Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

147 ratings
Soldier Tips and Loadouts
By coffee
This is a simple guide that will lead to you top scoring and having 4 pocket medics on you at all times in pubs. Hopefully, these little chunks of information will help you maggots learn to overpower your foes. So let's get started.
I am an experienced soldier (flat-out lie) that has gone through the ups and downs of maining the class. In this guide, I will talk about combat and some basics that can be learned from some time practicing. I shall also mention some of the methods of combat and etc. Finally to finish it off, I will put some of my favorite loadouts that are functional, fun, or both. So have fun reading, and enjoy!
Combat Basics
The soldier is a good class for starters, but is also one of the hardest classes to fully master. Players of the entire skill spectrum need help sometimes, and that's why I am here... to help you! We will start this guide with tips and methods of combat.

Always be prepared

You can usually hear or see out the gates during prep phase to know what to expect when you leave the spawn gates. Hear a stickybomb launcher laying traps? Use splash to shoot them away when the gates open. Hear an engineer erecting a level 3? Have a medic prepare UBER or use direct hit. Some may see this as overthinking, but it is merely observations to keep note of. You must always have at least 1/2 a weapons magazine loaded when entering a new place or advancing. You always load the rocket launcher first because it packs the most heat when it comes to a fight. It is also useful to know usual spots where an enemy may be or where you have the biggest advantage over them. (Ex. high ground or a flank)


The default crosshair is my preference, but I notice most do not prefer them. Luckily they can easily be changed in the options or using hud mods. How you may ask? The way to change crosshairs is easy, all you have to do is go to options, press "multiplayer" and pick one from the selection. I would choose a color that does not often appear in TF2 so it is easier to see. Green is a popular choice because of it's unfamiliar shade compared to TF2's usual color palette.


On another note some people ask how to get your weapon farther from the screen. To do this you must go to options and go to the bottom left corner and find options to enable developer console and fast weapon switch. The key to open console should look like this ---> [] This key should be located on the top left of your keyboard. Go into a bot game or create a server to use the console. After that press ` and type in "viewmodel_fov ##". The hashtags are your preferred value, you can experiment with this as you wish.

Ex: "viewmodel_fov 90"

(while you are in the console also type in "fov_desired 90")

Some other essential options are in the advanced options. It is recommended to put on the first five combat options, but the others are personal preference.

Height advantage

All soldiers need height to conquer the battlefield. If you are at high ground the rocket launcher has splash so it could hit the target in less specific places like near his feet. If you are at the bottom of the ground you have to kill the one with height advantage with a direct hit which is harder to achieve. If your enemy has the higher ground go and take it from him. When you have the high ground airshot anyone that tries to take it from you. This will be a skill that is gained over time so it is not entirely necessary for you to learn it immediately.


There are a great variety of fun rocket launchers for you to implement into your loadouts. The way you use them can vary based on the stats and launcher, but some rules apply to all of them. This is the weapon you should have loaded first at all times if you need to reload your weapons. Having the automatic reload in your options should be turned on (should be on regardless of any class) because it helps you by not having to press a button 500 times a round. Due to all rockets being relatively slow (except for Direct Hit, but this still applies) and not being hitscan weapons you must always lead the rocket to your target.


Secondaries should be utilized when you run out of ammo for your primary or as utility. Examples of both are running out of ammo for your rocket launcher then using your shotgun or having the gunboats passive blast resistance to jump away. The one that you choose depends on the situation at hand for example if there just a big amount of people going against you, you are dying too fast, or you need to take out a sentry nest.


Melee weapons should not really be utilized as much as say your primary or secondary weapons. Your melee should only be out when you are out of ammo or when using the escape plan to run away. The melee of your choice should fill either a utility or damage role. Weapons such as the disciplinary action and escape plan or good utility during certain situations. Where as the market gardener, stock, and equalizer are general purpose damage dealers.


Prediction is a very important skill to learn when playing soldier. Some things I do is look at players and where they go in certain situations. For example, if an enemy is weak and running away while not looking at you it could be assumed that he is going to travel a predictable path like towards a health kit. If the enemy is looking at you while heading straight towards you; you could expect some dodging and weaving to ensue. These targets are harder to hit since they (usually) have the knowledge to dodge your slow projectiles. In situations like these where you are facing a confusing target try to copy his moves and track where he is going with your shotgun. The shotgun is good in this regard because it requires no prediction and only the tracking of the targets. When you are close to him it is very unlikely for them, unless it is a scout, to have time to dodge your rockets.

Killing a class

This sort of tip depends on the class you are facing of course. You need to know the other classes strategy, or what you would do in their shoes, their max hp, how many rockets it would take, etc. This insight gives you options on how to counter them. For example, you would use corners and splash to deal with a heavy because he does not have any splash weapons he can utilize but he can mow you down. He also cannot fight without revving up his gun or punching you, which are not the most reliable of tactics. On the other hand, for light hp classes this is a different case. Each one you will encounter in a different way because of how they are played (Scouts are aggressive, Medics stay near their patients). The way you learn how they are played is by either playing them yourself or knowing the classes general role in the battlefield.

Getting to know your weapon

To master a weapon you need to know the weapon. There can be a big difference between using stock and some other ordinance like the Direct Hit, Beggar's Bazooka, and such. You must read the stats of the weapon and use your know-how to apply it to some situations that would go well with it. This will come with experience in the field. What gets you proficient at a weapon is practice, practice, and nonetheless practice! Knowing what a weapon does will only get you so far, so you need to practice your butt off to get proficient with it. Although you are likely to only use stock rocket launcher with gunboats/escape plan,it is good to know what other weapons can do for you. The cow mangler needs some love too.

As for now that's the gist of being a decent soldier. You will almost always learn a thing or two when it comes to this amazing class. This may sound cheesy but practice is the only real thing you would ever need to be successful in TF2. If you doubt that you are good then practice, read guides, watch a professional to see how it's done, and so on so forth.

* (Last one I promise) For my last tip, don't play offline training 24/7, instead go online and play against real people that is where the real challenge is. MGE servers and soap dm's are always going to have a real challenge waiting for you.

Methods of Combat
The way you play soldier can be categorized into the following play-styles that each have their own niche in the game.


This type of soldier goes around the map rocket jumping and killing any lone/high priority targets that he can find. This is likely the most flexible play-style of all due to how self reliable you are and how you can work with almost any situation given to you. It helps to be a good rocket jumper so you can go in and out of a fight quickly. Your speed and burst damage, like a scout, makes you a big threat to almost any class that you fight. Bombing is the go-to method for taking out your targets.


A Trolldier is a soldier with well, troll loadouts. This type soldier is basically a roamer with a high risk/high reward loadouts, like the rocket jumper and market gardener. These two weps have a bit of a learning curve, but can award you with a fat 195 and bragging rights (Plus it is so satisfying :D). It is essential to learn how to rocket jump and strafe effectively before attempting to trolldier.


Pocket soldiers always stick with their medic. The pocket soldier will usually be seen utilizing a shotgun or backpack to maximize his effectiveness in tandem the heals he is receiving. He sometimes will check on his medic to see if he is alright, but most of the time he is killing the other team. This is the method that you would want to use if you feel like flexing your soldier muscles and top scoring.

Backup Soldier

A team helper soldier will use backpacks, whips, and any launcher of his choice. These soldiers are a huge help to bigger teams with their various backpacks to suit the situation. With this playstyle, it is normal to play passively to keep your banner charge and not drop it (like a medic). It is always great to have one of these on the team when the server has a 12v12 or more format. While your efforts may or may not be acknowledged by your teammates, just know that you are the one making everyone get ♥♥♥♥ done.

My preferred loadouts

1. My Loadout

  • Rocket launcher
  • Shotgun
  • Market Gardener

    2. Backup Soldier

  • Rocket launcher
  • Battalion's Backup
  • Escape Plan


  • Rocket Jumper
  • Shotgun
  • Market Gardener

    4. WAR! soldier

  • Direct hit
  • Shotgun
  • Market gardener

    These are my 4 favorite loadouts of ALL time. If you are new to TF2 you may like find my loadout or backup soldier to be the best. As the title says these are "my" preferred loadouts, so it is all based on your choice.

    Other loadouts


  • Cow Mangler
  • preference
  • Market Gardener

    2. Big Bomba

  • Airstrike
  • Base jumper
  • Market gardener

    3. Dr. Grordbort

  • Cow mangler 5000
  • Righteous bison
  • Choice of melee

    These loadouts are not to be taken too seriously, but they are really fun to use though. You can make these your favorite loadout if you happen to get good enough with them, however I can't really recommend these to a newer player though.

Well that's all there is to this short guide. If you managed to read it all congrats :D you win knowledge! You can help your team, troll your friends, or just dominate the enemy team for the win with your newfound knowledge. Soldier is a top tier powerhouse of a class that can dominate the battlefield with anyway he may see fit. I'd recommend you go practice those airshots and market gardens now so you can stomp everyone in pubs. So get out there and show them who's boss!

That's it, so go practice, have fun, and GODSPEED maggots! :D
squish. Jun 25, 2020 @ 1:02pm 
instructions unclear, got dick stuck in mini sentry
xxadam24 Jun 25, 2020 @ 11:15am 
squish. Apr 12, 2020 @ 8:49pm 
these drugs never fucking work dude...
Fritz Apr 12, 2020 @ 7:24pm 
Thank you and my favorite snack is jelly beans
coffee  [author] Apr 12, 2020 @ 7:22pm 
Fritz Apr 12, 2020 @ 7:22pm 
What is your favorite snack?
fine display of motorics Jan 28, 2017 @ 9:26am 
Kvark Sep 7, 2015 @ 5:15am 
Great, humorous guide. Good job, fella'.:skull::horns:
coffee  [author] Jul 9, 2015 @ 7:47pm 
Finnelele Jul 9, 2015 @ 7:46pm 
looks like a guide where has been put a lot of effort into!
keep going man! :boss: