

525 ratings
Workshop: Vehicles
By Nelson Sexton
This guide explains how to create vehicles for Unturned.
Vehicles in Unturned are the driveable transports found throughout the level. All vehicles share some properties, while each vehicle type has its own unique requirements. Any vehicle found in the game can be configured or created from scratch as instructed below:
This guide assumes that you have seen how to export objects from Unity 5 for use in Unturned. The process is exactly the same, but rather than following the object format you will follow the item format specified. The object guide can be found: Here

All vehicles share some properties and objects. This information must be provided for any item you want to modify or create.

  • Engine: Each category of vehicle has its own engine. The engine to use can be found for each specific vehicle category below.
  • ID: The vehicle ID is used to spawn it into the game, and is represented as an unsigned 16 bit integer meaning the range [0, 65535]. It is recommended not to use a value less than 200 as those are reserved for official content.
  • Speed_Min: The maximum speed when moving backward.
  • Speed_Max: The maximum speed when moving forward.
  • Steer_Min: The angle to turn when moving slowly.
  • Steer_Max: The angle to turn when moving quickly.
  • Brake: The amount of braking force to apply.
  • Fuel: The amount of fuel in a fully filled vehicle.
  • Fuel_Min: The minimum amount of fuel to generate.
  • Fuel_Max: The maximum amount of fuel to generate.
  • Health: The amount of health in a fully repaired vehicle.
  • Health_Min: The minimum amount of health to generate.
  • Health_Max: The maximum amount of health to generate.
  • Explosion: The effect ID to play when destroyed.
  • Exit: Distance away to teleport when exiting.
  • Zip: Present if the driver should have a handlebar idle animation.
  • Crawler: Present if wheel turning should be disabled.
  • LockMouse: Present if the mouse should be locked when driving.
  • Traction: Present if the tires should have traction in the snow.
  • Sleds: Present if the tires should easily roll, for example a plane's landing gear.
  • A gameobject called "Vehicle" tagged and layered with 18 and 26 respectively. It should have a kinematic rigidbody with box colliders outlining the shape as well as an engine sound audiosource. Any renderers can be attached to the root or with LODs as Model_#. Parented to it should be particle systems for "Fire", "Smoke_0" and Smoke_1. Another audiosource should be parented called "Sound" for small noises. Any additional details can be put in an "Objects" transform, and if there is a steering wheel it should be included with that and named "Steer". Seats should be placed in a "Seats" transform and named "Seat_#". If the vehicle can run over players it should have a "Bumper" tagged and layered with 22 and 30 respectively. For colliding with zombies a "Nav" object is needed tagged and layered 14 and 22 respectively.
  • For the server a "Clip" object is needed, identical to vehicle. It should have no rendering related objects attached, however. This usually means the bumper, nav and seats objects.
  • An audioclip named "Ignition" is played when the vehicle is entered.
  • ParticleSystems can be parented to a child of vehicle named "Exhaust", the emission rate of these will increase to the max particle count as speed approaches max speed.
  • Engine: Car
  • The vehicle gameobject needs a "Wheels" transform with wheels named "Wheel_#". This is the visual part, the colliders should be in a "Tires" transform and named "Tire_#". If you would like headlights/taillights on your vehicle you can add "Headlights" and "Taillights" transforms with any lights as children. To add sirens a "Sirens" transform should be parented with a audiosource and two lights named "Siren_0" and "Siren_1".
  • For emissive headlights/taillights/sirens you can add models named "Headlights_Model" and "Taillights_Model", or "Taillight_0_Model"/"Taillight_#_Model" and "Siren_0_Model"/"Siren_1_Model". Unturned will create a material instance for these and animate the emissive color.
  • An audioclip named "Horn" can be provided to allow the player to honk the horn.
  • For the server clip object the tires from your vehicle must be included to allow rolling.
All car information must also be provided.

  • Engine: Helicopter
  • Child transform named "Rotors" with props rotated on the local Y axis named "Rotor_#". These need "Model_0" and "Model_1" child meshes with transparent shaders swapped between as speed increases.
All car information must also be provided.

  • Engine: Plane
  • Lift: The amount of lift force to apply.
  • Child transform named "Rotors" with props rotated on the local Y axis named "Rotor_#". These need "Model_0" and "Model_1" child meshes with transparent shaders swapped between as speed increases.
All car information must also be provided.

  • Engine: Boat
  • Child transform named "DepthMask" with a mesh covering anything underwater and no material to make it look like there's no water in the boat. This can be used for other vehicle types as well.
  • List of colliders parented to "Buoyancy" in vehicle and clip, these generate upwards forces when submerged. This can be used for other vehicle types as well.
Note: Make sure the center of the boat is below water, otherwise it will not move as quickly.
reopri9000 Jun 2, 2019 @ 1:23pm 
how can i put on my custom car a HMG?
Salvo Apr 14, 2019 @ 4:33pm 
how can i change the storage amount in a vehicle that is already in the game i have found the file and changed the number for Trunk_Storage_X/Y but it just removed the storage all together
half gram Jun 21, 2017 @ 10:43pm 
Showdown Samurai Sam May 16, 2017 @ 2:48pm 
do'-t wa-t to -e that wierdo who dose-'t k-ow a-ythi-g -ut how do we create models & textures
MΣMΣilien Apr 27, 2017 @ 9:12am 
how to do a workshop ?
aguirre27 Feb 27, 2017 @ 10:50am 
i want to do an destroyer with 10 seats and 2 machine guns and 1 missile turret
Wardaddy Nov 16, 2016 @ 9:54pm 
durag shawn Oct 18, 2016 @ 7:22pm 
@Cool Duck ! It's called Unity.
💀75_MolotoV_75💀 Oct 9, 2016 @ 12:18am 
name 3d builder program pls
Jamee9 Aug 31, 2016 @ 12:54am 
I need help understanding this,Like a video? Or someone can explain this in depth