Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1,029 ratings
V- Crematorium -V
File Size
4.839 MB
May 14, 2015 @ 2:24am
Oct 16, 2015 @ 2:04am
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V- Crematorium -V

The Crematorium : Inspired by the Victorian era, the roof "glas" rather something modern.
The building is more expensive, but you get more service.

Triangels : 2.666 - 544 "AFTER DARK - optimized"

Cost: 37000
Maintenance: 960 per week
Fire Hazard: 1
Fire Toleranz: 20
Garbage Accumultaion: 4
Electic consum: 25
Sewage: 8
Water: 12
EducatedWorkers: 14
HiglyEducatedWorker: 6
UnEducatedWorkers: 12
WellEducatedWorker: 9
Burial Rate: 52
Corpse Capacity: 120
Deathcare Accu: 55
Deathcare Radius: 1000
Grave Count: 0
Hearse Count: 14

the pictures made with (realLUT from BlaXta) "Colorcorretion" mod

for the ground fix pls, use the Terraform Tool 0.8 from "rollo" :

a litte instructions for the work with the TT 0.8 ^^:

0. Terrarforming cost money, watch it. Test it out !
1 .---Numpad--- Plus / Minus is the brush size. Make a good big size for a brush "not to big".
2. To become the height of the ground that you will > right mouse click on the ground, hold it and push the left mouse too and brush the ground. This way you copy the height to the other ground & and its flat.

After a litte testing, it is easy.

<flatten> watch on the pic^^ it is green marked.

thanks a lot ,and best regards