The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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TARDIS: Regenerated
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27 JUL 2015 a las 2:20
27 ABR 2016 a las 12:13
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TARDIS: Regenerated

"All of time and space, everywhere and anywhere. Every star that ever was. Where do you want to start?"

Version: 2.4.1

-SKSE (Now on Steam!)
-SkyUI Nexus[] or SkyUI Workshop (Don't like SkyUI? Install SkyUI-Away[] to retain the original menus)

Finding the TARDIS
Upon successfully installing the mod, a note called "Prophecy of the Box" will be added to your inventory. Read it and follow the short quest.

If you still can't find it, look for Tiid Veysun north of Whiterun. It has a map marker.
TARDIS Functionality
-Travel all over Skyrim and Solstheim! 256+ Locations!
-Name & Save up to 128 custom locations!
-Find the Sonic Screwdriver, and never need to pick a lock again!
-Gain the powers of Gallifreyan Regeneration

A: Nexus link.[]

Q: Will you make a version that doesn't require the DLC?
A: I already did. Here. It still works fine, I just won't support it anymore.

Q: Where is the sonic?
A: Its on a table near the entrance of Tiid Veysun.

Q: Where is the quest marker? / Where is the temple? / Where is the note?
A: Running the game through SKSE immediately after installing the mod won't automatically enable the mod. Ensure the mod is enabled in your mod manager, then launch the game and read the note to get the quest marker.

Q: How do you fly the TARDIS?
A: Use the 'dematerialization primer' to start the flight "quest" use the nav-comp now if you desire, then hit the handbrake and Space-Time Throttle then use the randomized controls until the quest tells you to use the Space-Time Throttle again. (note: You can use the Space-Time Throttle at any time to land the TARDIS)

Q: Will you make a version for Fallout 4?
A: This is a link. Click this![]

11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver model

TARDIS exteriors

Custom Interior models, glows on exterior models, various other model & texture tweaks

-Brian Rocz (and WitchBoy for getting permission)
For use of some control models which were later optimized and re-textured.

-SkyUI team

For creating Doctor Who
Discusiones populares Ver todo (35)
7 MAR 2021 a las 13:49
Help for problems flying/using this mod
12 MAR 2019 a las 12:50
Extras Regeneration
Flex Tapp Remastered
26 DIC 2017 a las 1:23
How To Regenerate?
655 comentarios
Enter a profile name 10 SEP 2021 a las 20:44 
does this work on legendary edition?
Crimson_Rose_Jess 26 MAY 2021 a las 10:25 
for some reason that Tardis is not there.... went through the temple and when i got to where the tardis is locked up it wasnt even there....
bylokonnor 19 SEP 2020 a las 12:20 
How does the matter converter work. I follow the instructions in the manual which I found on the floor in front of it but nothing happens. The ingredients don't turn into anything new.
GuidingBeef3 28 AGO 2020 a las 12:10 
This mod screwed up my game. My game crashed, and when I loaded back in i had a permanent popup saying "TARDIS NavCom is not in the alphabet! (upper case only)", and the error persisted when I deleted it, through multiple characters, as well as to a brand new character that had never even seen the mod.
peth764 23 JUL 2020 a las 7:57 
Bit glitchy for my system, needs a manual, l lost the TARDIS lol, yet looks a great mod
Gabriel 3 JUN 2020 a las 17:20 
re tardis
uzblre 3 JUN 2020 a las 16:12 
where is the 10th sonic like shown in the picture??
Gabriel 5 FEB 2020 a las 16:28 
does it work? i am not asking about nexus i am asking about this one on steam
Malinson 27 SEP 2019 a las 17:07 
ATTENTION: TARDIS-STL-Reborn is now ready for download off the old Regenerated Nexus page. This mod Replaces the outdated Regenerated Mod and its Regurgitated Update Plugin.
Tim The Enchanter 4 JUN 2019 a las 8:05 
@Far Que, go to nexus mods and install TARDIS Regurgitated. It's an add-on that fixes most, if not all, of these issues, along with adding some new rooms and features