Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Support Class Handbook
由 Michael 制作
This is a nifty guide of all the tips and tricks i've gathered in forums or in-game for the Support Class in KF2. Drop a rating, or a comment on what I should add on.
Work In Progress
published by accident, minor parts are subject to change, and expect updates on the guide
Support is a class that deals most of the damage.
It isn't the easiest, neither is it the hardest class to play, in fact, I'd think Commando and Berzerk is easier. But that's my opinion.
You'll definitely need to be able to survive, being the only one that deals the most raw damage in the game with no resistances.
You should also be saving your teammates from hordes of ZEDs
Pre-Game Knowledge
General Information

  • The Support Specialist is the class with the highest DPS in-game out of the first batch.
  • Must be able to utilise damage and conserve weapons and munitions.
  • Best, and can only gain exp (stock excluded), with shotguns
  • Have free weight? Buy a medic pistol. Medics aren't the only ones that use middle click to shoot healing darts.(More info down below)
  • Capable of cleaning out hoards of trash/minor zeds without any challenge.
  • Higher DPS = Most Kills
Recommended perk level/difficulty
1-10 / Normal
8-20 / Hard
20-25 / Suicidal
25 / Hell on Earth (HOE)
Here's a nice table for the Support Class' Stats and Skills
Basic stats
Every level
+2% Welding Efficiency
+1% Shotgun Damage
+25% Shotgun Penetration
+2% Grenade Damage
Level 5
Ammo or Supplier
Level 10
Fortitude or Regeneration
Level 15
Bombard or Tactical Reload
Level 20
Strength or Tenacity
Level 25
ZED TIME: Safeguard or ZED TIME: Barrage
Penetration and damage for low level Supports are not good for high level ZEDS. Try to rank up first before going to the harder difficulties

Now that we've gone through that, lets go more in-depth.


Either you get more ammo, or you supply ammo.
  • Supports should always take Supply, since the survival of your teammates is your priority.


    Either you get more health, or health regeneration
  • Take Regeneration if there's no medic, or the medic just sucks
  • Take Fortitude if you have a good medic

    Weapon Handling

  • Faster reload should be your obvious choice, stumble can be already done by the zerks or the medics


  • Dont bother with the weapon space just get Tenacity

    Advanced Training

  • Use Safeguard for the earlier rounds (Rounds 3-4 Medium or 4-5 Long), and then switch to Bombard for the last rounds.
  • This way, you can efficiently survive for the first few rounds, and be able to deal more damage for the later rounds.
Weapons & Waves
Here, we will go through the weapons and the order in which you should use them effectively for each round.
Order 1

Weapons not used
Benelli M4

  • Firstly, if you buy this, there wont be enough space for the AA12 unless you're taking up the perk that allows you to carry an extra 5kg, which isnt worth it.
  • Has a long reload time.
  • Don't let the sight fool you, it's not that accurate.
  • Not enough damage, since the boomstick shoots more pellets (5 more) than the M4
  • The Boomstick is a better gun (Explained later)
    Early Rounds 1-3/1-4 (Normal/Long)
    Pistol & Grenades


    To start off the round, you begin with two grenades, a machete, stock pistol, and a SG500 Pump-Action.

    Usually for this part, your main objective is to get more Dosh for later rounds, scavenge for ammo and armour drops near the end of the round, and protect your teammates. Try not to go out alone too much unless you're confident with your aim

    • Stock weapon for every class. Unsellable.
    • Great for headshots during the early rounds.
      Fragmentation Grenades
    • This is the grenade with the most damage in-game
    • Releases shrapnel, that deals small amount of damage. Best if thrown into hoards.
    • Try to save it for Flesh Pounds, Scrakes, or large hoards (5-10) of Minor ZEDs
    • Great for far range combat, and is slightly more accurate than the pistol.
    • This gun is pretty good for far ranged combat, so try to take out as many ZEDs as you can far away, before they can get any closer to you.
    • Sells for about 100D

      Round 1/1-2 (Normal/Long)
      For the first round, you should be using your pistol for clean headshots, and punching them for a confirmed kill
    • Try not to use your pump shotgun that much, you'll need it more for round 2-3.
    • Try to keep a safe distance from clots or any other minor zeds when you get armour, you won't want to spend more dosh on it.

      Round 2-3/3-4 (Normal/Long)
      Same as the first round, but you can use the shotgun now to kill off bloats and the sort.
    • Always get headshot for bloats and sirens. This would prevent them from using their abilities
    • Try to get near and get a clean headshot, backing off as soon as you can after you blow their heads off.
    • Group up enemies and finish them up with the shotgun. It's a huge waste to just whack off a lone clot with one shell, when you can take 4 more with it.
    • Weld some doors, this can prevent hoards from overcoming you and your teammates.
    • Finish off any leftover Minor ZEDS with your pistol during Round 2/3(Normal/Long), and kill them off with the SG500 for Round 3/4(Normal/Long).

    Mid-game Rounds 3-5/4-7(Normal/Long)

    I'm the guy with the gun

    This is what you're saving up for. If you can't afford it, sell off the SG500 for it and buy the SG500 again later. This puppy is worth it.
      Why this and not the M4 Combat Shotgun?
    • The M4 is just an upgraded SG500, and since you already have one for the Minor ZEDS, why upgrade it? It's like buying useless DLC.
    • M4 isn't that useful when you get to mid game, and you need the faster reload time, and ammo capacity, since Minor ZEDS will rush you, and probably corner you out.
    • It's lighter and has more space for the AA12.
    • The boomstick does a lot of damage, this is why you're getting it. You'll be the one that should be blowing the heads off for Scrakes and Flesh Pounds.
      If you cant buy it, you can always ask for some Dosh

      Let's compare their stats
      Stats for Benelli M4

      • Cost £1100
      • Weight 8
      • Ammo capacity 42
      • Magazine capacity 6
      • Damage 25
      • Accuracy 7
      • Penetration 2
      • Fire Rate 266
      • Reload time 5 sec.

        Stats for Boomstick

      • Cost £650
      • Weight 4
      • Ammo capacity 46
      • Magazine capacity 2
      • Damage 25
      • Accuracy 2
      • Penetration 2
      • Fire Rate 240
      • Reload time <2 sec

        As you can see, the Benelli might have a higher fire rate, but it takes a longer time to reload, while the Boomstick has more ammo, costs less and takes up half the space the Benelli would.
        This can allow the AA12 to be kept in the later rounds.

    • Mouse 1 is for a single buck shot, Mouse 3 is for the recoil-induced double discharge buckshot.
    • The double buckshot is so strong, that it can push the player back a few steps. Use this to your advantage.
    • Has enough ammo for a good round and a half
    • Sells for $200(?)
    • Great damage output.
    • Has nice engravings.

      Rounds 3-5/4-7(Normal/Long)
    • Scrakes and Flesh Pounds start spawning, get ready for them.
    • Big ZEDs can stagger from the double buckshot, so use it effectively.
    • Use the alt-fire of the Boomstick to clear off Sirens or Husk, or get distance between you and a Scrake or a Flesh Pound
    • Make sure you effectively get headshots on Scrakes/Flesh Pounds. Remember, conserve ammo.
    • Stick with your team, it's not good to be alone with a Scrake chasing you.
    • If a Scrake or a Fleshpound does chase you, do NOT enrage it alone, make it chase you around and deal with it with your team.
    • Don't forget to clean off Minor ZEDs with the SG500/Pistol.
    • Remember not to use your Boomstick all the time, there's a reason why you're keeping the SG500.

      Late-game Rounds 5-7/7-10 (Normal/Long)


      Sublime, Divine

      Sell off the SG500, you'll need extra space for the AA12's weight
      The bread and butter of the Support Class.
      This fully automatic shotgun can help you through the last few waves, with ease.
      Things get slightly serious now, so make sure you buckle up and get ready for more Scrakes and Flesh Pounds.


    • Mouse 3 switches it from manual fire to auto fire.
    • Very powerful and high recoil, make sure you try to steady its aim.
    • Takes only 1 mag to clear off a Flesh Pound easily
    • Highest damage output

      Late-game Rounds 5-7/7-10 (Normal/Long)
    • Do not stray off from your team, at least try and stick with the medic.
    • Use the AA12 for Scrakes/Fleshpounds, Boomstick for the rest
    • Keep on healing, and be more compulsive with your reloading whenever you can.
Medic Pistol
This weapon was not included in the "Weapons & Waves", as it isn't part of the Support Class weaponry, and that you're mainly using it to top off teammates.

The Medic Pistol

Stand still! I'm trying to heal you!

  • Ability to heal teammates with Mouse 3. You only get two shots, and regeneration for the healing bolts take time, so use it wisely.
  • Takes up only 1 weight.
  • This weapon should be a last resort if you want to use it for damage/clean ups.
  • Slightly higher damage than the regular pistol.
  • Has a dot sight.
  • Run faster with it.

    Why buy it?
    Healing Darts
  • Able to assist teammates when running away from enemies.
  • Top off teammates, full health is always good.
  • If you miss once, you still have a second shot.
  • Promotes team awareness and co-operation, as it provides you with an objective to help your teammates.
  • It makes a huge difference when the whole team is looking out for each other and not relying in one medic's cooldown and auto-heal.

    20 Damage
  • Slightly higher than the stock pistol's, which makes it more efficient for killing.
  • Good for killing off lone clots or other minor ZEDs.
  • Higher accuracy combined with a sight, better alternative to the stock pistol.
Killing Hans Volter
Hans Volter

Really ugly looking german cyborg that doesnt take showers.
    Health Indication
  • Green - Full health/Near full health
  • Orange/Red - Medium health
  • Red - Low health
  • Red with Sparks - Very low health
  • Lifesteal Grab - Throws smoke grenades around a certain area, and rushes at your teammates to lifesteal you. Invincible when he grabs you. Only able to do it three times, after the third time, he has no more damage reduction from your team, so let him drain first.
  • Nerve Gas - AoE Grenade that does damage overtime. Has a red flare when thrown, so its easy to spot out. Hans would say "Im going to try out my new nerve gas on you!" before launching them out, so be attentive when fighting him.
  • Bombardment - Throws grenades targeted at one person. Grenades can damage Hans himself.
  • Berserk - Charges at a teammate and does heavy melee damage.

  • Dual-wielding STG-44's
  • Heavy meelee weapons
    Team Strategy
    Real easy to defeat if your team knows what they're up against
  • Since you can't damage him when he's lifestealing, it's best to heal the guy that's being grabbed. You can even walk up to the grabbed victim and hit him with the needle if you dont have a medic pistol.
  • Fight him in a big open space with alot of cover. His rifles chip through health real quick.
  • Avoid grenades, not too hard to do unless you get yourself cornered. Running towards Hans actually works nicely. Some people run away from him only to walk into a grenade he threw just as they turned.
    What you're going to do
  • After the third grab, go all out on him.
  • You've got enough pure damage to finish him off with your AA12 when he's Red with Sparks.
  • When he's throwing grenades, he stands still for a good 3-5 seconds, take advantage of this.

    You can use your AA12 to clear out the clots that randomly spawn, you have to help your teammates who are focusing their ammo mostly on Hans. Line them up for easy headshot penetration.


Before you start playing, you obviously want to look the sort.
I usually go with taxi skully, with either Scullyphones or Scullycap but really its up to you for your preferences.
To cater to new players and the sort, a crosshair is introduced in the settings for new players.

The Matriarch
This boss has not been released yet.
67 条留言
Shiro 2021 年 10 月 12 日 下午 10:51 
It's sad this guide is soo obsolette
OddBall 2018 年 12 月 22 日 下午 3:44 
m4 is better than both the db and aa12 now
Lemming Jesus 2017 年 8 月 23 日 上午 3:11 
This guide is outdated trash.
ChaoticNote 2017 年 2 月 18 日 上午 4:10 
Still outdated. Perks got switched around.
Baj 2016 年 10 月 2 日 上午 2:13 
Yep. outdated
FAB 2016 年 9 月 2 日 下午 4:57 
outdated there is no regen anymore!
Michael  [作者] 2016 年 8 月 19 日 下午 9:23 
@Tecnologgamer I think penetration is through armor and piercing is through Zeds but really I haven't played this game in months.
Tecnologgamer 2016 年 8 月 19 日 下午 2:24 
I had a question about Support penetration power. The penetration power is through Zeds or through Zed defense?
Snack Harlow 2016 年 4 月 26 日 下午 7:38 
This guide is outdated, do not use unless it is updated.
Aya 2016 年 1 月 4 日 下午 3:10 
Support isn't exactly made of mags, and the AA-12 is his only weapon with detachable magazine. Wouldn't the extra 5 weight blocks help him carry a commando weapon for trash?