Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

39 ratings
Raider Gamemodes V2.4
File Size
2.114 MB
Aug 5, 2015 @ 8:08am
Dec 9, 2016 @ 6:22am
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Raider Gamemodes V2.4

This mod adds in a number of new gamemodes to the game. These gamemodes were previously distributed on a small scale for the sake of testing, but I've decided to finally release them to the workshop. At the moment, there are 4 Versus gamemodes, and 2 Cooperative/Survival gamemodes. There were more gamemodes in previous versions, but those weren't as well-developed as these ones. More gamemodes may be added to this in the future.

(Screenshots may be added later)


Virus (Versus; Recommended for 4 or more players)
One player starts out infected, and it's up to everyone else to avoid being infected for as long as possible. The infection spreads when a player is too close to an infected player. The round ends either when everyone is infected, or when the last remaining player survives for long enough after the second-last player is infected.

Shooting other players will not damage them normally; Instead, this will slow them down. This can be used to more easily catch players if you're infected, or to get away from infected players if you're not infected. While Infected players are innately faster than normal players, they will not recover speed as quickly. To note, your current speed multiplier is indicated by your HP.

If a non-infected player stays in place for too long, an indicator will appear at that player's position, revealing their position to every infected player. As such, it isn't recommended to hide in one place. To make up for this, non-infected players have a geiger counter that indicates when an infected player is nearby. The more rapidly it clicks, the closer an infected player is.

There are 2 versions included: Virus, and Virus 2. They both play the same way, but Virus only allows 1 round per match (using Survival rules), while Virus 2 allows multiple round (Using Last Man Standing rules). Since Virus 2 is a Last Man Standing gamemode, it is completely unplayable in Splitscreen (due to a bug in the game), so you'll have to opt for the first Virus.

Juggernaut (Versus)
Only the Juggernaut is able to score frags. Shortly after the round starts, a item called the "Juggernaut's Burden" will appear on the map. When a player collects this, they will become the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut has improved running speed, firing rate, and damage output... but they will constantly take damage until they die, and an indicator will expose their location to all other players. If a player kills the current Juggernaut, they will become the Juggernaut themselves. If the Juggernaut suicides, expires, or is otherwise killed by the level itself, a new Juggernaut's Burden will appear on the map shortly after.

Escort (Versus)
Find the Escortee on the map, and keep her away from the other players. When the Escortee is alone, she will simply stand there, waiting for an Escort. Getting close enough to her will cause her to pull out a gun and follow you. In this state, she will shoot at any opposing players. You will earn 10 points for every second that you are her Escort. If you're killed while escorting her, she will put down her weapon and wait for a new Escort. If she's killed, you'll lose your status as Escort, and she'll respawn somewhere else on the map.

There are additional scoring rules to note. At the start of each match, every player is given 1000 points. This is because you will actually lose 300 points if you either kill the Escortee when she's unarmed, or when you're the Escort. As well, if someone else is the Escort and you kill the Escortee, 100 points will be deducted from their score, and added to yours. Additionally, any kills that the Escortee earns while being Escorted will award 50 points to the Escort.

Note that at this point, this particular gamemode has yet to be stress-tested in proper online matches, so there could still potentially be bugs and balance issues. Also, I didn't really know what to call things (Escortee? Really?), so that could possibly use some work too.

Arms Race (Versus)
Getting enough kills with the weapon you have will award you with the next strongest weapon. You start with the Pistol, and end with the Cannon. The first player to get the requisite number of kills with every weapon wins.

Each player is also equipped with a Sledgehammer. Getting a kill with the Sledgehammer will award you a point towards your current weapon... as well as reducing the target's score by one. If you run out of ammo for your current weapon, getting a kill with the previous weapon will completely refill the ammo for it.

Also included is "Arms Race Lite". This is a version of the gamemode where you only require one kill per weapon, and Sledgehammer kills won't add to your score. This version is better for smaller groups of players, or if you were looking to have shorter matches.


-Despite the Frag Limit looking like it can be modified in the menu, it's forced at 11 regardless of what you put in.

-Due to implementation, if the map has a defined ChapterInfo, you will start with the weapons defined by the ChapterInfo. As well, when you respawn, you'll keep all the weapons you died with, even if you've lost weapons to the Sledgehammer. Note that regardless of what weapons you have, you *must* use the weapon displayed at the top of the screen in order to progress.

Dangerous Hunt (Versus)
This is effectively a combination of Beast Hunt and Survival. Your goal is to obtain the highest score over the course of a single life. The player who has the highest score by the time everyone dies win the game. Any ties will be resolved by Survival Time, followed by number of Frags.

Every 2-3 minutes, License to Kill mode will activate. During this brief period, you're able to hurt and kill other players in an effort to take them out of the game and stop them from gaining any more score. Of course, they can also do this to you, so be prepared.

This gamemode was previously known as "Beast Survival", and was part of the original gamemodes included with the test version (pre-2.0). I'm still not entirely sure about the new name, but I *think* it sounds somewhat better. The main change from Beast Survival is the inclusion of LTK mechanics, as previously you were unable to damage other players at all.

One-Shot Survival (Cooperative)
Any damage means death! This applies to both you, and your enemies. As well, Friendly Fire is on by default, so watch where you're shooting.

Custom Survival (Cooperative)
Effectively a customizable version of the existing Survival mode. Allows changes to Difficulty, enemy strength, whether or not health/armor items exist, etc.


-This archive contains *one* small change to the base game. Due to a bug, the damage-filtering script functions I use for a lot of things aren't able to pick up lethal Piercing damage from weapons such as the Devastator and Cannon. As such, I've made a change to PlayerPuppet_DM that makes the player immune to such piercing effects. If you're planning on playing normal Deathmatch modes, it's recommended that you disable this first (only the host should need to).
-Be sure to remove any earlier versions of the mod if you took part in testing version 1.8 or lower.

Latest Update:
V2.4 The "Infect them with Christmas Cheer" Update
-Virus: When playing around Christmas time, there will be two different Virus colors (Green and Red)
-Virus: When there are 8 or more players in a match, there will be two initial infectees
gulisiek Jun 27, 2016 @ 1:42pm 
☣ ̶A̶d̶яi̶a̶n̶ ☢ Jun 19, 2016 @ 9:12am 
Daje nowe tryby gry 5 versus i 2 coop sv
gulisiek Jun 19, 2016 @ 9:06am 
Co on robi?
☣ ̶A̶d̶яi̶a̶n̶ ☢ Jun 19, 2016 @ 5:13am 
Biomechanoid Jun 18, 2016 @ 9:12am 
"V2.2 and below... Not enough space to fit in the character limit." Just put the changelog descriptions in the Change Notes section.
dragon99919 Feb 16, 2016 @ 11:08am 
Sure, maybe I'll even be able to get it from both clients.
Ryason55  [author] Feb 16, 2016 @ 11:06am 
Hmmm, I've seen something like this happen in another thing I've made. Could you send me the log file from either of the clients from that session? Just PM it to me on Seriously.
dragon99919 Feb 16, 2016 @ 10:50am 
The Escort gamemode seems to be bugged somehow... Me and two of my friends were playing it yesterday, and when I (as host) killed an Escortee, while she was escorted by another player, the game crashed for both of them, leaving me alone on the server.
Mike Uchiha Aug 17, 2015 @ 5:17am 
Artyom Havok Aug 7, 2015 @ 12:11am 
sweet action! thanks!