Primal Carnage: Extinction

Primal Carnage: Extinction

평점이 부족합니다.
Raptor in game
Greyback 님이 작성
this guide will show you the differences between the Raptors in this game and those that existed
즐겨찾기 해제
The "real" raptor
Here are the 5 most raptors represented in video games

1- The velociraptor : length : 2 m/6,8 ft
weight : 25 kg
height : 0,5 m/1,6 ft
the best known of raptors and yet one of the smallest...

2- The deinonychus : length : 3,4 m/11 ft
weight : 75 kg
height : 0,87 m/2,9 ft
one of the best known and most studied raptors

3-The achillobator : length : 4-5m/16,4 ft
weight : 350 kg
height : 1,5-1,7 m/4,1 ft
a powerful Asian raptor named after the hero Achilles

4- The austroraptor : length : 5-7m/19,8 ft
weight : 500 kg
height : 1,7-1,8 m/4,5 ft
a big fish angler raptor

5- The utahraptor : length : 4-7m/ 23 ft
weight : 600 kg
height : 1,7-2 m/6,6 ft
the largest and most powerful of all raptors

mistakes often made in video games
are very often carried on raptors because of jurassic park style

Raptor of ARK
The Raptors in this game possess feathers but their hands and their proportion are incorrect.
They belong to the species Utahraptor.

The velociraptors and the Utahraptors of Thehunter primal
The Raptors in this game are scientifically credible and have good measurements


Novaraptor !! :)
The novaraptor is a fictional raptor species.
In size it is closer to Achillobator and Utahraptor.

Basic skin has no feathers.

There is a variant feathered. Their skins are awesome and credible.
댓글 13
Greyback  [작성자] 2016년 5월 11일 오전 6시 08분 
reality is reality you do with it or you don't play pce
Pasta 2016년 5월 11일 오전 5시 54분 
or really? thanks fam
Greyback  [작성자] 2016년 5월 11일 오전 4시 16분 
That's right ;)
Pasta 2016년 5월 8일 오후 6시 29분 
i would not recomend this guide its made by one of those people that think anything without feathers is inaccurate
Greyback  [작성자] 2015년 12월 31일 오전 2시 00분 
in game yes but not in the reality
Willow 2015년 12월 30일 오후 10시 11분 
theres 2 different specimen of raptors:Feathered and non feathered.
Redzor 2015년 9월 12일 오후 5시 22분 
Most people don't know birds are a type a dinosaurs :P But thx for clearing things up for beginners MrGreyBack
Beast of Stone 2015년 9월 12일 오전 3시 55분 
if I recall the two animals today that could best represent raptors would be the Cassowary and the Secretary Bird
Greyback  [작성자] 2015년 9월 9일 오후 11시 21분 
probably not
the raptors are extremely close to modern birds
it is possible that even their head was covered with feathers
Sunny Du Bois 2015년 9월 9일 오후 5시 52분 
I'm pretty sure there had to be at LEAST one utah raptor with no feathers.