Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

378 人が評価
ゲームモード: アリーナ
7.475 MB
2015年6月2日 19時42分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


Arena map set on a floating island, fun for all classes.
Made original for the tf2maps 72hour mapping contest.
38 件のコメント
Aric 2022年12月18日 3時52分 
half life xen but japanese
Xanathar 2022年9月7日 14時43分 
Very cool map and a nice change of pace
SloppySausage 2021年3月13日 16時04分 
Toughest Gun In The West 2020年12月8日 21時56分 
@PJWrox Gonna assume you found it yourself since you never asked again but you can just search the map name in 440 and it'll find it in there.
PjWrox 2017年7月22日 0時10分 
What's the file name for this? And where is it located, exactly? I'd like to port this into Gmod for me to play with (Not actually upload to workshop; I don't know how, and I would ask your permission if I did)
Aeropinz 2017年2月1日 18時07分 
This map would be heaven for those Pyros who spam M2 more then they spam M1
Nick  2016年12月11日 15時42分 
Got the map in our mapcycle if you want to play it :)
Crunchie 2016年9月19日 16時16分 
I noticed that some textures were taken from suijin
Zeusington 2016年8月3日 9時24分 
I feel like the map would be better if it were scaled up horizontally, but not vertically. Jump heights were obviously carefully considered, but this map is just too damn small.
Wilmont 2016年7月21日 1時46分 
I've been looking at all of your maps and they are GREAT! You have a map-making gift!