Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

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Flag Commander 2.5 - REMASTERED - Single Player Campaign
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6 ABR 2015 a las 2:42 p. m.
28 JUL 2023 a las 12:31 p. m.
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Flag Commander 2.5 - REMASTERED - Single Player Campaign

En 1 colección creada por Rufus Shinra
Flag Commander
2 artículos
A total conversion mod for the Wing Commander universe taking place in the timeframe of Wing Commander III and IV. The mod is, as the original games, heavily centered around fighter and bomber warfare, while keeping a healthy importance to capital ships. Play as the Terran Confederation, the Union of Border Worlds, the Black Lance or the Kilrathi Empire, all with dozens of units and different gameplay. This is the working version of the mod for Homeworld Remastered compatible with the 2.1 version of the game. You can play both against the AI (of the vanilla factions only) in local or in multiplayer.
Unit guide available here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1177630694
SECRET MISSIONS 1 optional content available here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1177490387
Two new factions with a dozen ships each, for the Confederation and the Kilrathi of... Wing Commander I and II!
Latest update:
-- Final mission of the prologue single-player campaign.
-- Rework of the previous missions of the campaign with new backgrounds and character icons.
- a full single-player scenarized campaign designed to showcase the features of the game.
- automated convoy system spawning transport ships from a randomly-placed Jump Buoy (always 35 to 40 km away), bringing extra resources to your base. Defend your transports and raid enemy transports! Bounties highly recommended for the games.
- four factions from Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger and Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. The Terran Confederation, the Kilrathi Empire, the Black Lance and the Union of Border Worlds, all of them with their units and research.
- emphasis on carrier warfare, with powerful fighters yet unable to damage capital ships and bombers (corvettes) equipped with devastating anti-ship torpedoes.
- balance between offence and defence as torpedoes can be intercepted making a properly escorted fleet a very tough nut to crack.
- fuel management for strikecrafts (fighters and bombers). This feature, as far as I know, implemented for the first time ever in a Total Conversion for HW2/HWR, makes carriers critical to bombing ops, as all strikecrafts will have a limited range beyond which they will lose most of their speed and will go back to their carrier automatically. Now, hitting the enemy carrier is a very good tactic to neutralize an overwhelming strike force!
- carrier battle mode, with starting fleets limited to a single carrier and its battlegroup, forcing you to hunt the other one and try to break its defences before it does the same to you. Midway in space!
- hero fighters, unique upgraded fighters and bombers with named pilots from the original game, giving you the extra edge you need.
- ammunition management system.
Highlights of the new feature: bombers have a limited amount of anti-ship torpedoes which will be indicated in the unit icon next to the vanilla stats and as soon as they fired all their torpedoes, they automatically head back to a place where they can land to reload. To make sure the reload takes place correctly, select the option to keep the craft landed, as it might take a few seconds to reload. Launch the crafter after, with a shiny new torpedo. When the torpedo is reloaded, you can attack again.
Each bomber class has a different number of torpedoes, which is indicated in its description. The RTB (Return To Base) system is initially automatic, sending your bombers either to a close carrier if there is one or to a random one.
Thanks to goldfish_boy for reporting the bug which allowed me to achieve that very important milestone.
Thanks to Krnt and PulsarMagic for the improved fuel script.
In the future:
- More single-player missions. A second, larger, campaign is planned.
- Improvement in the game mechanics.
- Wing Commander Prophecy era ships (DefianceIndustries and others are working on a huge remastering of these ships).
Credits given to:
- czacen, for making the initial mod several years ago,
- the Wing Commander community, for being so supportive and making new models of the fighters and capital ships,
- the Blue Planet mod team and the Ancient-Shivan War team at www.hard-light.net(campaign) for the hyperspace animation used in this mod,
- DefianceIndustries for a large part of the Border Worlds and Black Lance ships
- the Wing Commander Saga team for their awesome models and textures of the Kilrathi fleet as well as the initial template for the new icons,
- the Phoenix Interactive mod team, for their support and advices on the art of HW2/HWRM modding. Merci, les gars !
- Krnt for his coding help,
- Klavs81 for some of his incredibly detailed models of old Wing Commander ships, now present in the game.
- Deathsnake for his model of the Tolmacy, imagined by NinjaLA and conceptualized by Howard Day, as well as the Gettysburg and the Crossbow.
- the 9CCN mod team for the excellent AI script, available here: http://www.moddb.com/games/homeworld-remastered/downloads/hwrm-custom-ai-script-v10#downloadsform
Mod initially created by Aaron 'czacen' Thomas who vanished half a dozen years ago after publishing this mod and allowing me to tinker with it and improve its gameplay and balance features. This is the definitive version, hosted by the Wing Commander CIC fansite www.wcnews.com, and uploaded to the workshop with their authorization.
Integration of the hyperspace animation used with authorization from the Blue Planet FreeSpace mod, hyperspace/subspace animation created by the Ancient-Shivan War team[www.hard-light.net]
Most WC3/4 HD Confederation and Kilrathi Empire ships' models and textures by the Wing Commander Saga Team[www.wcsaga.com], integrated with their authorization,
Additional map backgrounds from Wing Commander Saga.
Additional models/textures by Klavs81, Deathsnake and DefianceIndustries.
Mod initially created by Aaron 'czacen' Thomas who vanished half a dozen years ago after publishing this mod and allowing me to tinker with it and improve its gameplay and balance features. This is the definitive version, hosted by the Wing Commander CIC fansite www.wcnews.com, and uploaded to the workshop with their authorization.
Integration of the hyperspace animation used with authorization from the Blue Planet FreeSpace mod, hyperspace/subspace animation created by the Ancient-Shivan War team[www.hard-light.net]
Most WC3/4 HD Confederation and Kilrathi Empire ships' models and textures by the Wing Commander Saga Team[www.wcsaga.com], integrated with their authorization,
Additional map backgrounds from Wing Commander Saga.
Additional models/textures by Klavs81, Deathsnake and DefianceIndustries.
Discusiones populares Ver todo (13)
26 ENE 2022 a las 7:25 a. m.
Questions / Ideas / Bugs
30 DIC 2018 a las 6:09 a. m.
FIJO: General Failure at start-up? Here's the fix!
Rufus Shinra
4 JUN 2015 a las 12:03 p. m.
The Work In Progress thread
Rufus Shinra
1,797 comentarios
That unnervingly happy turtle. 18 SEP 2023 a las 7:50 p. m. 
Still valid, just remember that you still need to manually fix your mods since Gearbox refuse to fix the launcher
flashbackflip 18 SEP 2023 a las 3:34 p. m. 
is it still valid with the latest updates?

also - in any case - KUDOS, bro! the idea is just epic :hssblynx:
That unnervingly happy turtle. 7 AGO 2023 a las 12:23 p. m. 
Refer to the Pinned General Failure fix above, the launcher is likely corrupting the mod.
cc666phoenix 7 AGO 2023 a las 8:42 a. m. 
when starting up the game i keep getting a snowy screen then randomly get access violation
That unnervingly happy turtle. 6 JUL 2023 a las 12:39 p. m. 
You've hit the problem the HW launcher has with corrupting your mods when it first copies them from your main Steam directory. Follow the steps in the pinned discussion above the comment section.
JohnStar145 5 JUL 2023 a las 9:47 p. m. 
uhm, is there a way to fix the skirmish mode? cause I started a skirmish mode with Terran confederation WC I & II against random HW2 faction and it gives me an "Access Violation error"

Is there a way to fix this?
Rufus Shinra  [autor] 9 OCT 2022 a las 6:43 a. m. 
What kind of error do you have, and if it is a general failure one, check the relevant post.
Rufus Shinra  [autor] 2 SEP 2022 a las 11:15 p. m. 
Glad you enjoyed it, @IronDeath84.
IronDeath84 31 AGO 2022 a las 9:43 p. m. 
This is such a cool mod, I love it!
vrtsave #SAVETF2 26 JUL 2022 a las 9:09 a. m. 
ebat blyat cool mod