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Obscure Game mechanics you are probably not aware of. [Video Guide](v205)
By AveryBlue
This is a video guide where I will show you game mechanics which are probably unintentional that have the potential to impact the game in a big way. This is as much as a guide for the player as it is a way for me to make the devs aware of certain facets of their game to better help them construct their vision of it
0:00-0:26 Being stuck in ADS while Reloading after firing ADS

As of V208, this has been patched out.

ADS is short for Aim Down Sights. It's what you are doing when you zoom in the shoot someone far away.
As of v200 you are forced to reload while ADS after you shoot a round of in ADS.
  • You zoom in on your rifle to shoot at someone
  • You shoot a round off and maybe kill someone
  • If you use auto-bolting (Manual Bolting is not checked in the options) then you are forced to reload while you are still zoomed in.
This means,
  • If you fire while ADS, you are forced to stay zoomed while you wait to reload
  • Your look speed while zoom is probably really low so you are stuck with very slow look speed for about a second and a half meaning you cant turn away very quickly, maybe to run away or escape fire?
  • Your movement speed is drastically reduced which means if you fire while away from cover you are forced to become a sitting duck for 1.5 seconds while you wait for your gun to reload.
I do not think this is intentional due to the fact that you can negate this effect by enabling manual bolting.
This slows down combat and makes movement clunky which is BAD for action games.
0:28-0:40 Shortening the reload on stripper clips
The game adds the ammo into your magazine about a second and some before your reload animation ends when using stripper clips. You can shorten your overall reload speed by using melee to cancel the reload animation right after you see the number which indicates ammo in the rifle jump up five. You still need to rebolt your gun before you fire though, do this by left clicking once.
0:41-0:50 Bolting while change to and from Prone
This segment of the video is basically to show how ineffective the current system is which prevents dropshotting. The current system has a tiny window between crouch and prone which disables shooting but not bolting. A better system would be a tiny window which disables both actions.
The current bolting system is also flawed. The way it seems to work is that it runs a one time check to make sure that no unauthorized actions are being performed (like sprinting and Proning). Then if that comes back as true the game instantneously loads a bullet into the chamber and THEN plays the bolting animation. It is because of this that the bolting animation can be skipped by sprinting or changing positions right after you hear the first audio cue (the first sound of the bolting animation).
0:51-1:00 Canceling the Zoom in Animation by sprinting and crouching
This is not so useful in close range or if you inherently accurate (accuracy is generated at the very begininng of the zoom in animation) but can be practical in certain long range situation (like a long trench or trying to get a shot off fast in no mans land).
  • To perform, Start sprinting
  • Immediately stop sprinting and hit crouch.
  • After crouching, quickly hit zoom and it should work
1:01-1:17 Introduction to crouch gliding
You can no longer do this straight from sprint but if you sprint out of a prone position so that you go back to prone when you stop sprinting this can still be performed.
This works because of how the game physics are set up to work. When you are in the air and you crouch or prone you will immediately start your downward descent at terminal velocity while keeping your forward momentum. By using this correctly you can create angles of descent which will "glide" you right over peaks in the map. The reason diving works is because when you glide correctly the game detects the ground close under you, even though you are technically in the air, and allows you to move into the prone position mid-glide.
1:18-1:36 Gliding in application
Can you see how this could be pragmatic to avoid enemy fire?
1:37-2:26 Speed and Stamina consumption comparision between normal Travel and Gliding
The current build does not penalize your stamina when you jump into the air. It actually does the opposite, It regens your stamina while you are in the air as long as you are not holding down sprint while you are in the air.
Closing Thoughts
Thanks for Reading. Feel free to leave feedback and discuss in the comments. Also, if for some reason any of these are patched out and I don't remove them after a week or two just leave me a comment and I will delete them.
allenmaher Apr 16, 2015 @ 8:16pm 
all of these need to be patched out, especially crouch gliding and subverting reload/aim animations.
jerry hsu Apr 11, 2015 @ 1:27pm 
crouch gliding gonna make verdun the next tribes ascend
Linktwo Apr 10, 2015 @ 10:14am 
I really have a reason to cancle reload with mele... when an enemy is next to me I have to kill him... or he will kill me D:
AveryBlue  [author] Apr 8, 2015 @ 11:11pm 
mckenzie boyd-clowes Apr 8, 2015 @ 6:33am 
Good job!