Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas

340 ratings
100% Achievement Guide
By Robin
A complete guide to all of the achievements in Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas.
This is a complete guide to all of the game’s achievements. It’s mostly written from memory after I completed all of the achievements myself, which means there might be some minor errors or suboptimal strategies. If you know of a better way to complete an achievement, please leave a comment and I'll consider featuring it in the guide.

There are no missable achievements; they can all be completed after finishing the story.
The following achievements are all earned by simply playing through the main story.

Not Far from Tree
Get father's sword and shield

Defeat the Cepedes of Abandoned Mines

Making Friends
Release the Direfolk's prisoner

Fabled Gardener
Lift the curse from the Forest Shrine

Town Sheriff
Protect the Peace in Tikarel

Honey Man
Find out what happened to Honey Man

Frutti di Terra
Ship an item to another island

Champion from Below
Clear the entrance to Grand Core
During the game you’ll collect experience from enemies and challenges. The maximum level is 16, for which you’ll need 10,000 XP. Unless you’ve skipped a large portion of the enemies during your playthrough, you should reach level 16 as you perform all the challenges.

Reach 'Traveler' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Wayfarer' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Pilgrim' Adventurer Level

Rookie Adventurer
Reach 'Rookie Adventurer' Level

Reach the 'Adventurer' Level

Reach 'Pathfinder' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Spellbinder' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Explorer' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Voyager' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Vanguard' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Centurion' Adventurer Level

Knight of Arcadia
Reach 'Knight of Arcadia' Level

Reach 'Master' Adventurer Level

Reach 'Archmage' Adventurer Level

Reach the highest Adventurer Level
This section contains the majority of the achievements and are directly linked to in-game challenges. Each island contains three challenges, although the challenges may in fact be completed on any island, not just the one where it is presented.

Pocket Money
Collect your first 25 coins
Coins are occasionally dropped when killing enemies, smashing jars or cutting down tall grass. Make sure to pick them up.

Smart Guy
Read at least 10 signs
There are lots of signs in the early parts of the game. Unless you actively ignore them, this should come automatically pretty early on.

Fire Walk with Me
Melt objects 15 times using Fire Spell
You’ll most likely get this in the castle on Gillfolk’s Drop without even trying. If not, go back there and melt some of the icicles.

Swim 500 meters
The best place for this would be inside the cave on Gillfolk’s Drop, on the way to their castle. The water there doesn’t drain your stamina.

First Piece
Find your first Piece of Heart
Once you get the Master Key on Hermit’s Island, go into the Hermit’s house and open the chest.

Rusty's Treasure
Use your wits to reveal the hidden treasure
Rusty is the statue on Bomb Island. Push it to reveal the treasure.

Tough as a Boot
Break a crate with Trencher Boots
The Trencher Boots make you roll when you’re not standing by a crossable ledge, Simply roll into a cracked wooden crate to break it. These crates are found all over the place, but Riptide Reef is the most obvious place to find them. (See “Blockbuster”)

Crimson Collector
Collect Bloodstones from all over the world
There are 55 Bloodstones around the world, requiring various equipment to be reached. Once found, use your sword to break it. See the the Oceanhorn wiki[oceanhorn.wikia.com] for a full list.

Down for Swimming
Drown an enemy by getting it into the water
On Island of Whispers, there's a spiked ball on the shore next to your boat. Use your shield to push it down into the water to unlock this achievement. (Thanks to MountieXXL)

Visit all islands of Uncharted Seas
Most of the islands are story related and you will have to visit them all to finish the rest of the achievements. To unlock the islands, make sure to interact with people and objects you find during your adventures. Some of the easiest to miss are discovered through messages in bottles found on shores, through the telescopes on Sky Island and from the book that the Scholar in Tikarel talks about.

Encyclopedia Monstrum
Defeat every kind of monster in the game
All but one monster is pretty much guaranteed to have been killed at least once throughout the game. That one exception is the spiked ball that lies around and does nothing. Throw a bomb at it and it’ll explode, giving you the kill. There's one on the shore by the boat when arriving on Island of Whispers. (See "Down for Swimming")

Kill 50 Spawn
Spawn are the mechanical, four-legged enemies that are first encountered before leaving Hermit’s Island. These kills can be farmed on Arcadian Ruins or during the boss battle there.

Destroy 100 wooden crates
On Riptide Reef there are six wooden crates in a resettable puzzle (the one with the statues). Bomb them, reset and repeat until the achievement unlocks.

Collect 8 heart containers
To get eight heart containers you'll need to collect four hearts, which happens to be of all the hearts on the original islands (i.e. excluding Island of Whispers). For a list of these, see the Oceanhorn wiki[oceanhorn.wikia.com]. There are also four extra heart pieces to be found on Island of Whispers, though these are not required.

Kill an enemy with a laser beam
Once you get the Shield of Chronos you can reflect laser beams from the stationary laser turret traps. There’s one on Sky Island where there’s usually a bird around. Bait the bird into position, wait for the laser trap to spot you and then block with the shield to deflect the beam onto the bird.

Study the Arcadian History
When arriving on Sky Island you’ll eventually talk to Grandmaster Ludwig. After that, talk to the scholars and read the books inside Ludwig’s house.

Hat Trick
Kill three enemies with a single sword blow
The Cepedes is the ideal enemy for this, as they are literally three enemies grouped together. Cepedes can be found in several places, but the most accessible one I've found is the one at the beginning of Graveyard Island (southwest of the boat). To attack multiple enemies at once you have to use the skill attack. (See “Secret Sword Art”)

Train Wreck
Kill an enemy by pushing a crate
This is easily done on Southwind Isle during the puzzle in the room where you help the guy with the honey. There’s a beetle behind one of the blocks. Just push it a few steps forward and the beetle will die.

Still Going
Smash 50 skeletons to pieces
Skeletons can be found in lots of places. I would recommend Graveyard Island.

Bounce an enemy with a shield 10 times
Make 10 timed blocks, i.e. raise your shield just before being hit. (Thanks to Rmxa)
This can be done easily by cornering the skeleton at the start of Riptide Reef.

Ceramic Killer
Kill an enemy with a jar
This one can be done on Hermit’s Island, northeast of the Hermit’s house. Simply throw the two jars on the beetle.

Secret Sword Art
Try the skill attack for the first time
The skill attack is performed by holding down the attack button for a while and then releasing it.

Bomber Archeologist
Use bombs to break walls 10 times
This will come automatically as there are plenty of walls to break throughout the story and while gathering the various collectibles.

Hard Worker
Move crates and other objects 100 times
This will probably unlock automatically though normal gameplay. If not, then the puzzle on Southwind Isle (where you get the honey) is one possible location for farming it.

Hey, Big Spender!
Spend 2 000 coins in the shop
This is accumulative throughout the game, so you don’t have to spend 2,000 coins at once. The heart costs 1,000 and the collectibles radar costs 500, leaving you 500 to spend on supplies. I ended up having thousands of extra gold at the end, so this shouldn't be a problem.

Wield the power of all 5 spells
The five spells are Force, Fire, Ice, Cure and Triloth. The Force and Fire spells are unlocked through story progression. The Ice spell is found in Old Fortress, the Care spell is found on Graveyard Island and the Triloth spell is rewarded by the Gillfolk on Tikarel for collecting 40 Bloodstones.

Old Enemy
Retire 100 Direfolk
Direfolk are the small blueish trolls/goblins found primarily in Withered Lands and Old Fortress.

Fast Blade
Perform 10 successful combo attacks
I’m not sure what’s required for this one, but I assume it to be 10 consecutive hits. If anyone has a clear explanation for it, please leave a comment.

Sticky Finger
Collect 1000 coins
See “Pocket Money”.

Shish Kebab
Kill an enemy with a burning arrow
Shoot an arrow through an open flame to set it on fire. This can be done in the first room to the right in Old Fortress. Have the Direfolk from the previous room follow you and shoot him through the open flames.
These achievements are all earned through fishing. Fishing is a side activity that is unlocked upon receiving the fishing rod. The fishing rod is given as a gift to the player by a citizen of Tikarel through normal story progression (after saving the town from the Dark Disciple).

Catch Sol Fish
Catch your first Sol Fish
A very common fish. It can be caught anywhere. I caught my first one in Tikarel.

Catch Blue Fin
Catch your first Blue Fin
A common fish. It can be caught in several places. I caught lots on Sandbar.

Catch Fireback
Catch your first Fireback
This seems to be the most rare fish. It can apparently be caught anywhere, though I caught mine on Sandbar. It jumps noticeably more than any other fish.

Catch Arcadian Pike
Catch your first Arcadian Pike
An uncommon fish. It can apparently be caught anywhere. I caught mine on Sky Island.

Catch Goliath
Catch your first Goliath
Found at Riptide Reef.
Can also be caught on Southwind Isle. (Thanks to Wesley for the tip.)

Catch Ghost Fish
Catch your first Ghost Fish
Found at Graveyard Island. The controls are inverted when catching this one, so be prepared for that.

Catch Botfish
Catch your first Botfish
Found at Arcadian Ruins. It is the most challenging one to catch as it electrocutes you during the struggle. Make sure your health is full before trying. Having all of the heart pieces will help a lot. If you’re having problems doing this with a controller, try using the mouse.
If you fail and need more health, get on your boat and start sailing to Tikarel. Destroy all the crates in the water to get health. Bring up your map before reaching Tikarel and change course back to Arcadian Ruins in order to avoid landing.
Island of Whispers
The Island of Whispers is an island that was added to the game after the original release. The achievements below are related only to the content on this island. To discover this island, read the book that the Scholar in Tikarel talks about. The book is on the lightpost between the houses behind the scholar. Blow up the lightpost to reach it.

Collect 10 Cursed Skulls
Most of the skulls are easy to find while exploring the island, but some are a bit tricky. The skulls are listed below, in no particular order.
  1. On the ground just inside the town gates.
  2. On a ledge in the cave/dungeon close to the boat that can be entered using the Trencher Boots.
  3. On the mountain ledge north of town. Place a bomb in the northern-most corner of this area to reveal a set of stairs.
  4. Below the left-most statue north-west of town.
  5. In a crate on a small piece of land in the water next to the Direfolk archer close to #4. Use your Trencher Boots to get there.
  6. On a platform above the canals. Swim into the canals before emptying it on water (or refill it if it’s already been drained) and swim up to the staircase to reach it.
  7. In a chest on the bottom of the canals. Drain the water to reach it.
  8. On a pillar in the cave with an iron gate. The cave can be found southwest of the canal area.
  9. On the small platform where you exit after defeating the Creation No. 2.
  10. On a small platform in the ocean to the southwest. Go to the southern corner of the ledge around the canals (just south of #7), throw a bomb to open up a path and then use the Trencher Boots to make your way over to the platform where you’ll find the skull.

Sleeping Giant
Beat the Creation No. 2
This is the main objective on Island of Whispers. Creation No. 2 is in the cave under the canals. To enter, you have to drain the canals of water by switching a lever on a nearby ledge.

Secret Passage
Swim to Canals
The canals can be entered by swimming from the body of water just north of town through a tunnel on the left side.
geometriclily Dec 8, 2023 @ 4:02am 
nubiamyau292 Nov 6, 2023 @ 10:44am 
O meu jogo fecha nao to conseguindo jogar e gosto muito deste jogo o que faco
Clockwork Terminator Aug 9, 2022 @ 6:13pm 
You can get the "Blast'em!" achievement by attracting some birds down by the laser on sky island then kiting them around the laser (which will also target you) and then just let the birds get hit on their own, no Shield of Chronos needed. I just did it (granted I have the SoC but I killed them by accident with the kiting method since my stamina would drop to low to use the shield).
kwebstere4j Jan 9, 2020 @ 1:59pm 
How do you get all seven spells ? Yes that's right there are seven spells because there are seven slots ! Are the last two in a tower on or under Arcadia Island ?
TGCLONGFORD Feb 27, 2019 @ 3:04pm 
hi folks, does anyone know what the release date is yet for Oceanhorn 2 by any chance? xoxo Tania
Andy Feb 6, 2018 @ 3:19pm 
Thank you for the guide, brother.
MakoSipper Dec 16, 2017 @ 6:50pm 
Just FYI:
I got tons of Firebacks at Southwind Isle. That's where I found my only Goliath.
Found an Arcadian Pike at Gillfolk's Drop.
GuyInDogSuit Jan 27, 2017 @ 3:13pm 
PocketGamer has a decent guide on getting through Island of Whispers, with all skulls. Missing two heart pieces, though.
GuyInDogSuit Jan 27, 2017 @ 1:35pm 
Is it just me, or is Steam acting retarded today? I can't view my achievements.
PunkSteve Oct 18, 2016 @ 3:13pm 
Cool, got it thanks. :ss13ok::cybereye: