Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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CS:GO Cvar Manger - The Ultimate Script
By Tealkine
This guide contains my hard worked script.

This script is useful for most things, such as setting up a practice on your local hosted game, or settings for KZ and Surf

It also contains a wide variety of helpful scripts that can be turned off and on easily through the use of the GUI.

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Foot Notes
Before you get to see the script, I would reccommend you read here first.

1. The script DOES NOT IMPROVE PERFORMANCE of the player, it is simply a helpful menu system to allow players to set up their binds and server settings (local) easily.

2. This script does include some tasty commands....

Before reading the script I recommend reading my tutorial on setting up autoexec/exec cfg files:

Originally posted by tealkine:
Auto Exec and Exec cfg File Tutorial
The code
//The dam best script ever //THINGS YOU NEED TO CHANGE alias def6 "bind X +voicerecord" //CHANGE THE "X" TO YOUR VOICE KEY alias alt6 "bind X alt66" //CHANGE THE "X" TO YOUR VOICE KEY //Menus alias menu "1menu" alias 1menu "menu1;menu2;playvol buttons\blip2 1" alias 2menu "menu3;menu4;playvol buttons\blip2 1" alias 3menu "menu5;menu6;playbol buttons\blip2 1" alias menu1 "clear;basd;echo Indepth Cvar Manager - By Tealkine; basd; echo Type the number in the console to perform the action specified;basd; echo 1. Jailbreak; echo 2. Surf/Minigames; echo 3. Comp; echo 4. Mouse Wheel Down = Jump; echo 5. Duck Jump (provided by pantheoN/Pathos);echo 6. KZ config (for your server)" alias menu2 "echo 7. Surf config (for your server); echo 8. Show all players on the server; echo 9. Go to Page 2;basd; echo Open the menu by typing 'menu' in the console; basd; echo Page 1;basd" alias menu3 "clear;basd;echo Setting your binds; basd; echo Type the number in the console to perform the action specified;basd; echo 1. Practice Settings (for your server); echo 2. BuyDrop Bind; echo 3. Jumpthow bind; echo 4. Scoreboard + netgraph;echo 5. Return binds (Default);" alias menu4 "echo 6. Personal Settings; echo 7. Volume increment bind; echo 8. Previous Page; echo 9. Next Page;basd; echo Open the menu by typing 'menu' in the console; basd; echo Page 2;basd" alias menu5 "clear;basd;echo Indepth Cvar Manager - By Tealkine; basd; echo Type the number in the console to perform the action specified;basd; echo 1. Viewmodel for showcasing skins; echo 2. Increase size of minimap with F; echo 3. Show Crosshair Settings;echo 4. Basic Buy Binds; echo 5.;echo 6." alias menu6 "echo 7. Activates an Alt + Voicechat key to DISABLE and ENABLE voice chat;echo 8. Make Tilde Open the menu & console;echo 9. Previous Page;basd; echo Open the menu by typing 'menu' in the console; basd; echo Page 3;basd" //Options - Page 1 alias a1 "bind = sm_w; bind l sm_lr;bind p jbteamswitch;clear;basd;echo p = I want to switch team to admins; echo = = warden; echo l = lr;basd;end" alias a2 "bind = respawn; unbind l; clear; basd;echo = = redie;basd;end" alias a3 "bind mwheeldown invnext; bind mwheelup invprev;clear;basd; echo Scroll Binds returned;basd;end" alias a4 "bind mwheeldown +jump; clear; basd; echo Mouse wheel down is now Jump; basd;end" alias a5 "bind space +DJUMP;clear;basd;echo Spacebar is now DuckJump; echo Hold to crouch jump, spam to crouch jump crouch; basd;end" alias a6 "kreedz;kreedz2;clear;basd;echo Kreedz Server settings loaded;basd;end" alias a7 "surf;surf2;clear;basd;echo Surf Server settings loaded;basd;end" alias a8 "clear;basd;voice_show_mute;basd; echo To mute type voice_mute #playernumber; basd;end" alias a9 "secondpage;playvol buttons\blip2 1;menu3;menu4;" //Options - Page 2 alias b1 "practice; practice2;clear;basd; echo Stopped all bots, gave you all grenades, turned on bullet impacts, grenade trajectories, stopped bots from moving, turned on regeneration, set the round time to 60 minutes, gave you max money and enabled you to buy anywhere.;basd;end" alias b2 "bind t buydrop; clear; basd; echo Drops a gun (AK47/M4A1/M4A1-S) for a teammate when you press T;basd;end" alias b3 "jmpthrw; clear; basd; echo Activated Jump throw, press h to jump throw; basd;end" alias b4 "bind TAB +scorenet;clear; basd; echo When accessing the scoreboard the net graph will appear;basd;end" alias b5 "unbind =; unbind l;bind space +jump;3;unbind ins; unbind del; unbind home; unbind pgdn;unbind pgup;unbind alt;bind t message_mode2; bind f +lookatweapon;clear;playvol buttons\blip2 1; basd; echo Binds have been reset; basd;end" alias b6 "clear;basd;echo Personal Settings loaded;basd; echo If you dont have any personal settings edit this file, and take a look near the bottom, please note that this file does have creative commons;basd;end" alias b7 "bind [] inc;clear;basd;echo Increment Volume; basd; echo Press [] to increment volume" alias b8 firstpage;menu1;menu2" alias b9 "thirdpage;menu5;menu6" //Options - Page 3 alias c1 "viewmod;clear;basd;echo Viewmodel changed to be ideal for the viewing of skins;basd;echo If you want to change back to game default type 'defaultviewmod';basd;end" alias c2 "bind f BINDIT;clear;basd;echo F now zooms the minimap in;basd;end" alias c3 "showcrosshair;basd;end" alias c4 "SetBuyBinds;clear;basd;thebinds;end" alias c5 "1v1;clear;basd;echo Loaded 1v1 settings;basd;end" alias c6 ";clear;basd;echo;end" alias c7 "activatealt;clear;basd;echo Now Alt + YourVoiceChatKey will toggle Voicechat On/Off;basd;end" alias c8 "bind ` openmenuab;clear;basd;echo Made Tilde open the menu and console;basd;end" alias c9 "secondpage;menu3;menu4" //Switching between pages alias firstpage "alias 1 a1; alias 2 a2; alias 3 a3; alias 4 a4; alias 5 a5; alias 6 a6; alias 7 a7;alias 8 a8; alias 9 a9;alias menu 1menu" alias secondpage "alias 1 b1; alias 2 b2; alias 3 b3; alias 4 b4; alias 5 b5; alias 6 b6; alias 7 b7;alias 8 b8; alias 9 b9;alias menu 2menu" alias thirdpage "alias 1 c1; alias 2 c2; alias 3 c3; alias 4 c4; alias 5 c5; alias 6 c6; alias 7 c7; alias 8 c8; alias 9 c9; alias menu 3menu" //****Complicated Scripts****\\ alias thebinds "echo Home = Buy ak47 / m4a1, buy vesthelm / vest.;echo del = buy flashbang.; echo pgdn = buy smokegrenade.;echo End = buy tec9 / buy fiveseven.;echo ins = buy hegrenade.; echo pgup = buy vest." //Basic Buy Binds alias SetBuyBinds "homebind;bind del delbind;bind pgdn pgdnbind;bind End Endbind;bind ins insbind;bind pgup pgupbind"" alias homebind "buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy vesthelm; buy vest;" alias delbind "buy flashbang;" alias pgdnbind "buy smokegrenade;" alias Endbind "buy tec9; buy fiveseven;" alias insbind "buy hegrenade;" alias pgupbind "buy vest;" //Disable Voice chat alias alt66 "disablevoice" alias "disablevoice" "voice_chat" alias "voice_chat" "chat_1" alias "chat_1" "voice_enable 1; playvol buttons\blip1 0.5; alias voice_chat chat_0" alias "chat_0" "voice_enable 0; playvol buttons\blip2 0.5; alias voice_chat chat_1" alias +altbinds "alt6" alias -altbinds "def6" alias activatealt "bind alt +altbinds" //Open Menus alias openmenuab "showconsole;menu" //Volume Increment Bind alias inc "inc1" alias inc1 "volume 0; alias inc inc2" alias inc2 "volume 0.06; alias inc inc3" alias inc3 "volume 0.20; alias inc inc4" alias inc4 "volume 0.5; alias inc inc5" alias inc5 "volume 1; alias inc inc6" //Viewmodel (default/Skins) alias defaultviewmod "defaultviewmod1;defaultviewmod2" alias defaultviewmod1 "cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75;cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;viewmodel_fov 60;viewmodel_offset_x 1;viewmodel_offset_y 1;viewmodel_offset_z -1" alias defaultviewmod2 "viewmodel_presetpos 1;cl_bob_lower_amt 21;cl_bobamt_lat 0.33;cl_bobamt_vert 0.14;cl_bobcycle 0.98;cl_righthand 1" alias viewmod "viewmod1;viewmod2;viewmod3" alias viewmod1 "cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.500000; cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.250000; viewmodel_fov 60.000000" alias viewmod2 "viewmodel_offset_x 1.200000; viewmodel_offset_y 2.0; viewmodel_offset_z -0.200000; viewmodel_presetpos 0; cl_bob_lower_amt 5.000000;cl_bobamt_lat 0.100000" alias viewmod3 "cl_bobamt_vert 0.100000;cl_bobcycle 0.98;cl_righthand 1" //Show crosshair Settings alias cross2 basd; alias cross3 echo "YOUR CURRENT CROSSHAIR SETTINGS;" alias cross4 echo "*********************************************"; alias cross5 developer 2 alias cross6 con_filter_enable 1 alias cross7 con_filter_text cl_crosshair alias cross8 host_writeconfig // alias cross9 con_filter_text cl_fix alias cross10 host_writeconfig // alias cross11 developer 0 alias cross12 con_filter_enable 0 alias "showcrosshair" "clear;cross2;cross3;cross4;cross5;cross6;cross7;cross8;cross9;cross10;cross11;cross12" //Respawn Bind for Minigames/Surf alias respawn "sm_redie;sm_spawn;sm_respawn;" //Reducement in code length alias end "echo Type back to go back to the main menu;basd" alias basd "echo __________________________________
Once you have used my tutorial (as provided in foot notes) to place this as a cfg inside your cfg folder, and added this to the AUTOEXEC (very important), then continue.

How to use

*****READ IMPORTANT***** Make sure to change the voice chat or it could mess you up

If you have it in your autoexec, then type 'info' in the console to get started

If you get stuck type 'menu'

ALSO read the part about personal settings.
Basically a way to reset your binds for comp.....

Any problems please comment below

If you have a very useful script then chuck me it and I'll (maybe) add in a third page ;)
Changes / Version
Current Version is 1.3

Changelist (from 1.0)

- Changed descriptions of KZ/BHOP to Mouse wheel down = jump, for better understanding
- Some bug fixes (typing something three times crashed CS:GO)
- Added Another page
- Spelling Errors
- Fixed a bug
- Fixed a bug that stopped you from changing the pages

Last Updated:

24/8/2015 - 6:13 pm (+10GST)
Zergei May 27, 2020 @ 9:21am 
Note that last lines is
alias basd "echo __________________________________

It lacks a " so I wonder if it's the only missing char or there are additional missing lines as well.

Thanks to anyone for replying.
Zergei May 27, 2020 @ 9:08am 
Hi. Is the code complete? It throws errors and doesn't work on CS:GO

Cannot choose any option
woodhouselee Aug 7, 2017 @ 8:38pm 
good script!
thanks heaps for taking the time to write all this out!