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Wonders Are Normal Buildings

World and National Wonders are now considered normal buildings, with one of each constructable per city.

The Egyptian bonus and other +wonder production bonuses no longer work. +building production bonuses, such as from Liberty or the Roman UA, apply instead. Puppeted cities will build these wonders. The new building-wonders can not be purchased with gold.

The effects of some wonders do not stack, such as those that provide promotions (Statue of Zeus, Himeji Castle).

Capitals are extremely mobile - just build a new Palace! Your most recently constructed palace will count for the purposes of city connections, but your original capital still counts for domination purposes. All of your palace buildings will contribute science, production, and culture.

Ways this mod will break your game include: Dropping your purchase price so much you make gold from buying things (Big Ben, Pentagon), having a free policy option when you can not buy a policy (Oracle, Kremlin, Petra, Statue of Liberty) which prevents you from ending your turn and continuing the game, gaining happiness from each point of population (Forbidden Palace), and just generally having more gold/science/culture/tourism/great people than you know what to do with.

This mod is stable with all the mod wonders I tested it with, though it does break the effects of some. For instance, wonders that provide free spaceship parts will work even if you have science victory disabled - but they will always produce boosters.

The entirety of the mod's SQL code follows.

UPDATE BuildingClasses
SET MaxGlobalInstances=-1, MaxPlayerInstances=-1
WHERE MaxGlobalInstances=1 OR MaxPlayerInstances=1;

CREATE TRIGGER WANBBuildingClassesTrigger
AFTER INSERT ON BuildingClasses
WHEN NEW.MaxGlobalInstances=1 OR NEW.MaxPlayerInstances=1;
UPDATE BuildingClasses
SET MaxGlobalInstances=-1, MaxPlayerInstances=-1
Bababeans Dec 20, 2015 @ 6:16pm 
Hahaha, this is awesome, thanks man!
dr.indondasani m.d.  [author] Dec 18, 2015 @ 8:06am 
Hrm. I don't know what might be up. The mod doesn't exactly have many moving parts, and without a different mod affecting those parts, I can't say what's going on.
mhar02 Dec 18, 2015 @ 7:26am 
dr.indondasani m.d.  [author] Dec 15, 2015 @ 12:14pm 
Not without knowing what's causing it. Are you running any mods that affect what wonders you can build, or any civilizations with exotic wonder-related unique abilities?
mhar02 Dec 12, 2015 @ 5:56am 
Having an issue with the wonders not showing up at all. is there a way to fix that?
dr.indondasani m.d.  [author] Sep 6, 2015 @ 3:49pm 
Ah, thanks. So mod loading order is completely uncontrollable for a mod creator, but SQL Lite has triggers to compensate for it. That works!
lshipp Sep 5, 2015 @ 6:14am 
Mod loading order is dependant primarily on the order in which the mods were added to the game's MODS folder.

The exceptions are where Mod-A has a dependancy or a reference to Mod-B, in which case Mod-A loads after Mod-B.

The only reliable way to circumvent the mod loading order issue is to use a trigger in your SQL:
whoward69's Circumventing mod load order issues with database triggers tutorial []
dr.indondasani m.d.  [author] Sep 4, 2015 @ 4:49am 
Hmm. Fair enough, but I'm not entirely sure how to change that. Assuming that mods are loaded alphabetically, other than naming the mod "ZWondersarenowbuildings" I can't think of any way to get the SQL code to execute any later than it does. Could you give an example of a wonder mod that loads after mine? I'm not subscribed to any.

I suppose I could experiment with trying to use the OnCreateModUserData action rather than OnModActivated, but I don't know if that would behave the way I want.
lshipp Sep 3, 2015 @ 8:33am 
You SQL adjustment will only apply to Firaxis-supplied wonders and to mod-added wonders that are added to the game's database before your mod's SQL executes. Wonder mods (or mods that contain new wonders) that are loaded into the game after your mod loads will not be affected.