Arma 3
105 ratings
ARMA 3: Reducing the chance of Dying (OUTDATED)
By Himari Gosling
Dying too often? Then this guide will help yah
What you expected

You may think this is enough for you to go to war...

but this is actually what you look like

you are completely vulnerable and be taken down in just 3 pistol shots - front and back

As you can see here

It's time for you to know how to avoid death and last much longer
Equipments - one by one
Vest is gonna be your Ammo bearer and Armor

Keep in mind they don't completely stop the bullet instead they Reduce the damage the bullet will do... Even from explosives

This is an example of a good Vest

you can still die but you can now take 7 9mm to your chest than 3

of course you dont just stand there and just leave him shoot you

pick up large vest as possible as you can

Your not Chuck Norris, your not Rambo

Vest are very important

if your decide to venture without a vest

your nothing but a Deer

They dont stop 50 Cal. from penantrating your skull to the brain

or even stop a point blank 9mm headshot

but in like %1... you can stop a bullet

If shots fired further away, chances of stopping that bullet will increase

Note: it cannot stop a 50 Cal. no matter what

Backpacks are not only for carrying Medkit or HE RPG Rockets

but can also reduce damage, even stop a bullet

Add a vest and your chance of stopping a bullet is increase to %10 - %20

as you can see here

A whole mag of 9mm was shot here

Believe it or not this thing will save your life many times

not by just destroying an armed Humvee or a H9 Pawnee

but can stop any bullets
except 50 Cal.

as you can see here

a whole mag of 9mm was shot here

keep in mind this only covers your left side of your back
so your right side will be left uncovered

add Backpack and vest and it will be like your carrying a riot shield at your back

Tip: The bigger the better

They act like Launchers but smaller

It doesn't save your life as often as the launcher does

but atleast it can stop the bullet from hitting you in a rare opportunity

Note: The hitbox of it doesn't match the Model of the rifle, they seem to be much smaller than the Model itself
Full gear

This is an example of a good gear

and this will be the result

Now you are harder to kill especially from the back

your chance are death from %75 will become %25 if you wear these gears

but thats not all...
i mean who will play in an empty virtual reality...

nothing but just... that

heres are the next section

This will help you alot unless your in a place where Launchers only cost $10

aslong you move fast and avoid an unexpected ambush you'l be fine

Here are Civilian Vehicles to Armored Vehicles
Civilian Vehicle

The Weakest and smallest of all vehicles of ARMA 3

their Windshield are easily broken by any bullets

explodes on one Rocket shot

Let's say when your driving this, you have to go as fast as you can

if you don't, your easily dispatched from a single mag of an assault rifle
Military Vehicle

Armor is good and their size alerts the enemy

Their Windshield can be only penantrated by a mag of 6.82 mm
and by one shot of 50 Cal.

you can just chill inside this vehicles and just take cover, but this won't last long when the enemy has a 50 Cal. or a powerful Launcher
Armored Vehicle

The Most Poweful and the slowest vehicle of ARMA 3

cannot be penantrated by any bullets

if you got your hands on this, you can drive through trees, and blow up any vehicle in just 1 cannon shot

Most players will avoid you, but if they got an AT, your pretty much screwed

sometimes if you get hit by a Rocket your Tank will still be moving, but in the second shot, your tank will explode

you must keep moving when using the tank, or your gonna get targeted by 50 different people

Very Fast and Very Powerful, but very slow to start and vulnerable from Anti Airs

windshield can be penantrated by 6.82 mm and 50 Cal.

it will take like a mintue and a half before this thing finally takes off, so be cautious with that

get a friend and tell him to guard you until your able to take off

the Anti air is gonna be your worst nightmare when it comes to flying a helicopter
so USE your countermeasure [Default is C]
Get a higher altitude to give yourself an extra time to react

keep in mind, Countermeasure doesn't work all the time, so when you got hit, simply try to do a crash landing [Tutorial for crash landing can be found in VR Training]

The most fastest vehicle of ARMA 3

can only be destroyed by Anti Airs and other explosives

by it looks and description, this is the Fastest vehicle of ARMA 3, if you want to fly away from the island or bombared a Town, the jet it is

It can be targetted by Anti Air Launchers and of course, you have countermeasures
your a Fast mover, so you got plenty of time to react

medium speed and Medium armor

just like quadbike but in water, if your riding a boat, your vulnerable

here a tip from me:
Don't drive a boat, its pointless and your vulnerable from it

Medium speed and armor

You cant drive this but you need a UAV terminal

you can ride this autonomous as an passanger and use the UAV terminal to control it

They are great use for putting them in a dangerous place as a bait for any danger near

or get an armed version of one and dispatch any danger

note: your torso will be popping out when riding this, its best to hide and just control it instead

Now you know the Vehicles

It's time to use the island
Taking Cover

theres not much to say but taking cover is really important

if you dont, your simply dead

Not only from concrete or towns

yah can use the rocks and nature

if a rock is not big enough for you to take cover
do CTRL + W or S
now you can take cover and shoot at the same time

Don't get fooled by the weak looking bush

they can stop bullets, but not all of time
They act like rock but with a small chance of a bullet hitting you
Look here, can you see anyone?

if you don't hes just here hiding behind the bush

Hiding always help you and can bypass any danger

Plus you dont need a Ghilie suit to completely become invisible from the enemy

heres an example

and he's here

Hiding can save your life in many ways

But If you dont hide

this is what you look like

Hiding is important for sniping, if you want to take down someone in a long range
make sure your in a bush first

These are the Dangerous things you need avoid

they are simply everywhere and can give you an instant death (not really)

Close Combat

Close combat is like Russian Roulette
theres 50 - 50 chances of one will win and one will die
of course it will include your death

especially when your enemy has a better weapon than yours


These guys are everywhere in a Wasteland Server

they are dangerous and can take you down without a moment notice
especially with that one hit kill 50 Cal.

the best way to outrun this fellas is to be lucky and he miss his first shot
then run to cover and at the same time know where is he shooting
stay in cover for like a minute then move


This dangerous explosive can kill you in 1 miss step (2 if your wearing a vest)

you have to be cautious at all times
especially in the forest areas

if you step on a mine and managed to survive
use a First Aid Kit
and start being cautious around the area

they appear very small, Round, black

Tripwire can be easily noticed, unless your sprinting


These things can kill you instantly

can damage you bad, and finish you off with the enemy's rifle

ARMA 3 has no gernade indicator
It has no Bounce Sound

nothing but a deadly explosion

FPS Drop

if you dont know whats FPS is... it's Frames Per Second
And if you don't know what that is...
It's something thats hard to explain

the Higher the FPS, the Smoother the gameplay

But the Lower the FPS is, the slower your game moves

it will disrupt you in combat so bad that you can't even aim
you will die before you can have the chance to take cover

the best way to reduce the chance of having a FPS drop is lowering down the graphics
or getting a better Memory Card


This is commonly used in Wasteland Servers

They simply drop down cash or something interesting
then hide and wait for a victim to take the bait

even if you don't want to take the bait, dont simply run over it
simply go far around it

Armed Vehicles

they can be everywhere looking for enemies

If they spotted you
they can kill you in few seconds

Best to avoid it by hiding
or use a Launcher if theres only one Armed Vehicle
Here are some Tips that will help you on some occasion

Using the Danger to them

if you read the "Dangers" section

then it might be useful to use it against them

if your a cold blooded murderer who just want to end up killing everybody

simply plant Mines everywhere
Make a Bait and kill the Victims
become a sniper and Decapitate a person with a 50 Cal.

your choice


LMG stands for Light Machine Gun

It's powerful and has a large Mag at the same time

if you dislike being a Sniper, or just bad at it
the LMG will be your best weapon to keep yourself alive

Having Better Weapon Than The Enemy

It's like Playing cards
The Card that has more power... Wins

this will increase your chance of winning in combat
and also reduces your chance of dying

Bullet type

9mm and 50 Cal. is not only Bullets can be found ARMA 3

theres actually many of them

This video by Dslyecxi will explain all the Bullets, and the power of them

Special Spot

Be somewhere that the Enemy dont often look at

Such as...
Under the Military building (those green box shelters)
inside Buildings (especially second floor)
Tool Sheds
Under Water
Radio Tower (theres a ladder)

and much more

Making a Group

It's best to go in a group rather than alone

They can help you in Combat
or be a greedy guy and just run away and leave them

Launcher doesn't kill you instantly

If your wearing a Vest

the launcher won't kill you instantly

unless your not wearing a Vest
or you got directly hit by the rocket

thats all on how to reduce your chance of dying...
Knowing the Vehicles...
and learning some tips

Thanks for taking your time to read this
this took 8 hours to make

Hope this helps you in ARMA 3
FriendlyFAC Nov 12, 2017 @ 5:21am 
There is so much bullshit in this guide. Also, please learn the difference between "your"and "you're"
Mogelix (AU) May 26, 2017 @ 8:21pm 
Actually, the best way to not die is to not get shot in the first place.

You also assume that everyone is trying to be a massive bulkering tank.
It can actually be beneficial for stamina conservation and lowering your overall profile.
Launchers are not a smart choice, especially when they weigh you down so much.

You also claim that boats are not a good choice, yet I cant help but disagree with you. I find it incredibly helpful for scouting teams, and their turrets can help take down fortified positions on the beach.

I feel like close combat it is not covered well, and there is alot more then just luck to it.

I am a firm believer that everything has a use in certain situations. There are no "Better" weapons, just weapons for different situations.
duster Dec 26, 2016 @ 7:18am 
thanks for this awesome guide
Desertedcake Dec 19, 2016 @ 5:08pm 
dont want to read a long guide? theres a simplier method! Right click then left click
depravity Jul 28, 2016 @ 12:38pm 
Great Guide!
ManagerTricky Sep 2, 2015 @ 11:20am 
@Lietuvis, ACE3 is for milsim, Arma was made to support mods like this so people can mod and play it how they want to. ACE3 is nice, but its not for everyone.
SemihH Sep 1, 2015 @ 2:55pm 
Sergih123 Aug 30, 2015 @ 4:37am 
Greenranger Aug 30, 2015 @ 4:29am 
Great guide!!!:steamhappy:
Algis_Alphonse Aug 29, 2015 @ 11:36am 
Exile, Wasteland Altis Life. Those are the things killing ArmA. Vannila/ACE3 Tactical or you are not playing ArmA.